How could we be going through a Great Awakening if everybody’s retarded?™️ I have no enemies, only those foolish enough to stand in my way.
16 subscribers
Jun 25, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Julian Assange, wasn’t his family in the movie business & “on the run from a cult” ?
Didn’t A Male, I mean Amal Clooney -wife of George Clooney- represent Assange?🤔
Another significant concern about Julian Assange is his stance on 9/11.
He dismisses conspiracy theories related to 9/11, considering them unworthy of serious consideration and research, how do you rationalize that?
And let’s not forget how pro Israel Wikileaks was as a whole, Netanyahu loves Julian ✡️
Not exactly a good look now is it?
(Video below)
Actors acting 🎭
Apr 10, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Christ is King 📣
Beyond that:
“I approach the Bible with skepticism, particularly because of the influence of King James, also known as the Mason King.”
Why do so many people think Jesus is Lucifer, and why does Christ describe himself in the same way Lucifer is described?
The reason is that the impending
evil is an imposter masquerading as Christ.
If I was the Devil, my top priority would be to paint Christ as Lucifer as well.
Remember: the devil does not create, but perverts that which is of God.
Now let’s take things a few steps further:
What does the NIV Bible and The Satanic Bible have in common?
Zondervan publishing who publish the NIV are owned by Harper Collins.
Harper Collins publishes The Satanic Bible!
Can we trust the NIV?
Isaiah 14:12 KJB reads:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
Isaiah 14:12 NIV reads:
How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn
Revelation 22:16 proclaims that Christ is the Morning Star!
This is no little error but blasphemy at its “finest”.
Moreover, you think a curse from God can stop soulless demons from perverting His word?
These freaks would happily sacrifice themselves and their entire families to do their Master’s bidding. Going against the Creator is what they do!
We also need to take into account copyright infringement and “necessary” modifications to protect against potential legal action.
As you will see in the video below.
Then we will get into King James, Cesare Borgia, Christ & the Antichrist.
Hope this helps.
🧵 thread 🧵
Other discrepancies in different Bible versions:
Apr 7, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The thing about making America great again, is that you’d have to be certain it was great to begin with.
Could the beloved Statue of Lady Liberty be nothing more than Satan in Drag?
Why is the Statue of Lucif I mean Liberty on water?
Why is it CHAINED ?
And why is it called the statue of LIBERTY and not FREEDOM?
Hint: liberty is given for a time, when sailors dock—- they get liberty.
Freedom is forever.
Words Matter!
The Statue of Liberty is the woman being described in Revelations 17:4-5, 9 and 18:7 along with Isaiah 47:1-15.
We say this because we know that the Statue of Liberty is actually the artist/sculpture’s vision of Ishtar, the goddess of Babylon.
This makes the Statue of Liberty the largest Idol ever made by human hands.
Look at pictures of face alone, what gender does that seem to represent?
More Reading 📖
Here you will find a selection of my work for your enjoyment.
I’ll continue to add to this space over time and as with all things:
take with a grain of salt.
Conspiracy, Occult, Religion & Deception.
Conspiracy, Deception and the Rise of the Beast
🕋 Is ALLAH a Deceiver or the One True God❓🧵updated🧵
KAABA worship was always prevalent in pre-islamic Arabia.
That kaaba Housed about 360 idols, The Quraishi worshipped Allah as one of the Idols.
Muslims today go round the Kaaba at 360 degrees representing 360 idols of the kaaba during the PRE-ISLAMIC Era. They go round the kaaba 7 times representing 7 days.
Islam’s roots can therefore be traced back to pagan origins.
Among the major deities of the pre-Islamic era were al-Lat ("the Goddess"), worshiped in the shape of a square stone; al-Uzzah ("the Mighty"), a goddess identified with the morning star and worshiped as a thigh-bone-shaped slab of granite between al Talf and Mecca; Manat, the goddess of destiny, worshiped as a black stone on the road between Mecca and Medina; and the moon god, Hubal, whose worship was connected with the Black Stone of the Kaaba.
The stones were said to have fallen from the sun, moon, stars, and to represent cosmic forces. The Black Stone that Muslims revere today is the same one that their forebears had worshiped well before Muhammad and pre-Islam.
Sex is important in these rituals.
KAABA is shaped like a vulva (of woman private part) and Muhammad kissed it as Muslims continue to do so today.
KAABA was also kissed before Islam.
Sex is also important in Islam, it helps explain polygamy and Muta'h. Also the promised 72 virgins in "heaven" …for what exactly?
Wanna go a step further?
What or who is housed within the cube?
Why is Allah described as having two right hands and horns?
Symbolism is important and nothing is coincidental. 👀
The Quran describes Allah as the best deceiver there is, a liar who is not above using the same evil and wicked schemes of his opponents.
For example, the Quran calls Allah a makr, in fact the best makr there is:
But they (the Jews) were deceptive, and Allah was deceptive, for Allah is the best of deceivers (Wamakaroo wamakara Allahu waAllahu khayru al-makireena)! S. 3:54; cf. 8:30
Other texts that identify Allah as a makr include:
Are they then secure from Allah's deception (makra Allahi)? None deemeth himself secure from Allah's deception (makra Allahi) save folk that perish. S. 7:99
So they schemed a scheme: and We schemed a scheme, while they perceived not. S. 27:50
The word for deception/deceiver/scheme is makr. The lexical sources define the term as:
To practice deceit or guile or circumvention, practice evasion or elusion, to plot, to exercise art or craft or cunning, act with policy, practice stratagem.
A Muslim may contend that Allah only deceives unbelievers who deserve it. The problem with this assertion is that the Muslim scripture teaches that Allah doesn’t merely deceive unbelievers but also his followers.
For example, Allah deceived Muhammad into thinking that the fighting men at Badr were fewer in number than they actually were:
“When Allah showed them to you in your dream as few; and if He had shown them to you as many you would certainly have become weak-hearted and you would have disputed about the matter, but Allah saved (you)…”
Here, also, is how one of the earliest sources on the life of Muhammad interpreted Q. 8:30:
Then he reminds the apostle of His favour towards him when the people plotted against him 'to kill him, or to wound him, or to drive him out; and they plotted and God plotted, and is the best of plotters.' i.e. I DECEIVED them with My firm GUILE so that I delivered you from them. (The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, with introduction and notes by Alfred Guillaume [Oxford University Press.
Pt 1
The Quran unashamedly calls Muhammad’s god the best liar and deceiver of them all.
It even goes as far to say that ALL deception belongs completely to Allah:
And verily, those before them did deceive/scheme (makara), but all deception/scheming is Allah's. He knows what every person earns, and the disbelievers will know who gets the good end. S. 13:42
In fact, the Quran states that Allah raises wicked individuals to deceive and scheme:
Even so have we placed in every city, ringleaders of its wicked ones, to scheme therein, but only against themselves shall they scheme, and they know it not. S. 6:123 Rodwell
And further commands people to do evil so that he can then have a reason to destroy them.
And when We would destroy a township We send commandment to its folk who live at ease, AND AFTERWARD they commit abomination therein, and so the Word hath effect for it, and we annihilate it with complete annihilation. S. 17:16 Pickthall
Why is Allah “the greatest deceiver” of them all?
Why did Mohammed think he was possessed by the devil when he first encountered Gabriel? And why did he try and throw himself off a cliff as a result of? (In Hadith if I recall)
How did Mohammed die?
How did Mohammed describe death from demonic possession?
These are the questions I ask!
Done for now ✅
For more reading on how Islam and Judaism fit into all this, try this:
Jan 8, 2024 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Katt Williams exposing the Illuminati.
Or, —- Masonic theatre ❓🎭👁️
🔥Short thread 🧵
A GOAT introducing another.
And definitely a White Hat 🎩👀
Dec 19, 2023 • 15 tweets • 7 min read
Donald Trump
a h
m o
i r
e n
Same initials and number of letters in both names.
The Donald Trump & Damien Thorn Antichrist connections.
Was The Omen coded after Donald Trump?
Damien Thorn’s birth mother and Trump's grandmother (Elizabeth Christ Trump) died on the very same day. (6/6/66)
Nov 10, 2023 • 14 tweets • 7 min read
👁️Donald Trump is “not” a Freemason👁️
The following will anger many, but tough luck. I’ll try and be fair and let you come to you own conclusion with what’s presented.
What do you know about Masonic handshakes?
These are just some of dozens of examples👀
Do you have eyes to see?
Oct 3, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
What do you know about MK Ultra handler Terry Richardson?
Sep 23, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
How many judges does it take to convict a European Ashkenazi jew?
Now, how many judges does it take to convict a gentile for execution?
What is the significance of Donald J Trump being gifted the Torah Crown?
Why is “The Chosen One” a Noahide Law champion?
Sep 4, 2023 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
How does Islam & Judaism fit into all of this, and how Revelations is coming together.
It is a common idea that the Templars were at war with the Muslims.
However, that may not be entirely true.
Knights of the Order of Saladin.
Some believe Islamic societies such as Ismailis, Karmathites, Fatimites etc merged with Christian societies to create the Templars, Hospitallers and Rosicrucians.
Aug 29, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Trust QuetzalcoatlAnon?
Good thing Military is in control, right?
Not so sure about that…
Small 🧵thread🧵
The Order of Quetzalcoatl, known as "Q", is an American Masonic order.
Aug 21, 2023 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Mr Rogers 🏴☠️ & Skull & Bones ☠️.
Did you know Tom Hanks was related to Mr Rogers?
•The Masonic Shoe also called the Blue Slipper, is symbolic of a physical confirmation of a spoken deed.
His trademark red cardigan, the colour of sacrifice.
In every episode he removes his shoe, a Masonic ritual of the Entered Apprentice which denotes exposing the heel to the symbolic attack of the devil.
Reverse world 🌎 remember.
Aug 17, 2023 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
"I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021
👇🏻 🧵Thread🧵
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
Aug 14, 2023 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
Always remember:
It was needed in order to sedate enough patriots into accepting what has come to pass.
We would never have allowed for this egregious entrenchment on our Right & Liberties without it, and our children’s…
Trust Their Plan…
Not only was this a play, but a mockery of all things Good, as it is revealed to be nothing more than a reversal, a satanic twist on all things biblical.
Aug 12, 2023 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Here is where I’ll be posting some of my new and updated work.
Check it out periodically as I will be updating and adding as I go.
Enjoy, and feel free to share what resonates with you.
A psyop is a deception, and just because the outcome seems favourable to you, doesn’t mean the ones behind it are good.
By definition, a psyop plays people into groups. Also tears the “love thy neighbour” right outta society.
It’s us against them 💡
You are being manipulated, this is not Freedom, nor an awakening.
The Great Reset’s centralized control is the fear mechanism guiding us towards The Great Awakening’s NESARA aka The Beast Control System.
Free Will, ain’t that a b|tch.
Aug 9, 2023 • 22 tweets • 10 min read
🚨Desantis, the more you know🚨
Now that it’s fashionable to expose Desantis, let’s give this another try.
This thread 🧵 is mostly off the top off my head and random, let’s see how it goes:
“Obama called Ron into his office (both Harvard Graduates btw and said:
“Congrats Ron, as your Commander in Chief, we have a Clinton Coronation Scheduled for 2016, are you with us or against us?”
I will let you dwell on his answer for now, until we speak Uranium One deal later ;)
Aug 5, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
The Seven Rays Prayer is a Luciferian Prayer plagiarized by Flynn from Elizabeth Clare Prophet, a high ranking Theosophist/Luciferian
Small thread 🧵
The Seven Rays of Light represents the Seven Classical Planets that have been worshipped since Babylon.
Each ray has great significance to New Age Movement and is directly associated with the '7 Deadly Devils' that associated with the '7 Deadly Sins'.
Aug 4, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
When it comes to nothing burgers, Liz Crokin makes em pretty good.
What do you see?
“M” 🤟 short 🧵thread 🧵
Liz has been a Bush pawn from the very beginning.
Jul 28, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Let’s talk Mike Pompeo..
I have a Question 🙋♂️
Would you trust somebody who is a former CIA Director, knights of Malta, attends Bilderberg meetings & President of numerous companies with direct ties into the Oil & Gas conglomerate?
Answer this question, then continue reading
The Pilgrims Society has groomed every U.S. Secretary of State, War and C.I.A. director, since 1899, Elihu Root is the cofounder.
Now, Pompeo’s predecessor is Henry Kissinger, vice president of the Pilgrims Society during the 2008 bank bailout