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Comedian Filmmaker Documentarian. Husband to @lovelilahart - Immune to the System Films - American History of Voter Fraud - World Death Organization #Faucifilm
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Jul 24 12 tweets 4 min read
This focus group of Wisconsin women was just brutal for Kamala Harris. Elise Jordan asks when there will be a woman president 'When there is a competent one':
Elise Jordan: "How do you perceive VP Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?"
Focus Group: "I think she's worse."
"She doesn't even know what's going on at the border. That's what she was supposed to be doing."
Elise Jordan: "Is there anyone that Kamala Harris could appoint as her VP that you would find reassuring?"
Focus Group: "I would never consider voting for her. I would consider RFK Jr way before voting for her."
Elise Jordan: "When do you think America will have a female president?"
Focus Group: "When there is a competent one."
"I don't get a good feel for her."
"I think she's an idiot."
Elise Jordan: "Why do you think she's not that bright?"
Focus Group: "Because she hasn't done anything in the time that she's had. She's not real smart."

When average women in Wisconsin look at Kamala Harris they don't think 'Future 1st Female President of the United States' they think 'Idiot'.
Jul 14 12 tweets 4 min read
Jimmy Kimmel repeatedly compared Trump to Hitler:
"A 4th Reich if you will. Good news is: Trump wants to bring the country together. Bad news: That country is Germany in 1933."
"I know a lot of people have been comparing Trump to Hitler lately, Hitler was married to a woman who loved him."

These jokes wouldn't pass the smell test in any room without an Applause sign. Kimmel is pure partisan propaganda masquerading as comedy. This irresponsible reprehensible rhetoric led to the Trump assassination attempt in Butler PA. Notice the similarities between Kimmel and Colbert's Trump Hitler jokes. Parallel thinking is one thing, it's like they shared writers:
Jul 14 14 tweets 4 min read
Flashback to Lincoln Project cofounder Rick Wilson in 2023:
"They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump."

The mainstream media has the audacity to say that Trump's rhetoric incites violence. Thread of media's irresponsible rhetoric that lead to the assassination attempt in Butler PA:
Jul 13 7 tweets 3 min read
Bill Maher asks the panel why the media doesn't report the race of the victims in Chicago after 109 people were shot over the 4th of July weekend. Bakari Sellers blames systemic racism:
Maher: "Over the 4th of July weekend there's 109 people in Chicago who were shot. 19 fatally. That's a lot over a weekend.
The race of the victims will not be reported. Is that helpful? Why is that? Why don't they report that? Let's have some real talk here."
Sellers: "If you think that we have a problem with black on black crime I would agree with you.
We have to look at black on black crime holistically.
I hate when people say 'Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, when you have no boots.'"
Ben Shapiro: "I do believe everybody in the United States has the capacity to get married, father their kids and stay with the family they created."
Sellers: "Donald Trump didn't."
Shapiro: "I disagree."

The media doesn't want you to realize that the biggest threat to black people is black on black crime. The reason is not systemic racism, but a systemic lack of accountability.
I hate when people say 'I hate when people say 'Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, when you have no boots.' when criminals are looting clothing stores across America. "Like Chicago: Most of the shootings are young black men killing other young black men."
"Much more than what the cops do. Why doesn't anyone talk about that? Why aren't there 100 giant black celebrities saying 'What are you doing to yourselves?"
Jul 13 10 tweets 4 min read
Bakari Sellers argues that 'systemic racism' is worse than it has ever been. Bill Maher's response: 'That's ridiculous':
Bakari Sellers: "I'm talking about systemic racism."
Ben Shapiro: "Has gotten worse since 1960?"
"Your life as a black man: Better or worse than if you had been born in 1920?"
Sellers: "He [Sellers' father] will tell you today that he feels like this country is in 1954."
Maher: "But that doesn't mean it is, that's ridiculous."
Sellers: "The ridiculous notion is for either one of you to have the audacity to believe that you understand what the experience --"
Maher: "I have to object to that. 'I cannot talk about it because I am not part of the group'. I am a sentient human being."

The woke's 'Black card' died after the George Floyd riots. Hope you cashed in before it was too late. This is a 3 part exchange, here is the beginning where Bill Maher asks why the media is hiding the race of the victims in Chicago:
Jul 11 6 tweets 2 min read
Jen Psaki opines that Kamala Harris is an 'undervalued talent' because we 'live in country that is sexist and racist':
"Kamala Harris, she is an undervalued talent. She's a very fierce communicator.
It's almost like public opinion hasn't caught up with what she is doing.
Also, we live in a country that is sexist and racist. There is a level of it, that does impact elections."

Can't imagine why Democrats are losing in the polls. Oh yeah, they blatantly hate our country.
Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton were not affected by sexism, they objectively suck.
Jun 29 9 tweets 3 min read
James Carville does not back down when confronted about his comments that Democrat messaging is 'too feminine':
Carville: "If you start speaking like NPR, you're going to lose votes. I just don't like the term communities of color.
I live in New Orleans. They got three guys on the street corner. 'Hey fellas how are things in the communities of color today?' They said 'What is this son of a bitch talking about? Jive ass bastard out of here.'"
"We started on this coded language and we let it get away from us."
"Guess where our young male number is going? In the toilet. Because Democrat messaging is too feminine. It just is."
Jonathan Capehart asks Carville about his '"Democratic culture has too many preachy females. Too much 'Don't eat Hamburgers, don't watch football, wear a condom'. Man, shit, leave me alone." quote:
Capehart: "There are a lot of people for whom saying that there are too many preachy females, might sound like you're a 20th century man in a 21st century country, that has changed."
Carville: "I'm sorry. There are too many preachy females in Democratic campaign culture. We come across to people as judgmental. That's not good, at all.
Look at the male number who identify as Democrats.
There are actually people who don't mind losing elections because it makes them feel better and superior.
If you don't win you aren't shit, you're just running around with talking points.
You don't win elections by telling people their dietary habits are bad."

James Carville is truly the last man standing in the Democrat party. This is the 'preachy females' comment Capehart confronted Carville on:
Jun 29 8 tweets 3 min read
Bill Maher says that Trump's debate performance reminded him of when 'Mike Tyson used to knock guys out in 90 seconds. This election is over':
CM: "You see the head, the way he turned that head? Let's watch the guy and show how crazy he is. He's looking for it."
BM: "You're blaming that on Trump?"
CM: "His theatrical ability. He is playing this.
BM: "He didn't have to do anything. It reminded me Mike Tyson used to knock guys out in 90 seconds. That was like 2 minutes into the debate. I was like 'This election is over'."
CM: "Obama... I'm sorry, Biden is not smart enough to keep up with him."
BM: "Isn't that the whole point? You need a guy to keep up with him."

Pro tip: When defending Biden's senility, try to avoid having your own 'senior moment'. Chris Matthews had multiple Senior Moments:
"He didn't fire anybody. He didn't fire Jake Tapper or any of the generals. That's all true."

General Jake Tapper 🤣
Jun 13 5 tweets 2 min read
James Carville accurately points out the Democrat party's 'preachy female' problem:
"Democratic culture has too many preachy females. Too much 'Don't eat Hamburgers, don't watch football, wear a condom'. Man, shit, leave me alone."

This is why James married a Republican. "Every time you listen to the left, you're screwed"
Jun 2 13 tweets 4 min read
Megyn Kelly exhibits how to debate mainstream media talking points regarding Trump's verdict:
Dan Abrams: "There's wrongdoing here."
MK: "What was it?"
DA: "Paying 130k to a porn star to keep her quiet."
MK: "That's not illegal."
DA: "When you're doing it to protect the campaign, and you are spending money on it, you are now crossing the line into legal problems."
MK: "Absolutely not correct on every level."
DA: "When you're doing it to protect your campaign, it is [illegal].
MK: "What law are you citing?"
DA: "Campaign finance laws."
MK: "Wrong, you don't know what you're talking about.
It does not amount to a campaign contribution if it is the kind of payment that could ever be made outside of the campaign context. There's been Supreme Court precedent on this."

The 'crime' was that Trump beat Hillary and interrupted the 'peaceful transfer of power' between Obama and Hillary. Megyn's commentary post Trump's verdict has been quite illuminating:
May 26 4 tweets 2 min read
Kristen Welker admits that noncitizens vote in US elections. Brad Raffensperger says the quiet part out loud that noncitizens are voting in elections and states that Stacey Abrams tried to sue to prevent citizen verification:
KW: "Something that's getting a lot of attention: Efforts to prevent noncitizens from voting. We should note that it's exceedingly rare, yet some officials believe it's an urgent manner including yourself Secretary Raffensperger."
BR: "Because I believe only American citizens should be voting in our elections.
1600 attempted to register, but we couldn't verify citizenship, so they weren't put on the voter rolls.
They [New Georgia Project founded by Stacey Abrams] tried to stop us from doing citizen verification, before people were put on the voter rolls."
"There's no provision for state law. States really should put in their constitution , make sure that only American citizens are voting in any election in your state."

They have officially backpedaled from 'It's a conspiracy theory that noncitizens vote in US elections" to "It's exceedingly rare." The amount should always be absolute zero. If it is anything more than that, then it is far too common to call our elections 'secure'. A noncitizen holds a position on the elections commission in San Francisco
May 24 10 tweets 3 min read
MSNBC interviewed immigrants and minorities at the Bronx Trump rally. It did not go as planned for MSNBC:
"When you talk to immigrants that are going to these Trump rallies, they agree with his message on immigration. Their point is 'I did it the right way. I came here legally.'
The sentiment I heard from a lot of voters was 'We have these immigrants that the city is taking care of in a way that I've never felt taken care of by this city.'"

The mainstream media is apoplectic that their messaging is backfiring, and only creating more Trump supporters. Trump > Biden
May 22 13 tweets 4 min read
Megyn Kelly calls out Bill Maher's lie that cops died on January 6th:
BM: "Like they didn't show up to the Capitol and kill cops."
MK: "They didn't do that. They didn't kill cops."
BM: "They of course did. They died of natural causes that day!?"
*Smash cut to a news report saying Brian Sicknick died of natural causes*

The media loudly lies and quietly retracts. The same media that labeled riots as "mostly peaceful".
Make no mistake: Bill's argument did not die of natural causes, Megyn killed it. January 6th was not as depicted by the media:
May 22 12 tweets 4 min read
Megyn Kelly triggers Bill Maher by calling Hillary Clinton the 'original election denier':
MK: "Hillary Clinton of course is the original election denier."
BM: "She's not an election denier."
MK: "Then spent the next 4 years saying he was an illegitimate president."
BM: "She didn't say he was 'an [illegitimate president']"
MK: "She said those exact words."
*Smash cut to Hillary Clinton, saying those exact words*

Bill still spreads Hillary's Russian Collusion hoax, which was her revisionist history of the 2016 election. Just another Bill in Hillary's life that helps her cover for her lies. Watch the full episode here:
May 21 9 tweets 3 min read
James Comey on Morning Joe asserts Trump is a 'threat' to the rule of law that will target his political enemies:
"He is a threat to the rule of law in America. If he has the ability, smarter than he was last time, to use the power of the DOJ and the FBI to target his enemies."

Democrats: Joe Biden is not using the DOJ to target his top political enemy.
Also Democrats: If Trump wins he will use the DOJ to target his political enemies. Nicolle Wallace hyperbolizing that Trump will take her off the air if he wins:
May 11 4 tweets 2 min read
Bombshell from Bill Maher as he uses previous footage from his own show to reveal how Stormy Daniels contradicted her testimony:
"Let me show you a little video: This is when I had Stormy on in 2018.
Maher: Why did you fuck Donald Trump?
Daniels: "I have no idea. It is not a me too case. I wasn't assaulted. I wasn't raped. I wasn't attacked or raped, or coerced or blackmailed. They tried to shove me in to the me too box"
Maher: That's not what she's saying now."

Can't believe Stormy Daniels blew it again. Oh wait, yes I can. The details do not matter: We never believed her in the first place on either account of the story.
But this is damning because it reveals she lied in her testimony and she is not to be trusted.
May 10 9 tweets 3 min read
James Carville is frustrated that Trump is 'more ahead than he's ever been', and that Democrat tactics are 'not working':
"It's going the wrong way. It's not working.Everything we're that throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included.
We gotta try to think of something different. Because what we're doing is really, really not working."

Instead of thinking about how to make the country better, Democrats are scheming about how to more successfully lie to the American public. Carville: "We need to do something different"
How about screaming at young people for not voting Biden?
May 7 9 tweets 3 min read
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is now comfortable telling you the truth about the government's lack of authority to enforce mandates:
"Government had no capacity to enforce any of this [mandates]. You must wear a mask. People wore masks in New York. If they said 'I'm not wearing a mask' there was nothing I could do about it. You must close your private business. 'I won't'. There was nothing I could really do about it.
It was really all voluntary. It was extraordinary when you think about it. That society acted with that uniformity voluntarily. Because I had no enforcement capacity. So you have a reduced trust in government."
Yes, people have a tendency to distrust the government after learning they were lied to for years. Unless you're a Stockholm Syndrome Democrat. Thank you to the people who always credit when they share like @_johnnymaga
May 7 6 tweets 2 min read
Jen Psaki on Morning Joe: "Maybe Donald Trump will go away. Maybe he'll go to jail. Maybe he will die. Not to be too morbid. But maybe. He's not a young man."
Instead of focusing on how to make the country better, Democrats fantasize about Trump in prison or dying. They hate Trump more than they love America. The big accounts don't actually watch the news. They watch Twitter, see what posts are hot, download the clips, and then post that clip frame for frame without giving credit. (When they could just simply reshare the original poster)
May 3 16 tweets 5 min read
Don Lemon calls out Taylor Lorenz for falsely equating the 'lack of freedoms' between people in Texas / Florida and Gaza:
DL: "Taylor, how do you reconcile the way marginalized groups fighting for what's happening in Gaza, yet in Gaza, they would not have any freedom."
TL: "They don't have any freedoms in Texas and Florida"
DL: "Taylor I'm a member of the LGBTQ community, if I go to Texas they're not going to throw me off a roof."
In a disturbing turn of events, Don Lemon became the voice of reason.
Taylor, we'd all be happy to contribute to your free one way ticket to Gaza. When the Democrats control the narrative, there is nothing more effective than using their words against them:
Apr 29 5 tweets 2 min read
James Carville threatening young people to vote for Biden:
"[If Trump wins] There will be no government left, there will be no rights left, you will live under theocracy, you'll end up with Christian Nationalism.
But that's alright you little fucking 26 year old, you don't feel like the elections important."
Excellent outreach to young voters James. The kids love nothing more than being scolded by a lizard person. I have a feeling this will come in handy