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सिंह-गमन सुपुरुष-वचन, कदली फलै इक बार। तिरिया-तेल हमीर-हठ, चढ़ै न दूजी बार ।।
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Nov 30, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
लौह स्तंभ के अन्य लेख (Other inscriptions of Iron pillar): दिल्ली के कुतुब मीनार कॉम्प्लेक्स में स्थित प्रसिद्ध लौह स्तंभ के ऊपर लिखे राजा चंद्र के ब्राह्मी लेख की तो सभी को जानकारी है पर इसके अलावा उसी लौह स्तंभ पर बने तीन और ऐतिहासिक लेखों की जानकारी कम लोगो को है। Image दो शिलालेख तो इसमें काफी नए है, लेकिन एक दिल्ली के तोमर राजपूत शासक अनंगपाल का विक्रमी संवत ११०९ का लघु लेख है। इसके अलावा एक लेख वि. स. १८८३ का चौहान राजा छत्तर सिंह का है जिसमें यह लिखा है की वो पृथ्वीराज चौहान के २३ वे वंशज है। यह शायद मैनपुरी के चौहानों का लेख हो सकता है। Image
Jul 20, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Let's talk about only original source which says that Hindu Shahi dynasty was of Brahmins ie Al Beruni. All other sources including Kalhana (most likely a Brahmin) in Rajtaringini calls them Kshatriya or Rajput. The main argument put by people supporting it has that Al Beruni Image was contemporary. Firstly when Al Beruni came to India the Hindu Shahi was already finished and he had no contact with them. He himself says that there is not a slightest remnants of them now. So Al Beruni came to India when Dynasty was finished but what he was writing about was Image
Apr 15, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Illustrations of three famous Rajput fortresses by Brian Delf from a book by Konstantin Nossov.

1. Chittor Fort Image 2. Gwalior fort Image
Nov 14, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
मेवाड़ रत्न।

ऊपर से प्रथम पंक्ति, बाई ओर से

1. झाला अज्जा: खानवा के युद्ध में राणा सांगा के मूर्छित होने पर सेना का मनोबल ऊपर रखने के लिए महाराणा का राजचिन्ह और छत्र वगैरह धारण किए। वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए।

2. मेहता मोजीराम: ओसवाल जैन, राणा हम्मीर के सहयोगी एवं Image चित्तौड़ दुर्ग को प्राप्त करने में हम्मीर की सहायता की।

3. डोडिया मलेसी: महाराणा मोकल का चाचा और मेरा से बचाव करने में प्राणोत्सर्ग

4. कल्लाजी राठौड़: चित्तौड़ के तीसरे साके में प्राणोत्सर्ग।

5. आशा देपुरा: माहेश्वरी महाजन, राणा सांगा द्वारा Image
Nov 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Tried my hands on AI art, first image I made is of Raja Man Singh washing his sword in the sea at Jagannath temple after he defeated the Afghans and liberated the temple. There are total 5 images, see below. Image 2 Image
Jul 6, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Memory of Raja Man Singh: How was the great general remembered by the common populace before modern politically motivated anti Kacchawaha stance popularised by people with vested interests. A few examples are given below. Image 1. A. Court, a french officer in service of Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab, visited Manikyala stupa (built by Kushanas) in modern Pakistan. Local Muslims told him that this is resting place of rebel Aghans killed by Raja Man Singh. Clearly incorrect but it was how Man Singh was Image
May 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Alamgir Mosque, built by pulling down one of the most sacred Vishnu temples of Kashi i.e. Bindu Madhav temple. The temple was built by Rajput Maharaja Man Singh of Amer. The temple was so grand as described by French traveller Tavernier that the idol was 5-6 feet high and was Image garlanded with Gold, Rubies, Pearls and Emeralds. It was the most impressive sight on Banaras riverfront with four great towers on four of its corner and a lofty Shikhar rising over the sanctum. Tulsi das in whose age this temple was built praised it in many of his poems.
May 20, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
There is another perspective which no "historian" wants to talk about. There is too much controversy regarding Mughal-Rajput marriages mostly ignored by mainstream or are unaware. Mundiyar ri khyat says that "Jodhabai" of Jodhpur married to Jahangir was daughter of a concubine. Image In Jodhpur rajya ki khyat, it is mentioned that a concubine's (पातर) daughter was married to Akbar. ImageImage
Nov 20, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
Demystifying the tale of so called "British-Jat war and invincibility of Lohagarh fort of Bharatpur". The siege of Bharatpur by British commander Gerard Lake in 1805 is mythified in so many legends, modern newspaper and social media article that it is universally believed as victory of Jats against the British. Even wikipedia articles mention it as such. Hence it is necessary to demystify the whole event, step by step which is missing in all these abovementioned narratives.
Nov 13, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Afghanisation and De-Afghanisation of Orissa.

While neighbouring Bengal was under Íslamic rule for centuries, it would be surprise for some people that Orissa till mid 16th century had not a single muslím living in its territory. It was soon to be changed. Bengal was then ruled by an Afghans. The afghans of Bengal were not in friendly relations with Mughal emperor Akbar. In Orissa, the remnants of what was once mighty Gajapati empire was on its last leg due to internal problems.
Oct 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Tomar clan of Rajputs is quite an old one, see below mention of Tomaras in Itihasa-Purana texts. In Bhishma Parva of Mahabharata, Sanjay describing country of Bharat to Dhritrashtra and mentions Tomaras as one of the peoples living in north and eastern part of the country.
Oct 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Kalhana's Rajatarangini composed in year 1150 while describing the downfall of King Harsha tells how because of his misdeeds Harsha was abandoned by everyone including the Rajaputras. Although Rajaputras are praised a lot by Kalhana but at this instant he kind of scornfully tells how the Rajaputras who claim descent from 36 Kul and even consider themselves at a position higher than the sun itself, finally abandon Harsha. (Harsha by the way was a controversial king)
Dec 3, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
A thread: Pakistani newspaper Dawn's front pages from 4th december 1971 to 20 December to see how they kept their own people in the dark. This was on 4th december, after the commencement of war on 3rd december. Image 5th dec Image
Nov 7, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Karnadeva was not given refuge in Deogiri and went to Kakatiya Kingdom and took refuge there. Seunas were feudatories of Khaljis at that time, they couldn't provide refuge to the enemy of khijis. And of course Durgadas didn't go to deccan for refuge, lol. He never needed any refuge, the Marwar king Ajit singh was himself in Marwar, if anyone needed refuge, it was him and he remained in Marwar the whole time. He was never captured unlike Sambhaji nor went outside his territory unlike Rajaram. Durgadas went to deccan for refuge is one of the absurd