Esme | Entreprenerd 🤓 Profile picture
⭐️ Systems/Ops Strategist 👩🏻‍💻 Digital Educator 🤓 Notion, ClickUp, Productivity, PM, PKM 🤬 I swear, a lot 🦄 DOO @RootvikAgency + OBM @RCummingsYBA
Jun 19, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
I love it when I have a fiddle with my @NotionHQ space, it's always enlightening!

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't (as my previous live streams have proved!).

This time I'm really rather proud of how it looks

#notiontwt ImageImageImageImage So I posted this 3 hours ago, and I've already changed it!

I've now added my daily journal under 2 toggles!

I love having everything on 1 page, & everything connects to my Daily Journal, so it makes sense to have that on this page as well! Image
Jun 15, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
New domain + new website + pretty links
new branded links to my public @NotionHQ pages + playing in @canva to make new graphics.

Feel free to stop by & see what I'm working on, ask me a question or suggest a video topic!

#notiontwt Image If you want the direct links, here they are: - kinda obvious! - my Journey Journal - #notionconsultant portfolio - video requests - topics I'm working on