Kelley Boston 🤲🏽🧼🙌🏽 Profile picture
infection preventionist, lady scientist, artist, cheese enthusiast, maker of small and useful things | #EpiTwitter #InfectionPreventionPosse
Mar 29, 2020 14 tweets 2 min read
So a lot of people have asked me about cloth masks. I don’t really have a strong opinion about cloth masks. I DO have some rather strong opinions about HOW to wear masks. (1/n) Here’s the thing with all masks, if they’re worn incorrectly, they’re more dangerous than not having one. Here’s some tips on how to use a mask safely ... (2/n)
Feb 27, 2020 20 tweets 3 min read
Yep, I’ve heard the same news about Coronavirus spread that you have. And, yep, it’s not great. But recognize that your FEAR of an event is not a good tool for assessing the RISK of an event. The less control we have over an event, the more we feel it it a threat. One of the best ways to deal with that fear, and with the feeling of it not being something you can control is to take control of what you can. Every time your anxiety ratchets up when you hear coronavirus, or hurricane, or wildfire or earthquake, or shooter ... take action