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Apr 10, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
So, as we know, every large African city has powerplants, skyscrapers, international airport that global airlines fly into.

Never seen a detailed explanation of how this all runs.

Who builds it? Who operates it?

Perhaps EU corporations, the Chinese?
Obviously this infrastructure *is not* a colonial legacy.

The Brit's didn't build modern jet ports and high rise Hiltons 80 years ago.

But probably not American either. You never hear anyone say "I saved up 400K during 5 years of air traffic control work in Lagos."
Mar 27, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Both my Dad's recollections and my reading suggest that "low trust" behavior was common in America before about the 50 and 60s.

Con men were a stock Old American character and mechanics would brutally cheat you if you broke down away from home, etc.

People were hardened. Image My Dad (94) remembers that people born in the 1800s were really "different."

Pre-WWII American could be a very hard, violent, and clannish place. Hyper-capitalist also.

The culture of niceness and broad social trust came in with the post war boom.
Mar 6, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The Holy Land is a profoundly Calcareous landscape.

There is a very strong link between the sites of ancient cities and deposits of white limestone and the associated lime soils.Image
Athens and Egypt are likewise built on top of limestone masses.
Mar 5, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The most valuable soils in the USA tend to be *high pH* in places with lots of water available.

Either via rainfall or irrigation.

The Corn Belt, the Southern Black Belt, the Kentucky Blue Grass, Western River Valleys are all examples.

Most of the East is too acid, farmers must lime.Image When Euros arrived in N. America, the soils they encountered were poorly drained, and acidic.

A huge forgotten story in Agriculture was the simultaneous spreading of tile drainage and liming.

Turned acidic bogs into free-draining, limey soils like SE England or France.Image
Mar 4, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
There may have been a lost proto-civilization in what is today the Great Basin of Nevada.

Massive rock carvings, dated to 10K+ before present, entirely different from modern Native American art.

Also "giant" skulls have been discovered nearby.


If we want to be daring, we might link the "scale" designs to the much later serpent depictions of meso-America. And we might link that circular design to the Disk of the Sun.
Jan 23, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Employment is Killing Us.

So I solved the "TFR Issue." It's comically simple. Jobs destroy fertility. That's it. Total W-2 employment hours per family correlate perfectly with reduced fertility.

Fertility hits bottom in the cohort most likely to have dual professional employment.

The work-earn-consume cycle itself is the problem. We are dying out by working too much to earn more money to put in new countertops, etc.

But the indigent and the leisured rich have about the same number of children. Material Living standards themselves make no difference either way. What matters is that neither group tends to have more than a single full time worker (if that) per family.

Even holds true internationally. As countries develop, Jobs are created, people enter the formal workforce. Fertility crashes. The only really high fertility countries are those so undeveloped that most people spend most of their lives unemployed, or in very irregular and informal work activities.

Considering that only "low employment" groups seem able to reproduce in the modern world, should our policy favor the most aggressive automation and job-elimination, so as to move more of our population into a "post-work" lifestyle?

At a minimum there must be the most aggressive incentives for widespread single earner households. Including tax policies that render a second full time job an absolute and clear financial net-negative.Image To put it another way, the "arms race" of positional status and competitive consumption is killing us.

To keep up with the Joneses and make the payments on ever more expensive status display items, we enter into a lifestyle where we are "tired" and children seem too much.
Oct 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Let's do some more Sheeponomics. What is the total enterprise investment of 12 ewes and 1 ram, assuming you don't intend to purchase much feed?

In my area, you would want perhaps 60 acres of grazing. If you were lucky, you might find that (already fenced and with well) for $50K. The sheep themselves would be worth at least $2,600. Throw in some incidentals like a minimal shelter, water tanks, etc. and we could say 60K.

If we were to buy this with financing, we would expect an annual payment of about $5,000. Plus incidental costs which always occur, let's say $2,000. So we are looking at $7,000 per year.

Flock would be expected to produce perhaps 15 lambs, if you sold these lambs at auction for $150 a piece you would get $2,250, for an annual operating lost of about $4,700. And if you eat the lambs, they are effectively costing you $400+ a piece.

However, if you already have 60K cash it looks a bit different. By taking the cash out of bonds and buying land+sheep, you do lose 3K a year in interest. But you are getting either $2,250 a year by selling lambs, or you are getting lamb to eat and recreation also.

In effect the sheep are somewhat contributing to the profitability of your land investment. Which you might well want to do anyway for speculation purposes.
Image The basic concept of this calculation holds fairly true no matter where you go.

In greener places, the land carried more sheep but very often costs more to buy so it's not always cheaper in the end.

Some northern places have green land that is cheap, but have standing snow that requires feeding all winter.

Some places are better than others but there are a lot of variables to it.

Southern Missouri or somewhere like that might be best, IDK.
Sep 19, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
We've talked about cheap meat. Let's talk about expensive meat.

Just got done processing a sheep, medium sized adult ewe that I raised.

Yielded 25lbs of boned, trimmed meat.

I have probably $100 of feed into it. Processing took about 6 hours x $20 per hour = $120.

So my "break even" on that 25 pounds of meat is $220. About $9 a pound. And that doesn't count packing material, electricity for freezers, other costs of raising sheep, etc.

If I was selling it direct to you, I would have to charge at least $20 a pound to even make it worthwhile doing.

Under a true free market, without government subsidies or factory farming, meat would *start* at $10 a pound for the worst ground beef and would go up from there.

If you think you can produce boned/trimmed lamb for less than about $4 a pound (not including any labor) you are most likely wrong.

If you buy lambs for $100 in the spring, graze them on your lawn for free, and butcher them yourself in fall, meat still is ~$4 per pound.

Or if you own ewes, your total cash inputs into those ewes will come out to some thing like $100 per finished lamb, which brings you right back to $4 a pound for packaged meat ready to cook.
Sep 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In America, the Altaic/Uralic, the Native American, and the Indo-European branches meet each other again.

The New American people will be a recreation of the original Baikal stock.

Barbaric, fed on beef.

Disregarding the old civilization. Just as the "wheat field" was the icon of the old european civilization, cattle and the cattle drive must be the iconic myth of the new American civilization.
Aug 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
There is an ideology so common it may not yet have a name; let's call it "1st Worldism."

The belief that the values and lifestyles of the secular 1st world are good, and should be preserved.

Geert Wilders is a RW version of this. But others are Center-Left.

Suburbanism is another version of this; the desire for a secular or lightly-Christian, car centered existence with high comforts and consumption. Differing degrees of 1st Worldism are often what drives arguments and debates on here.

There are many who are superficially on the same side, but have drastically different views regarding the value and future of current 1st world ways of living.

Rightists with a very "1st world" orientation tend to be extremely hostile to Islam, while Rightists who are 1st world skeptics often see Islam as at least a tentative ally against decadent and secular ways of living.
Apr 24, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Failure to adjust for population age structure is a sloppy practice you see a lot in "HBD" type statistics.

The most common age of white Americans is 58. For Blacks this figure is 27.

Even if they were otherwise identically, the younger population will have *much* more… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Same goes for cross national comparisons.

You will see people comparing nations where the median age is 50+ with places where most of the population are still teenagers, with no age adjustment.

Do you imagine an 18 year old man acts like a late middle aged one?
Apr 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm not sure what the solution is but this situation probably just doesn't "work" psychologically.

The young swain is supposed to be mad with ardor, his advances repelled by the virtue of the maiden and/or the violence of her father and brothers.

It's all backwards. Young women were carefully chaperoned for a reason.

Bride stealing, bride guarding, supervised courting . . . it all assumes young guys had that dog in them and would do the obvious if given a few minutes alone.
Apr 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
"We can't build infrastructure anymore!"

Odd how we were able to massively increase passenger flights, air freight and shipping volumes after 2000.

If you didn't know better, you would think that the world recently got really good at building transport infrastructure. ImageImage And the biggest and most powerful rocket in history took its first test this week.

Lot of people are real confident in calling the "top" to this growth process in the near future.

Don't be so sure.
Apr 22, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Austin is a place where people move *because* it's expensive.

Being able to buy-in is a form of social proof, like getting into a good country club. Winner's circle.

The Jobs there are mostly a *result* of it becoming hip and exclusive via some odd memetic process. "Jobs" simply follow people.

There were no "jobs" in the desert of Southern Nevada in 1940.

But a media-driven hype process resulted in 2.8 million people unaccountably moving there.

Now there are jobs.
Apr 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This will work fine. A single man can definitely retire from all onerous work on 300K.

Put the money towards a paid off car and a dwelling.

He will get bored and isolated quickly, so he will enjoy picking up some part time work.

Bartend or something. As they say, most things whether good, bad, or ugly are done to pay a mortgage.

But with no mortgage and no car loans, everything is different in ways that baffle the normie.

You need to earn far less, and thus you pay far less taxes, work far less hours, etc.
Apr 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The place to live a life like Lawrence would be the Sahel of Africa (Sudan, Chad, etc.). or the Southern half of Central Asia (Afg., Pakistan, Tajikistan).

You should go to college and learn 2 regional languages, and then pursue a military commission or intelligence role. In the case of Africa you would learn French and a relevant dialect of Arabic (probably Chadian).

For central Asia you would learn Persian and either Urdu or a Turkic language like Uzbek.

If you are physically athletic I suppose Green Berets would be the way to go.
Apr 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The thing is that without a major, society-wide, intervention, something like 50% of younger zoomer males are never going to "exist" as members of society.

From what I see many are on track to never work, never relate with opposite sex at all, never run a mile.

Absolute Zero. I can't see it happening, but the draft would have to be totally remedial in nature.

Remove all electronics and phones from them. Put them on calorie controlled diets.

Start by having them just walk a few miles a day around a track.

They don't have the bone or ligaments… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Apr 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The extraordinary geographic scope, persistence through time, and the ability to inhabit multiple different civilizations suggests that the Church is just what it claims to be.

The universal, "catholic" and eternal Church open to all men, everywhere and always. twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Now to be 100% fair, Muslims could make a similar claim and that argument cannot be solved by reason alone.

But the argument from Historical Record is pretty strong if we are debating what form of Christianity appears to have the Mandate of Heaven behind it.
Apr 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Eugenics isn't real in the simplistic sense of just making a species "better."

You can absolutely select any species for particular traits. All of which have trade offs.

These people probably do have increased intelligence, conscientiousness, and inhibition. Image And they would appear to have bad eye sight, low muscle mass, and probably very low physical aggression.

If you are selecting someone to be a corporate lawyer, yes they are "eugenic."

But if you are selecting a steppe warrior they are extremely non-eugenic.
Apr 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A well planned 50K lifestyle is often better than a 150-200K lifestyle.

With good planning you can have abundant leisure and freedom, and it's very tax efficient.

150K is often just both parents grinding out full time jobs, paying taxes, stress and tears. More money is always better but *only* if the effort needed to obtain it is the same.

500K of passive or low effort income is better than 50K.

But 50K of lower effort income is MUCH better than 100K of W-2 income.
Apr 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
If you aren't religious and want to have grandchildren the best thing you can do is set up a life where your kids will have household incomes in excess of 500K before age 30.

Good luck, no one said it was easy. Image As we might expect, the Top does fine. ImageImage