Historian and author, GunaiKurnai country. Fed Uni. Australian regional history, labour & mining history, social policy & heritage. My own views
Jul 2, 2020 • 16 tweets • 9 min read
1/15 Thanks @louisemiskell ! I will be looking at Port Kembla; an industrial town in New South Wales, Australia. I am returning to research I did 20 years ago preparing a 2nd edition of my book. Tweeting from GunaiKurnai country in SE Australia @FedUniAustralia #SWOS20
2/15 Port Kembla (PK) industrialised from 1900. Hoskins Steel works relocated from Lithgow production from 1929. New company, Australian Iron & Steel Pty Ltd (AI&S) was taken over by Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP) in 1935. By 1921 PK pop was 1,622. 4,960 by 1947 #SWOS20