Eric Weinstein Profile picture
Interested in prebunked malinformation.
274 subscribers
Jan 31 6 tweets 2 min read
Q: How do you know someone does not know mathematics?

A: They are focused on beating China/India in math rather than France.

Q: How do you know if they don’t understand labor markets?

A: They claim we need “The best and the brightest!” when it’s actually a *value* competition. Image We are having a discussion about mathematics led by business people who don’t actually themselves believe in mathematical expertise or labor market analysis or even free markets.

I don’t know what they think mathematics is. It’s very expensive to hire The Best & The Brightest. Image
Dec 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
People want my speculation on 'drones' over the East Coast.

Let's take note of the following: I am not hearing ANYONE say "Let's get smart people together with resources."

At this point I don't take *anyone* seriously in USG who doesn't ask to convene smart people & resources. This is simple.

A) You call up smart people & tell them it's urgent.
B) You tell them where you want them to go.
C) You send transport to go get them.
D) You tell them they have full access to information.
E) You tell them they have whatever resources they need.

If not, that says it all.
Oct 1, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
S. Lebanon

All in play at the same time.

The U.S. has something like 11 Carrier Strike Groups. At some point, this becomes opportunistic, as the game theory goes multipolar. Similar to when police forces or hospitals are stretched by surge demand. Image Who is the de facto commander in chief?

It can’t be Biden.

Same question I have been asking since the 2020 election. I know it’s boring. But it matters. And it could matter a whole lot more on *very* short notice.

Let’s hope it doesn’t go that way.
Aug 22, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Folks are always confused why the Democratic Party is my party.

Why doesn’t John Wick just get a new dog?

Why doesn’t Ulysses find a wife with fewer suitors?

Why doesn’t Israel move to Beverly Hills?

Why doesn’t Shackleton accept reality?

Why does Shifu train a Panda?

I don’t get it.

Do you want every last one of us who sees the madness to be driven out of your loyal opposition party? Really??

I don’t like bullies. I don’t like cowards who bully in groups. I don’t like psychopaths who wander around wearing the robes of authority and wisdom.
Jul 27, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Given what is going on in our election cycle, I for one would like to hear more from those who consider the US electorate as the leading threat to electoral integrity.

And I am not merely being snide. I believe that my/our betters in the so-called 'Elite', have developed an entire academic theory wherein the US citizen has oddly become the principal threat to American Democracy.

Here:Image "Left to their own devices and the tender mercies of candidate ads and outside groups, voters do the best they can, but their abilities are limited." -Brookings

I get it. While that is not wrong, it is not exactly a ringing endorsement of democracy: the *voter* is the weakest link within this Brookings framework.Image
Jul 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
You cannot election-proof a democracy’s load-bearing foreign policy. I believe that a tremendous part of our current US electoral insanity comes from the mere unpacking of this brief 10 word statement.

Looking to @MikeBenzCyber, @shellenberger & others here to see if I have this right.
Mar 26, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
The technical name for this article’s swift and devastating takedown strategy inside the FBI is “Image Cheapening” which we have known since the 1970s via Davidon et al.

Image We don’t yet know why it was written. We don’t yet know who commissioned it.

We do know that no independent minded health professional who could contradict the public health institutions and czars has been allowed to ascend to @hubermanlab’s level of popularity, power and influence without “Image Cheapening” coverage.

In fact, since Lindbergh used his popularity to sway public opinion on entry into WWII, no independent minded individual has been
amassed state-level influence without such FUD (Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt) campaigns. The theory we have advanced behind this is that the State learned the lesson from Lindbergh’s interference with FDR that all charismatic independent minded individuals (like a John Lennon) cannot be allowed state levels of influence and must be preemptively cheapened and harassed. Here it is applied to medical professionals who could interfere with future Anthony Fauci health czars.

Cc: @DrJBhattacharya, @MartinKulldorff, @RandPaul

This is the medical version of “No Living Heroes” theory:…
Mar 14, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
Twitter over compensates for the very real madness of the institutional world.

Despite being seen as contrarian, here are some mainstream Physics opinions that I hold, which Twitter somehow finds controversial:

I don’t think The Universe is “made of Consciousness.”

I don’t think Dark Energy is “Sus”.

I think Dark Matter is real.

I don’t think the Standard Model is ‘bogus’.

I don’t think “universities are over”.

I don’t think String Theory (for all its problems) or String Theorists are stupid.


Twitter is kinda just nuts. No matter how extreme my opinions are by real world standards, Twitter is always more extreme. Perhaps it is because people hold things that they claim are “opinions”, but which would require more details and knowledge to elevate to that level. For example, I don’t think I have an opinion on reasons of political economy for recent changes in the credit rating of Macedonian municipal bonds. So it is always surprising to see so many accounts claiming to hold strong heterodox opinions on wormholes, dark matter or the Big Bang. I will respond to a few responses here to give an idea of what is going on X/Twitter.

Tweet 1. In physics, equations often don’t balance. So we add terms to account for what we can’t YET directly detect. The Neutron, quarks, Higgs field and Neutrino all had such an origin. By now all have been directly observed and fairly well modeled.

This is why I point out that neutrinos are basically dark matter, but for the weak force as the only non gravitational force to couple to them and affect them.

Dark is a spooky and misleading name for these which makes dark energy and dark matter sound similar. They aren’t.

Think of dark matter as being “decoupled matter” and/or “ultra heavy matter we can’t see at current accelerator energies” and it might seem to be less suspicious.

I don’t yet have a comparable suggestion for dark energy. Sorry.
Oct 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
IDF-assisted suicide


Munchausen by Proxy


Something terrible is about to happen to innocent people in Gaza. It will be horrific to watch. Make sure you fully familiarize yourself with the concepts above the line.

I’m not leaving this here for you. It’s for me. Some of those killed by IDF bombs, rockets, bullets and missiles will undoubtedly be human shields taken hostage. Prepare yourself. Know that this is unavoidable.

Some Arabs who now hate Hamas will turn to Hamas due to carnage. Again, this is all part of pre-scripted strategy.
Jul 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Anonymous accounts are used by institutions for both astroturfing & bot farming. They are used for FUD campaigning by institutions and their armies to destroy those who stand up under their own names.

I really don’t get this. This is not pro-underdog. Something else is going on. A pro-underdog position would be different. It would not assume that accounts standing up to protest would be just individuals against unjust institutions. It would view anonymity as an amoral tool rather than a good thing in and of itself.

To celebrate anonymity makes no sense.
Jul 7, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
“String Theory is absolutely…the most likely to be true set of ideas about what sits at the intersection of the Standard Model and quantum gravity.” @JosephPConlon It is not objective or absolutely true that String Theory is our best theory. In fact, it has become, 40 years after the anomaly cancelation, our most thoroughly explored idea. No other path has been picked over like this one.

Waited a few days. I don’t think you are making……
Jun 18, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
Doctor: may I give a different perspective?

Many Americans learned about how far off their concept of “science” was from COVID. They thought that science was something they could trust. They trusted their vaccines. Their FDA. The CDC.

And then they saw the COVID show…. Quite honestly, @DrJBhattacharya said to me “I was at Stanford for 35 years as a researcher and didn’t know how any of this really worked.”

Fauci/Collins/Daszak didn’t just break trust with lay people. They showed even successful researchers that there’s a secret 🌎 in science.
Jun 17, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Because our institutions decided that they outgrew the free society they serve. What is “Prebunking Malinformation”?…
Jun 7, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Now I feel completely alone.

I want our wanting out of this story. I have a huge dog in this fight. I spend every day fighting my own human desire for GU to be proven correct.

I believe this is how String Theorists stopped being scientists.

I just want our data & the physics. If biological aliens were here from others star systems in crafts that defy the current physics of the standard model and, more importantly, general relativity, I would be one of the few people who would have a guess on day one as to how they must have gotten here. It’s tempting.
Jun 6, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
C) If someone talks about time dilation, Alcubierre warp drives, wormholes, multi-generation ships, etc, it is probably garbage. This is an attempt to get sci-fi results out of known science. If something is here from far away, it isn’t bound by our bizarre stagnation in physics. D) Beware of any discussion of unrelated aliens that have tetrapod body plans. Take a long hard look at intelligent mollusks on earth. That’s the closest we have to aliens. The odds of unrelated tetrapod aliens is just…I can’t even believe we are having this discussion. Sorry.
May 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Many are confused by my frequent response to bizarre official narratives is “I don’t know what’s going on. But I do know that things don’t seem to add up.”

Many of you who know things don’t add up claim you know why.

Many of you who wish to stay sane claim things add up. To me it’s confusing how you can claim to know. The defining feeling of our time is non-resolution and nearly infinite delay of actual understanding.

I have called this the “Locrian era.” All other western scales/modes have both the 5th & a tonic for resolution. Except Locrian.
Apr 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The central question remains:

Was Jeffrey Epstein a *construct* of the intelligence community, who as state sponsored predator cannot be investigated by news media cooperating with government for “reasons of national security.”

That should sound crazier than it does today: Image I have been asserting that Epstein was OBVIOUSLY not a major financier since well before his Florida arrest in 2006.

These leaders are meeting him years after his conviction and incarceration.

This thing appears just *impossibly* fake. I’m sorry. It seems fake. Just fake.
Mar 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Is that your image? That @dpakman “takes glee in the death of children”?

The answer to your query is that I don’t run from those I admire when they misfire on a tweet.

More importantly, I don’t know how to think about the string of mass school shootings.

I’m out of ideas. You? And I’ll say that I’ve historically found @dpakman to be a voice on the left that I recognize from an earlier/saner era. I haven’t checked in w/ him recently, but he has always been great when we’ve interacted 1-1. I’ve recommended him to many seeking adult progressive voices. 🙏
Mar 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I) Disinformation + “Informed Consent” = DISINFORMED Consent.

II) “Malinformation” leading to non-consent lead to “Malinformed Refusal to Consent”.

III) Malinformation & Disinformation were defined by deviation from a *State narrative* based on questionable objectives/science. The most powerful disinformation agent was the STATE. That is, the STATE alone decided what was necessary and blocked, intimidated, & tarnished all those scientists, academicians and physicians who attempted to question any part of the official public health narrative. Read this.
Mar 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
You mean 6.0%. That’s a claim about the precision with which economists calculated our national inflation rate.

Just explain to me first what this precise number actually represents given how much is now on the line with SVB, Social Security & Taxes.

Like I’m 5. And stupid.
🙏 If you need a North Star to guide you, focus on the claim of *precision*.

Q1: How is the “representative consumer” constructed?

Q2: Which formula? Laspeyres? Lowes? Konus?

Q3: Why that formula and why does the BLS claim it is within a COLA framework with ZERO preference data?
Mar 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“Something went wrong. Try again.” What we call normal life is, in part, the willingness to consensually participate in a mutual dream state backed by a monopoly on violence (Government) advised by experts, and nominally directed by casting ballots informed by a free press.

We cannot whittle away trust forever.