Eric John Diesel Profile picture
Retired mathematician formerly floating about @ Stanford, UCLA, Caltech, MIT. Also philosophy of statistics/science and amateur Calif field botanist
Sue Strong 🇺🇦 Profile picture Nancy Profile picture rootwoman123 Profile picture kvgklm, #BlueCrew Profile picture steve Profile picture 7 subscribed
Apr 27, 2023 21 tweets 16 min read
121/ Musk made this entire thread invisible in searches, except to people who follow me, & hid doing it.

This is despite my paying for Twitter Blue, which I only did because Musk made my replies totally invisible.

If he does this to other paying Blues, class action fraud suit? ImageImageImageImage 122/ Musk made me & my tweets of Musk screenshots invisible in searches. Image
Apr 24, 2023 20 tweets 17 min read
117/ Musk censorship causes searches to say that account @TheeRougarou doesn't exist & has never been tagged by anyone.

Yet @TheeRougarou just tweeted this Twitter meme. (See tweet #1☝️ for explanation of meme.) ImageImage 118/ Musk is creating an authoritarian version of "truth" using censorship, info manipulation, & AI "psyops" (#91☝️)

Musk calls it "Pravda" (Stalin's propaganda organ)👇

Musk censors info👇(& #76☝️) & masks evidence-based info (signal) w authority-based noise (#112, 114-116☝️) ImageImageImageImage
Apr 18, 2023 33 tweets 26 min read
99/ Musk updated Twitter's hateful conduct policy to specifically remove protections for trans people, from targeted misgendering and deadnaming.

Musk previously wrote "the pendulum swung too far" towards equality for LGBTQ people (also see tweets #23, 43, & 87 above☝️). ImageImageImageImage 100/ Musk-Twitter made this entire thread "unavailable" to some, but *not* to me & a few others.. except for the 1st & last tweet so it's not detected.

Twitter ZEROES out ENTIRE list of accounts I follow, so no one can DM me notice when it happens, & I don't get notifications.👇 ImageImageImageImage
Apr 4, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Alina Habba, Trump atty in NY AG case, claims when she left Trump's documents in her car, thieves broke into the car. This was in Mar 2022, when Trump was stiffing FBI & Natl Archives for return of classified docs & presidential records, & NY AG for Trump Org docs. 1/3 Habba swore May 2022 she searched everywhere @ Bedminster & Mar-a-Lago, & inspected every doc for Trump Org docs, just before Christina Bobb signed false dec prepped by Evan Corcoran, there weren't classified docs at Mar-a-Lago. She swore atty Alan Garten searched Trump Tower 2/3
Apr 3, 2023 23 tweets 18 min read
91/ Musk says manipulating public opinion is key to success per others, admits building AI to do it, & is engaging in "psy ops", operations to convey selected information to influence emotions, motives, & objective reasoning, & ultimately behavior of govts, orgs, & individuals. ImageImage 92/ (clarification to #91) Tweets 1-90 in this thread show that Musk is actually doing what he accuses others of doing in screenshots of #91. Compare to when Trump accuses others of something, which is typically an admission. This is an example of "psyop" methods.
Mar 29, 2023 20 tweets 16 min read
88/ Musk bots & trolls falsely reported almost every tweet in this☝️thread, then Musk falsely masked tweets criticizing Musk as containing objectionable "sensitive content", so only accounts in my bubble can see them. Proof in screenshots in thread below👇
89/ Musk limits visibility of tweets that link to sources, by which the info can be verified as true - the *opposite* of making Twitter reliable.

Musk then says "Twitter is the source of "truth", simultaneously promoting false conspiracy theory posts banned on other platforms. ImageImageImageImage
Mar 28, 2023 12 tweets 8 min read
87/ Musk is boosting dangerous false trope that trans people are more likely to be killers.

Over past 5 years, only 3 of estimated 2,840 mass shooters were trans. Trans people are 1-2% of general population but only 0.04% of mass shooters (98% are cis men). ImageImage 88/ Musk bots & trolls falsely reported almost every tweet in this☝️thread, then Musk falsely masked tweets criticizing Musk as containing objectionable "sensitive content", so only accounts in my bubble can see them. Proof in screenshots in thread below👇
Mar 8, 2023 23 tweets 17 min read
69/ Musk promoted FALSE narrative that Jan 6 was NOT a VIOLENT insurrection. Fox & Tucker Carlson selectively released portions of Jan 6 tapes w/o violence, & not portions w violence, then falsely claimed no violence. Musk attacked Mitch McConnell for saying Fox & Tucker erred. Image 70/ Musk's definition of "truth" is whatever party dictates, as in screenshot of #69 above☝️. Musk wrote we were misled that Jan 6 was violent, in screenshot of #68 above☝️, because Tucker Carlson found moments w/o violence. See for yourself in vid below👇
Jan 30, 2023 30 tweets 22 min read
54/ Musk tweeted "kek" in context of a barrage of accusations of antisemitism for other tweets & Twitter activity. Musk apologists commented to #7 in this thread, that Musk somehow meant something else, despite that Musk never tweeted "kek" in that other way or in other context. ImageImageImageImage 55/ After homophobic Pelosi conspiracy theory tweeted by Musk was disproven by videos & recorded admission by perp, Musk pretended to apologize, but repeated false homophobic claim Pelosi & perp were together in "underwear" so story "questionable & bizarre", writing "nonetheless" ImageImage
Jan 28, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
@TwitterSupport Why are so many tweets in this thread masked for no apparent reason?

The appeal function is not working.

Please unmask and investigate whoever reported for harassment and abuse of reporting. 1/3 @TwitterSupport Why are so many tweets in this thread masked for no apparent reason?

The appeal function is not working.

Please unmask and investigate whoever reported for harassment and abuse of reporting. 2/3
Jan 24, 2023 30 tweets 21 min read
46/ Musk is interfering with FBI identifying J6 insurrectionists associated w antisemite Nick Fuentes.

Fuentes supporters attended J6 events, so are likely to recognize insurrectionists.

Musk made my tweets invisible when I tweeted them links to FBI images & requests for help. ImageImageImageImage 47/ Musk is interfering w FBI identification of J6 insurrectionists.

Musk replatformed antisemite Nick Fuentes, who helped organize J6.

When I posted comment to 1st Fuentes tweet, w link to FBI pics & request for help identifying, Musk blocked my account for vague policy abuse. ImageImage
Jan 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@PastorAlexLove What religion has the best tree in it? The Serer religion, or a ƭat Roog, has this beaut in Senegal.
Jan 20, 2023 30 tweets 20 min read
39/ Musk allows MEDICAL FRAUD that results in deaths.

Quacks pay Musk to FALSELY advertise that deaths are caused by vaccines, & FALSIFY other info.

Eg, vaccines had nothing to do w Damar Hamlin's death, his doctor didn't say this, & CNN never ran such a story.

SHAME! Image 40/ Musk FALSELY wrote: "Twitter is arguably already the least wrong source of truth on the Internet".

Half or more of Twitter is FALSE claims of election fraud, vaccine disinfo, anti-science nonsense, quackery, & false political attack info.

There is no reality filter at all! Image
Jan 12, 2023 28 tweets 20 min read
38/ Musk is knowingly causing rejection of scientific expertise & mass deaths in the elderly & scientifically illiterate population, by making false statements that efficacy of 2nd & 3rd COVID boosters has not been established.

Why? To increase Twitter engagement & cut losses? ImageImage 39/ Musk allows MEDICAL FRAUD that results in deaths.

Quacks pay Musk to FALSELY advertise that deaths are caused by vaccines, & FALSIFY other info.

Eg, vaccines had nothing to do w Damar Hamlin's death, his doctor didn't say this, & CNN never ran such a story.

SHAME! Image
Jan 10, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Has anyone seen theories or explanations of Trump's use of scare quotes in his posts?

They appear to be arbitrarily placed, and not to follow any grammatical rule or consistent use.

They are in almost all his posts.

Do his supporters know what they mean? Image @eminesaner wrote an article with some theories about Trump's use of scare quotes, six years ago. One (by @philipseargean) is that it allows Trump to deny saying something, since it has scare quotes. But this does not apply to all of Trump's uses.…
Jan 7, 2023 28 tweets 16 min read
25/ Musk's ownership of Twitter's MONOPOLY as an electronic b-board, let's him place ignorant, baseless, & FALSE military statements, at the top of everyone's feeds, putting national security at risk.

How is he able to avoid antitrust action, & retain SpaceX security clearances? Image 26/ Musk met w fascist environmental terrorist Bolsonaro, personally moderated re Brazilian elections, made false claims of the Brazilian election being rigged by Twitter, supported Brazil election denialism, made Twitter safe for Brazilian fascists, then insurrection in Brazil. ImageImageImageImage
Jan 3, 2023 27 tweets 16 min read
24/ Musk singled out just ONE religion to mock, Islam.

In a naked display of islamophobia, Musk called Islamic teaching "brainwashing".

Musk simultaneously called displays of symbols of gay pride "brainwashing". ImageImageImage 25/ Musk's ownership of Twitter's MONOPOLY as an electronic b-board, let's him place ignorant, baseless, & FALSE military statements, at the top of everyone's feeds, putting national security at risk.

How is he able to avoid antitrust action, & retain SpaceX security clearances? Image
Jan 1, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ NEW REPORTING: Trump, & atty Habba, committed perjury in NY AG affidavits. Trump's 1st cell phone, computers, & electronic storage weren't searched per judge's order, & 2nd cell wasn't forensically searched.

Proof below uses NY case affidavits & Mar-a-lago docs case info. 2/ There's much reporting on atty Christina Bobb's 6-3-22 false declaration that Mar-a-lago was searched & no more classified docs were found

But NO reporting that on 5-5-22, atty Alina Habba inspected all docs at Mar-a-lago, looking for TrumpOrg docs, & reported no classif doc
Dec 28, 2022 32 tweets 18 min read
14/ This thread will be expanded. Please comment below with screenshots of other examples of Musk tweets.

Also, please retweet your favorite parts of this thread, so others can see screenshots of what Musk is putting out there.👇
15/ Elon Musk trying to shut down basic bioscience research in USA.

He's making blatantly false statements about medical science.

Eg, gain of function research is for ANY organism, lethal or not, disease or not, & includes gain or loss of properties.
Dec 26, 2022 46 tweets 29 min read
1/ Musk repeatedly tweeted Pepe the Frog memes, the main hate symbol posted by "Groypers" to announce shared homophobic, antisemitic, & white supremacist values, called a "people of culture".

Commenting "/ourguy/" as below means a "fren" Groyper, but who can't say it out loud. ImageImageImageImage 2/ Musk's 1st act was to welcome antisemite Kanye West back to Twitter.

Musk tweeted actual Nazi propaganda photo to symbolize Twitter.

Musk tweeted antisemitic "puppeteer" trope & 💰💰 emojis to celeb Jews. ImageImageImageImage
Dec 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 Elon Musk's version of "very fine people" is calling racists, homophobes, and anti-Semites, "people of culture". 2/4 Here's what Musk's "people of culture" see.

Pepe the Frog is a "hate symbol" according to the Anti Defamation League @ADL.

Tweeting Pepe image, or using it in profiles, is code for supporting "Groyper" values of extreme & VIOLENT homophobia, racism, and anti-Semitism. Image