TheEngineer2 🇨🇦 Profile picture #DRASTIC member BEng - Embedded Systems Design
Feb 4 23 tweets 11 min read
1/ 🧵on the early cases of Wuhan showing that the Huanan Seafood market was simply a super spreader event that was amplified by a number of mahjong players inside the market. Image 2/ Before diving into the Huanan Market cases, let's begin by mentioning the first official case on record with onset Dec 10, 2019 is not market related. 48F was at Jinyintan hospital and passed on Jan 20, 2020.…Image
Dec 12, 2024 10 tweets 7 min read
1/ What do we have here?

"MERS cluster pangolin coronavirus MjHKU4r CoV-1 replicon plasmid, cell line and application" - Shi Zhengli

From CN117305361 Image 2/ There's a copy of CN117305361 here:

@WashburneAlex @tony_vandongen…
Nov 1, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ This looks like the publication from a previous pre-print. Since the nature article is not free, you can get the preprint content here:

Engineering customized viral receptors for various coronaviruses…… 2/ I am uncertain why the western authors were added in final paper, but if I had to guess it was probably to improve some concerns brought up in peer review.
May 29, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
1/🧵on the mysterious sequences sanitized and/or removed from the PREDICT release to Genbank.

What could they be and what does Peter mean here? Image 2/ I went back to look at this FOIA after reading @gdemaneuf thread on the Myanmar/Laos/Vietnam sampling earlier today. It has a good summary and is well written, so I'd recommend reading that.

May 17, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
1⃣ 🧵On a couple of Huanan turtle vendor Covid19 patients visiting Liu Deyan clinic in December 2019. Putting the pieces together. 🧩 2⃣ At around 21:20 of the HBO documentary "In the first Breath", two men walk into Liu Deyan clinic on Dec 21, 2019. This is REAL security surveillance camera footage from December 2019. The clinic is less than 2 min walk from Huanan market rear entrance.…
Feb 29, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
Ouch, it's a bit uglier than I thought. Not only did they transfer the filovirus samples to China, the samples were "synthesized" in Canada before being transferred.

CC: @RealAndyLeeShow Image @RealAndyLeeShow Here's an unforced redaction error from PG284. Image
Feb 6, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
1⃣ A deep dive into how the early cases of COVID-19 were dissected in Worobey 2021. This took me a while to realize and understand, so I hope you can follow along with the details. 2⃣ In Worobey 2021, Dissecting the early COVID-19 cases in Wuhan, there are 3 sources for 57F. The WHO report, The 57F/41M interview with thepaper, and the WSJ article buried in the supplemental.…
Jan 1, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
1⃣ A review of 62M LineageA, onset Dec 1, 2019 and early cases in Huang et al 2020 Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China

DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30183-5 Image 2⃣ 62M was published a second time in Zhou et al 2020 A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin.

His onset was reported as Dec 12 (as opposed to Dec 1), but he got sick twice as noted in the footnote.

DOI 10.1038/s41586-020-2012-7 Image
Dec 31, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
1⃣ A review of two earliest "officially recognized" Covid-19 cases. Among the most confusing cases are 57F Huanan Seafood Market shrimp vendor and 48F1 XX Yin. 2⃣ 48F1 had onset of Dec 10, 2019 and was transferred to Jinyintan hospital on Dec 31. She later died on Jan 20, 2020 after the rescue failed. She appears in the National Health Commission death reports summary.…
Dec 29, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
1⃣ The origins of SARS-CoV-2 remains unsolved. Whether zoonotic in origin, or the result of lab leak remains a mystery. Here I show why the Huanan Seafood market can be dismissed as the origin of the pandemic. Image 2⃣ The Huanan Seafood Market is primarily a seafood market. Out of the hundreds of stalls, only a small number sold live animals that could carry the virus. Shown in the picture by "WHO Wildlife".

Fig: Zoonosis at the Huanan Seafood Market: A Critique; DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7169296 Image
Dec 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ It turns out that Ben Hu and Guo Li were on the October NIAD SARS conference call. Perhaps this isn't surprising as they are listed as a contributors in the DEFUSE proposal.

2/ Shown in @CharlesRixey Prometheus Shrugged substack is a complete list of the management plan and support team. Note that both Ben Hu and Guo Li are in the list and match the conference call E-mail list.…
Aug 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ 🧵of thanks to the people I've worked with in the Tracing Early (Covid-19) Cases group. The name has changed a few times, but the legend will live on and continue to make discoveries. 2/ It began around June 2021. The group was created so we could collect, corelate data, news, videos and research papers to try to understand the situation about the first Covid-19 cases. Can you contact trace your way to patient zero? We were doubtful, but wanted to try.
Jul 20, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ Did you read the papers @BenFPiercePhD ? If you assemble the puzzle, you find there are 3 Lineage A cases before 23 December 2019. 🧵

2/ 62M Was first mentioned in Huang et al 2020 with onset 1 December 2019. He is a Lineage A sequence MT291826, EPI_ISL_529213, PRJCA002274, SAMC137891.…
Jun 12, 2023 16 tweets 8 min read
1/ 🧵I've been meaning to do for some time. We may need to go back to the future to see what's correct after new intelligence is released.

There are 700+ WIV personnel. Only 20-30 work in the emerging infectious diseases group (specializing in SARS like virus). Who are they? ImageImage 2/ I think @BillyBostickson @RdeMaistre @franciscodeasis @gdemaneuf might have some threads around to assist. I'd like to aim for the 20-30 people that were at WIV second half of 2019. Some have already been covered elsewhere. Let's make an inclusive list, and/or rule out names.
May 1, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
1/ I haven't seen much response to @MichaelWorobey comments on the @jbloom_lab paper, so I'd like to add my own response to Michael's comments. A 🧵on differences of opinion and interpretation of data. Image 2/ Indeed there were mammals at the Huanan market, which included humans. Nowhere have you considered that a human could have brought the virus into the market. It's the most likely outcome now compared to spillover. There are in fact thousands of markets in Wuhan.
Apr 4, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ 🧵exploring which human case could have been the first market case by examining details of each case. 2/ 57F onset is Dec10/11. She goes to Zhongsheng clinic on Dec 11 for injections. How can we tell if she infected the clinic or the clinic infected her? She thinks she may have been infected near the toilet. Could proximity to the mahjong room aerosols be involved?
Mar 25, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/🧵on the "unofficial" early Hubei SARS-SoV-2 cases. This has been covered before, but intend to add my two bits near the end. For clarity, I include only China cases here, but admit there may be others.

I covered the official cases in this other thread.
2/ Before continuing, it's worth mentioning that the retrospective case search was rushed.

@gdemaneuf wrote a piece on this aspect which is recommended reading and applies to most cases in this thread.…
Mar 23, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
1/🧵on the earliest market cases and an exploration into where the market outbreak began. First, a summary of the situation highlighted in purple as of Dec 13, 2019. #RacoonDogGate 2/ 65M - His HSM stall (19-23 12th st, 20-24 11th st) sells frozen dumping, and he also owns stalls at Baishazhou. He is retired, but may do deliveries, is a visitor, and stall owner. Depending which source you use, he does them all (visitor, owner, delivery).
Jan 17, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
1/ Some have suggested that since the DARPA grant was rejected, the work wasn't done. This is not necessarily the case, as some DEFUSE proposed work was in progress or already done.

🧵on what work proposed in DEFUSE was carried out.…
Image 2/ Subtask 6.1 - Luciferase immunoprecipitations system (LIPS) was carried out by Zheng Xiaoshuang under direction of Shi Zhengli and Peng Zhou in 2018, with dissertation defense in 2019.

Aug 4, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ In a previous 🧵, I covered some aspects of the Ben Hu (WIV) research grant. That was just the introduction. 😉 Next let's talk about the Ge Xingyi grant.
2/ Why Ge Xingyi? He did his training with Shi Zhengli at the WIV. After graduation, he took a lead position at Hunan University.

How could that be relevant?
🧐Let's dig a little deeper.
Jul 27, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ 🧵on the earliest (official) reported case of SARS2. It will take some explanation and the results are not what you'd expect. Follow the trail of crumbs. 🧐 2/ 41M Wuchang accountant likely had onset fever Dec 16, not Dec 8. That correction is fairly widely known.