Anna Mills,, she/her Profile picture
Writing teacher, author of #OER text, interested in #LLMs, #OpenEd, #CollaborativeAnnotation. AI Resource list:
Dec 12, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Not hallucination. Not fabrication. Not confabulation. We need a word for when LLMs make things up. The word shouldn't imply conscious experience or intent.

Discussion with @khademinori and ChatGPT4 helped me find one candidate: "concoction." @khademinori Thoughts, @emollick @emilymbender @GaryMarcus @criticalai @Bali_Maha @mettalrose @leaton01 @RosenzweigJane @Brehove?
Mar 23, 2023 18 tweets 13 min read
ChatGPT Just Got Better. What Does That Mean for Our Writing Assignments?
I was among those who tested the new version over the past six months. A few observations on what to expect and how the update should affect our response.… 1/ Initially, as I compared GPT-4’s relatively sophisticated responses to the flatter outputs I had grown accustomed to from GPT-3, I felt amazement and dread. (The cloak-and-dagger associations of working under an NDA for the first time probably added to the frisson.) 2/