Eric Holthaus Profile picture
Founder & Chief Meteorologist, Currently Weather Service 🌹 You were born at just the right moment to help change everything. 🌹
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Aug 17, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Southern California could get 2-3 years of rain from Hurricane Hilary in just two days this weekend. Catastrophic flooding is possible.

@DerekAdeniji and I will be keeping an eye on the storm.

Subscribe to our daily Los Angeles weather newsletter:…
Image In the past 170+ years of NOAA weather records, a fully tropical system has passed within 250 miles of Los Angeles exactly once.

Hurricane Nora in 1997, also the first year of a strong El Niño.

That could happen again this weekend with Hurricane Hilary. Image
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
We just completed a brand-new member survey of our audience at @currently in support of a prospective partnership with a major solar company.

I was *shocked* to see how enthusiastic our community is toward participating in climate solutions, particularly rooftop solar. 80%+ of the @currently community is interested in home solar incentives

50%+ of the @currently community is *very interested*

60% of our members are homeowners, so essentially nearly every single homeowner in our membership is ready for home solar. Wow. Image
Jan 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Make your New Years resolution now: No more giving power to people who platform racists, white supremacists, and climate deniers.


Project Mushroom is building a safe place to change the world. Join us:… Project Mushroom is now officially the largest climate platform on Mastodon.

As of today, 10,000+ people have joined Project Mushroom. We're also connected to 250,000+ people across Mastodon!

Join Project Mushroom (invite-only — just the 10,000 of us):
Dec 29, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Since Twitter is dying, just a friendly note that Project Mushroom is now officially the largest climate platform on Mastodon. 🍄

We're at 10,000+ local accounts and 250,000 accounts via the fediverse!

Join us! Here's how:
1. Sign up for an account: Project Mushroom has worked to design an experience that's explicitly anti-racist & anti-harassment — we are the largest Mastodon server with paid moderators.

We have two choices:
Spore (federated):
Project Mushroom (closed):

Dec 14, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
🍄40 hours to go, $40,000 to go in Project Mushroom's all-or-nothing Kickstarter to build a social-media-newsletter-and-podcast hub that's not controlled by billionaires who hate us.🍄

Chip in now if you can! We can do this <3… 🍄 Project Mushroom is now the 9th largest software Kickstarter in history! 🍄…
Dec 14, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
🍄 48 hours left on Project Mushroom's Kickstarter! 🍄

An anonymous backer just pledged a matching fund — which gets us to the FINISH if we raise $20,000 by Thursday!!

This is our chance to AT LAST have space for us that's not run by billionaires. 🍄🍄🍄… Project Mushroom is building a protected space with:

🍄 paid moderation
🍄 a hosting service for newsletters
🍄 all the support systems needed to mutually boost and sustain marginalized voices in an ecosystem that WE control together.…
Dec 7, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Elon Musk wants eco-apartheid, and he's using Twitter as his vehicle for suppressing dissent and mobilizing his followers into action.

Project Mushroom is a refuge for people seeking a safe place to coexist & organize with other justice-seeking folks. 🍄… Folks have already been telling us that Project Mushroom feels like the best group chat they've ever been in.

That's exactly what we were hoping for: a place for people to share resources and support each other doing mission-driven work.…
Dec 1, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Our Project Mushroom Kickstarter matching fund is now up to $10,815!!! 🍄🍄🍄

— only $851 has been committed so far though —

Please contribute using this link — and then share it widely with why you're excited for Project Mushroom:… Your contribution to Project Mushroom will go twice as far between now and Friday.

We're aiming to raise our full matching fund — $10,815 — by tomorrow. Once that happens, we'll unlock the additional $10,815!!

We are doing this for each other. 🍄💚🍄…
Nov 5, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Here's some more info on how Project Mushroom will work for creators 🍄🍄🍄

(thread, with a survey for creators at the end...) Image (text of the infographic above)

Keeping our creators safe is our utmost priority. We will be working with the Project Mushroom community to develop moderation protocols with strict bans on behavior like harassment, racism, and climate denial.
Apr 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Are you looking to start a career in climate? Do you want a part-time climate gig?

@currently is looking for folks in all kinds of support roles, starting immediately.

✅$25/hr, remote + flexible
✅One guaranteed letter of recommendation from me.

email: We're especially interested in folks with experience in:

-Meteorology (esp forecasting)
-Emergency management
-Public health
-Wordpress & web dev
-Email/newsletter marketing
-Startup growth
-Nonprofit fundraising
-Partnerships / community based organizations
-Customer service
Apr 21, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
To face the climate emergency, we need "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society" — starting with how we relate to ourselves & one another.

Today's story from @anna_abrhm at @currently is an invitation to rethink everything.… "Polyamory is centered around fostering relationships and building community," Abraham writes. "We need that energy in the climate fight."
Apr 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The climate emergency increases trauma, especially in young people. We know how bad the climate is.

Climate communicators must lead with solutions, showing how much more can be done with everyone's help. That's how we bring about revolutionary change.… Join me on Tuesday April 19th at 7pm ET for a Twitter Spaces chat on the future of climate journalism in an era of converging crises with the inspiring people from @hothouseclimate — a climate newsletter focused on solutions.…
Apr 18, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Today, @currently is launching the first two editions of our weather survival series.

@earthtozaria's motivation here is noble:
"Historically, weather information has been inaccessible and oriented around privileged identities. We hope to change that." In recent years, climate change has oddly made extreme snow storms more frequent, especially in the Eastern US.

Record-setting blizzards, like today's in New York or last week's in North Dakota, are supercharged by more moisture in the atmosphere.…
Apr 4, 2022 22 tweets 8 min read
Today, the @IPCC_CH releases its final report on how to stop climate change. Scientists have been working on this report for 8 years.

Twitter thread of one of the most important reports in human history:


Watch live: "The jury has reached a verdict and it is damning... we are on a fast track to climate disaster."

- UN Secretary General @antonioguterres
Mar 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
There's no magic bullet, no "net zero" techno-save that can erase the fact that the climate emergency will continue to get worse until we reach ZERO emissions globally. Zero means zero. Every ton matters.

We haven't confronted that fact as a society (or as individuals). The implications of this are enormous.

If emissions are essentially irreversible on meaningful timescales within our lifetime, that means that we are in an emergency. It also means there is a liability associated with choosing to continue emissions.…
Mar 22, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Planting trees makes climate change worse. Yup, you read that right.

My latest for The Phoenix:… I'll be chatting about planting trees, carbon offsets, and what we SHOULD be doing instead with @KetanJ0 later today in a Twitter Space. RSVP here:…
Mar 1, 2022 25 tweets 6 min read
Today's IPCC report — the latest installment in a 30+ year effort by the world's climate scientists to warn humanity of the climate emergency — comes at a moment when it feels like every aspect of the world is crumbling.

A thread, and a path toward hope: To be completely honest, my intention was to work through the full report today and help summarize the main points, but it was so comprehensive and damning I couldn't emotionally do it. (I've covered every IPCC report since 2007, this was a first.)
Feb 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Announcing: A weekly discussion series from The Phoenix 🔥

Our goal will be to practice critical creativity as climate revolutionaries — to burn down the system and build something that works for everyone.… No topic is off limits. It's a big system. There's lots to burn down.

We'll focus on building community, skills sharing, and conversation about solutions — including what doesn't work.

You can help decide our weekly topics in this survey:… survey results
Feb 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Tomorrow's my 41st birthday. A lot has happened since this time last year — maybe the biggest is @currently: We're building @currently to be a weather service for the climate emergency.

Right now we're growing — learning about ourselves, how we can support frontline communities, what an anti-racist weather report looks like, how to tell stories of the futures we can build together.
Jan 27, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Starting now!

We're live with @GarySzatkowski @adtorreswx @TheWeatherMegan chatting about this weekend's East Coast mega-blizzard potential!