Eric Abbenante Profile picture
Comedian Filmmaker Documentarian. Husband to @lovelilahart - Immune to the System Films - American History of Voter Fraud - World Death Organization #Faucifilm
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Mar 15 9 tweets 3 min read
Batya Ungar-Sargon stuns Bill Maher into submission when talking about Trump's rationale on tariffs:
BUS: "The 70's the largest share of our GDP was in the middle class. Now the top 20% controls over 50% of the GDP.
That manufacturing is still being done: It's just being done in other countries."
Maher: "For wages we will not work for."
BUS: "That's what the tariffs are for. They are to make American workers more competitive in the global market.
Why are we accepting that there should be a race to the bottom?
China: What is its competitive advantage over us? They pay slave wages.
It's important that we have a stake in the manufacturing of the things that we need as a nation, so that when China goes to war against us we're not relying on them for steel and aluminum in order to fight them."
Maher: "At least that's an answer."

'At least that was an answer' An answer that the media has chose to conceal through their propaganda.…
Mar 11 8 tweets 2 min read
Kennedy reveals some dirt about the View host Joy Behar:
"Joy was a talking hemorrhoid in an Auburn wig. She was so ungracious and awful and she had a comedy writer writing her little lines during the break. She's not even funny."

Joy doesn't need writers, she's unlikeable enough on her own.…
Mar 8 7 tweets 2 min read
Bill Maher rips the Democrats for their hypocrisy and their lame attempts at resistance:
"He was shaking his cane at the president. Which I thought was an apt metaphor, a cane shaking for this Democrat party: Lame.
Democrats are fighting back in a way: They're tiring of all of this firing, furloughing, closing of these government departments, and they say:
'If you don't stop shutting down the government, we're going to shut down the government!'

Democrat response to Trump has been the equivalent of 'Old Man Yells at Cloud' Thread of this episode:
Mar 3 5 tweets 3 min read
Adam Carolla's brilliant 'hot blonde' analogy to explain to Matt Gaetz the degradation of California:
Matt Gaetz: "I remember growing up in the 90s. You looked at LA as the place where the beautiful people went. Just seemed like a place every everybody wanted to be. And then you go now: It's just like wading through garbage. Do you think it's savable?"
Adam Carolla: "I always say California was like a hot blond from high school that just assume this thing would go on forever. And now she's in her mid 40s and the phone isn't ringing and guys aren't buying her drinks and sending them over to the end of the bar.
You know, it's not what it was. She has crow's feet and, a little belly and a C-section scar, and she she never got educated. She never worked at anything. She has no work ethic.
She she didn't do anything because LA was always like, where L.A., where else you gotta go? Other cities have to kind of work for it.
We in California and then especially LA just got by in our looks for so long. But eventually it catches up to you and you never spent one night studying.
LA doesn't really know how to do things. And like our representative city council like our mayor is where in Ghana doing, you know, wearing a ceremonial headdress and learning whatever dance they're learning because everything in LA is our mayor doesn't run Los Angeles.
Our mayor is a sort of ceremonial figurehead.
But we like the idea of a black woman who's running everything, even though she doesn't know how to run everything.
At some point everything burns to the ground. And then all the idiots who vote for these people look around and go, what's going on? How come we didn't have any infrastructure? How come we weren't prepared for this? We're prepared for this because you vote for idiots who don't her aren't interested in any of this stuff."

California run by Republicans: Paradise
California run by Democrats: Paradise lost
Feb 28 5 tweets 2 min read
AOC gets called out by NPR host for claiming that Trump is weaponizing the justice department, while Democrats tried to jail Trump:
Steve Inskeep: "Some Republicans listening to this and thinking 'Actually wait a minute, you're the ones who are prosecuting us. You're the ones who are weaponizing the Justice Department."
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez: "In what way?"
Inskeep: "Putting Trump on trial, would be there example I suppose."

Impossible challenge: Talk to AOC without something going over her head. She would have genuinely asked:
'“But other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”' AOC NPR interview thread:
Feb 23 4 tweets 2 min read
Bill Maher in a heated debate about trans with Pod Save America host where he warns Democrats that they will keep losing elections if they continue to die on that hill:
Maher: "You want you want to lose every election: Just keep coming down on the side of parents coming in second in a who gets to decide what goes on with my kid contest."

The fatal flaw of a Democrat: They would rather die and harm others around them than admit that they were wrong. The conversation stemmed from this conversation on Real Time with Bill Maher where Bill asked Tim Ryan about various 'hills to die on' for Democrats
Sincerely hope the Democrats continue to listen to those like Lovett and Crockett, they'll never win again
Feb 14 4 tweets 2 min read
Adam Carolla narrates shocking drone footage showcasing the aftermath of the LA wildfires on PCH. Remarkably, no progress has been made in the cleanup effort:
"Zero attempts at cleaning. Now over a month. No cleanup attempt. No official gov website you can go to for any kind of timeline for when the power is going to be on.
'When can you get back to your place?'
The answer is: No goddamn idea."

Progressives = no progress in real life
Jan 29 11 tweets 4 min read
Megyn Kelly categorically describes the lawfare against Trump as the Rubicon that the Democrats crossed:
"The lawfare in general was the biggest turning point.
The lawfare was a catastrophic mistake by the Democrats. Trying to criminalize a political battle, trying to go after one's political opponent with criminal charges. And on top of that, civil cases that could ruin a man trying to put him in jail was a bridge too far.
The electorate rejected it out of hand as too much.
It made the Democrats look radical. It made the Democrats look like they were the ones who were anti-democratic. It undermined their core argument against Trump On January 6th. They shot themselves in the foot.
It was a before and after moment that we now cannot get back. Now we've crossed the Rubicon and anything's possible. If Adam Schiff or Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden winds up facing criminal charges under a Trump administration, I can tell you there are very few Republican voters who will feel sorry for them.
They brought it upon themselves. We had never done this before.
We made it almost 250 years without doing this to a president. And let me tell you, it wasn't because no president had ever come close to the legal line. We understood as a nation we didn't want to start turning ourselves into a banana republic. And I don't know where this goes from here, but whatever happens, it's their fault."

Democrats trained all their guns on Trump, turned those guns around to point at themselves, and yelled 'FIRE'! Megyn was as on point as she's ever been, reminds me of her speech at Trump's final PA rally
Jan 25 10 tweets 3 min read
Stephen A Smith stuns the Bill Maher crowd into silence as he articulates how Democrats have no one left fighting for the American people:
SAS: "The man was impeached twice, he was convicted on 34 felony counts. The American people still said 'He's closer to normal than what we're seeing on the left.'
He's saying 'I kept my promise'
Then you turn around and look at the left and you say 'What promises did you keep?'
What voter can look at the Democrat party and say 'There's a voice for us, somebody who speaks for us, that goes up on Capitol Hill and fights the fights that we want them fighting on our behalf. They didn't do that. That's why their behinds are home, and that man is back in the White House.
He's doing what he said he was going to do."

The American people said 'We'll take the supposed 'felon' over the woman who is telling us men can get pregnant' Thread of today's episode:
Jan 18 14 tweets 4 min read
Blistering ending monologue from Bill Maher as he torches LA Mayor Karen Bass 'Nero who fiddled in Ghana as LA burns':
"Axios ran a story on how getting the water out of the hydrants in Pacific Palisades was more complicated than it seems.
I'm sure it's very complicated. That's why I pay 13% of my income in the state every year to people who I assume were working on things like this.
LA's mayor, Karen Bass, the Nero of American politics, was fiddling in Ghana while the city burned. and later . I've heard people say, do you want to pay more taxes to fund this? No, I want you to use the exorbitant taxes you already collect to prioritize it."

Any Democrat who thinks they need to raise taxes in response to the LA fires truly has Stockholm Syndrome. Thread on this episode under this post:
Jan 18 9 tweets 3 min read
Bill Maher admits Trump was right about forest management and prevention of fires:
Bill Maher: "Remember when we had a fire when Trump was president and he came and he said, you don't rake! We all did jokes about it. We got to get over this thing.
I remember when he took ivermectin or something and then ivermectin, which won the Nobel Prize.
Just because Trump says it doesn't mean it's automatically wrong. Did he have a point about that? Rick Caruso: "Of Course he did."

Did Liberals let the city burn to the ground because they were contrarian to Trump? Of course they did. Bill Maher torches Karen Bass:
Jan 14 4 tweets 3 min read
Adam Carolla notices that the liberals who supported the BLM riots are now getting a taste of their own medicine as their homes are being looted:
Adam Carolla: "So the National Guard has pulled in because there's been lots of stories about lots of looting, because we live in Sodom and Gomorrah times here in Los Angeles.
So we've called the National Guard and the fine people of Santa monica and Malibu and the Palisades are very happy that the National Guard is now here protecting their homes and their valuables and their property and stopping arsonists who are copycat arsonists, who are starting and trying to light more fires and being successful.
But when BLM was burning everything to the fucking ground in Seattle and in Chicago and in Portland, you post these were against the National Guard being called in because it wasn't your shit that was on fire and it wasn't your store that was being looted and it wasn't your house that was being looted.
That was somebody else's. So during the entire BLM riots, when everything was being burned to the ground, well, those were just business owners who may have lived in the Portland area so they can fuck off because you're too busy virtue signaling and taking a stand.
And God forbid Trump suggest that the National Guard be called in to these cities, you are dead set against it.
Citizens of Santa monica, because you're so much better than we are. But now that it's your shit that's getting looted. Well, now you're happy to see the boys in uniforms that are cordoned off your neighborhood with your precious shit in it that you don't want to see stolen or burned to the ground. You didn't give a fuck when this was going on.
In every blue city in the United States, you were all against it. Well, now it's your city and you love it. So think about that. Fuckin hypocrites."

The same people who chanted 'Defund the police' to cheer on looters, are now begging for the police to protect their homes from looters. Adam was meant for this moment
Jan 13 5 tweets 2 min read
Adam Carolla illustrates the stark contrast between California government's regulations and how they 'require nothing of themselves but everything of you':
"They have a foundation that could handle a 10.0 earthquake, a tsunami, whatever it was. And so that's what the city requires of them.
Directly in front of that home where the guy put 3 million bucks into the foundation is a 100 year old telephone pole with a bunch of wires strung across it. That in a windstorm is going to fall over and catch the guy's house on fire. That's the city's job.
That's what they require. They require nothing of themselves. Everything of you."

California's state motto should be 'Rules for thee, not for me' Adam's plan with pools:
Jan 13 8 tweets 3 min read
Adam Carolla advises pool owners in California to get pumps so that they can protect their houses from wildfires:
"Get one of those high capacity pumps you can throw in your pool with a hose on the end of it. You'll have 50000 gallons of water sitting there."

If you're buying a pool pump after your government failed to protect your house from a fire, I would consider also not voting Democrat. Adam's channel here
Jan 11 10 tweets 4 min read
CA Rep Maxine Waters takes umbrage with criticism of Democrats' handling of LA Wildfires:
Maxine Waters: "nstead of talking about Democrats and Republicans. Get the information up on the screens."
Chris Cuomo: "However, it can also be seen that you don't want to talk about the politics because it's on your party, because the mayor and the governor are Democrats who arguably should have had the people in Altadena better prepared for this. They should have the resources more available.
So they don't need me to put them up because this state has been doing the work and that they've been preparing the situations for wildfires like they were made aware of. Instead of cutting deals with PG and E and insurance companies, they would have prepared the state. That is not unfair criticism. Is it too soon? Maybe. But the questions are real."
Waters: "Let me tell you something. I'm not in the business of protecting anybody.
We should be willing to get the richest people in this country, the richest 1% that is protected, make sure they pay their fair taxes so that we can have the money to provide the services."

Maxine Waters saying the 'Quiet Part Out Loud' on behalf of the Democrat party: They only care about the richest 1%. Keep that same energy Maxine
Jan 10 6 tweets 3 min read
Coming to the rescue of the LAFD, Canadian Fire Department planes chose to drop seawater since 'refilling' is more efficient, in contrast with the LAFD strategy to drop 'red retardant':
"The red retardant they drop is a slurry, crews drop it around the edge of a fire. The rub is that it takes some time to refill those planes."
"Aerial firefighting crews from Quebec, British Columbia Canada have been on the frontlines.
Why with water shortages in LA, don't firefighters use water from the Pacific Ocean? These crews actually are.
They've been landing their CL-415 Sea planes on the ocean, scooping up water, making a drop, then doing it all over again. These Canadians pilots are very experienced."

Congratulations California government, you're crazier and more incompetent than Commie Canada.
Californian 'leadership' cannot understand the caveman level basic concept of 'bring the water to the fire'.
LAFD chose not to drop saltwater even as a last resort to save thousands of burning buildings due to 'environmental concerns', but will drop Red phosphorous which is debatably worse for the environment than saltwater.
Make it make sense? I can't, this is Democrat run California. With proper maintenance and safety precautions, “seawater puts out fire just as well as fresh water,” Orange County Fire Capt. Larry Kurtz told the Orange County Register.…
Jan 4 15 tweets 5 min read
Being forced to 'Train Your Replacement' before you are laid off, engenders animosity from all races of Americans:
"We are sorry to inform you that as of February 28, you'll no longer have a job. We're going to outsource your position to this company in India.
Now I'm being told that I not only going to lose my job, I also have to train these people to take my job.
I'm really not a violent guy. I love people, but I've been envisioning myself just backhanding the guy that is sitting next to me trying to learn what I know.
Harrison and his colleague staged a protest outside the medical center. His fellow worker, senior systems administrator Curt Ho, is losing his job, too.
He had just trained his replacement from India."
"I think for once, we are going to stand up as Americans and say enough is enough. We're not going to take it anymore."

These are the 'racists' that Elon Musk called contemptible and needed to be removed 'root and branch' from the Republican party. Americans who did not want to train their own replacements.
If you stand up for yourself, Elon Musk will tell you to 'Fuck Your Face' and call you below retarded multiple times. Full 60 minutes piece on H 1 B Visa Program
Jan 1 9 tweets 3 min read
A thread of my best scoops / posts in 2024 (Thanks for following / sharing / supporting wish all of you a happy 2025!): Noncitizen elected to office in San Francisco . If I remember correctly, @ImMeme0 had the viral post regarding the print version and then I found the clip version
Dec 27, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Johns Hopkins Professor depicts how a magazine reached out to her to write an article about a Kamala Harris victory without a backup plan considering the possibility that she could lose:
Leah Wright Rigueur: "Monday, I got a request from a magazine that asked me to write a piece that would run on. I actually would run today [Nov 8th] on a Kamala Harris victory.
And so my response was, I wrote back to the editor and I said, This is on Monday. I said,
'And I am assuming if she loses, you do not want me to write this piece.'
And the editor wrote back and was like, okay, that's an interesting take.
And I said, Well, this is one of the things that I teach my students, which is that it doesn't matter what our feelings are necessarily.
There always has to be a way that we can kind of think about what are the options in the event of either outcome.
I said, who do you think is going to win the election? And I said, Right now I would give the edge to Donald Trump.
And I think a lot of them were shocked by that. I have several students who are working for Kamala Harris."

The media types who were loudly wrong about the election would rather call the rest of the country stupid than look in the mirror. TYT host did not vote for Kamala Harris:
Dec 26, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Historians are already reviewing the mass psychosis that occurred within the Democrat party during 'Brat Summer':
Ross Douthat: "Do you remember Brat summer? I remember Brat summer. It was genuinely amazing. One of the most bizarre mass psychological phenomena I've ever seen.
Before a clock's spring popped out of Joe Biden's forehead on live TV, Kamala Harris was the least popular vice president in recent US history. There were a lot of reasons for this, but I think the big ones are these:
-First, she was already deeply unpopular. The 0% primary polls, remember, before she became the VP.
-Secondly, she'd done absolutely nothing with the position except omit strange and incomprehensible bromides whenever she opened her mouth. But as soon as she became the candidate, despite nothing about her actually changing, her approval ratings skyrocketed. It turns out that all you have to do is tell the Democratic base that they ought to like someone and they'll just start liking her."

Fads relegated to the dustbin of history: The Pet Rock, Furby's, Kamala Harris Bill Kristol while defending Elites for not being out of touch gets Springfield Ohio's name wrong twice:
Dec 17, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle describes Donald Trump as approachable, in contrast to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris:
Stephanie Ruhle: "The day after, after Donald Trump had that crazy rally at Madison Square Garden. I rolled the dice and I called him on the phone and he answered.
It was it was not an on the record conversation. Long story. I'm not going to get into what he said, but I called for one reason.
I called him and said, I want an interview with you. Obviously, he said no, but my point is, I was able to get to him by dialing his phone.
Now, that might be completely apeshit. And you're like, I can't believe people know this guy's phone number.
But the reverse of that, if I were to want to connect with VP Harris or President Biden, there's 50 people between me and that I could write a note that maybe could get to somebody to get somebody that Drew Pony Express and a pigeon, something might end up in a mailbox near them.
And I call DJT to say, Yo can I have an interview? And he answers like myself. But I still was able to connect with him."

The press fawned over Basement Biden and Hiding Harris as they avoided the press in an unprecedented fashion.
The press labels Trump as a 'threat to free press' as he gives them unprecedented access. A great time to remind you of Bill Maher calling out Stephanie Ruhle's 'bullshit'