Captivedreamer7 is Geoffrey Martin of British Columbia.
Geoff is a pedophile who advocates for the age of consent to be 14 & talks about stalking high schools for girls IRL.
Disturbingly, he holds a job at a school!
"Martin" spent months trying to dox me & my friends. He lost!
Captivedreamer7 is full of tattoos, like any good millennial!
You can see "Martin" is next to his heavily autistic wife, who works in the tech industry & is the bread winner in the family.
Martin got his job from his father via nepotism & has never had a real job in his life.
Feb 21 • 23 tweets • 10 min read
Milo Yiannopoulos EXPOSED 🧵
This thread details @Nero's history: his pedophilia, federal connections and crimes!
This will prove Milo is a pedophile fed who must be rejected from all circles like the monster he is.
Milo wants to hide his past, NEVER LET HIM FORGET!🔥
Milo advocated pedophilia, promoting relationships between 14yos with men in their 30s / 40s in 2016 on Joe Rogan!
Milo defended the predator who violated him as a "great man", talking about wanting to follow in his steps.
Milo brags he finds 15yo boys "hot"! 🤮
Jan 22 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
The shooter in Antioch Nashville was a pro-Ukraine Satanist alog. Not a fan of Nick Fuentes!
Solomon Henderson was a friend & copycat of BAPist Samantha Rupnow, apart of an anti-Christian satanic pedo cult called 764 "Temple ov Bob".
He hated groypers & had a Kiwi Farms account.
Everything this subhuman sub-sarharan believed in stands against what Nick Fuentes says & does, including following accounts calling for the death of Nick Fuentes. That's intentional, he wanted to smear Christians & actual right wingers. He was a mentally ill schizophrenic e-stalker in an anti-White death cult & died for the cause of being so immersed in the alog / Kiwi Farms / soyjak culture he died for it.
Killing some random Hispanic 16yo is not helping to save the White race. This was done purely for ego & attention, following accounts like Turkey Tom, Mr Beast and others.
Here's a promo for O9A / 764 offshoot "Tempel ov Bob" featuring "Noctulian Freakybob" who they worship as a dark God 💀
None of this insane stuff has anything to do with anything Nick Fuentes has ever said. I disavow it all!
Dec 20, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Milo Yiannopoulos IMPLICATED in the assassination attempt on Nick Fuentes!
Milo the fed RECRUITED "gangs" to ASSAULT Nick on camera in exchange for favors!
Milo sent Nick's address, SSN & passwords to numerous people.
Milo said the murder attempt was FAKE, then CELEBRATED it!
Milo is a foreign national soliciting & abetting violent attacks on a U.S. citizen / major political influencer, even providing logistical support.
Milo did this at least indirectly on behalf of Israel. Only Anti-Zionist commentators have their lives threatened like this!
May 25, 2023 • 13 tweets • 7 min read
Perpetual loser and snake @UnwellMiguel PLOTTED behind the scenes with Mister Metokur to BETRAY America First using his cozy channel! 🐍
Alberto sought approval from Daddy Jim to snake Nick Fuentes, then pretend to play nice for weeks after. 🎭
Never trust Two faced Alberto!👿
Mister Reddikur talks to Michael Alberto about God, confirms himself as an "apatheist"! LMFAO
Too reddit for atheism or agnosticism, seems like Cancer Man swapped his grimy 5 star hat for a full fedora!
How embarrassing.
Apr 30, 2023 • 23 tweets • 14 min read
Daisy, aka Brooke Cox, is a 30yo perpetually lying convict single mom racemixer & Jaden Gang SLEEPER CELL!
Until going nazi, Daisy based her life around RACEMIXING, having a "happa" child she denied for months!
Daisy has lied about every aspect of her life to lead on simps🧵
Daisy has lied about every aspect of her life! From claiming she didn't have a child, to saying she has no criminal record, to bragging about running a "million dollar" catering business & to her loyalty to Tac Nuke!
Andrew Wilson COPES, claims Ultros / Victor Sharp, aka "The Gay Patriot", isn't a homosexual!
BPF justifies Ultros soliciting random young men as an "ironic joke"!
BPF gets BTFO'd, bringing up the "counter evidence", a Kiwi Farms post that itself asserts Ultros is 🏳️🌈gay🏳️🌈.
BPF immediately REVEALS his hand! Thinks the Ultros / Victor Sharp expose was from Kiwi Farms, meaning he's never read the original thread by @punishedLavrov or seen the evidence!
If Andrew Wilson properly read the KF post he's citing, it in fact refers to the original thread.
Apr 15, 2023 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Nick Fuentes EXPOSES the Victor Sharp / Ultros connection!
Explains how one pedophile (deeply infatuated with boys half his age) is FUNDING the alog industrial complex and keeping them afloat! Including Jaden, Teddy Feaser, Cog, Chudbuds (rip bozo), etc.
Total hypocrisy!
Nick Fuentes NAMES jewish pederast Milo for trying to sleep in the same bed with him, hours after trying to force drugs on Nick!
Milo offered a pillow partition to help coax Nick. He tried immediately getting another room, but broke Milo's card declined! Getting a new one asap.
Mar 6, 2023 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Clairebere waves the whiteflag!🏳️ Announces Chudbuds dot lol is DEAD! E-girl forced to log off!
Mrs.Metokur confirms all user's email, hashed password & DMs were totally leaked! IPs likely too.
The hackers are trying to access her IRS account & got her KF.
"Total aylog victory"
Claire's kiwi farms leak PROVES she was plotting with Pit Viper Salesman / Christorian X to 🏳️🌈 op & dox innocent @Ali_Jamal1776!
After moralizing once again, sociopathic Claire was plotting behind the scenes with Coin Merchant to ruin Ali's life, publicly playing the defender!
Mar 6, 2023 • 18 tweets • 13 min read
🩸TOTAL ALOG DEATH🩸: Chudbuds, Mister Metokur's homebase has been totally COMPROMISED! Every single private DMs has been LEAKED. Everything changes FOREVER!
OPSEC master & owner of Chudbuds, Claire Rusche failed to protect her site despite reporting from me indicating problems!
A conspiracy of corruption runs to the top of Kiwi Farms!
Christorian X aka PitViperSalesman BRIBED gunt board mod AltisticRight to post disinfo about CX, covering up his identity!
AltisticRight is paid to lie for CX/PVS. How much total was given? What other KF mods are paid?
Feb 28, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Josh Moon "deeply regrets" to admit Ethan Ralph was right in moving to Mexico!
Null laughs at his own "dipshit" audience for being dumb enough to think the IRS is going to care to collect from Ethan Ralph.
Josh Moon attacks @PitViperSales / Christorian X for sending in a larping superchat trying to be the 🇺🇸 taxman coming for Ethan Ralph!
Even after it was explained, PVS confused tax criminals hiding in Mexico, with extracting civil judgements from people residing within Mexico.
Feb 28, 2023 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Ryan Dawson takes "REVENGE" against Cozy & Groypers!
Ryan doxed a half dozen groypers while dunking on them, even recounting their usernames.
Problem is, none of the shown people were groypers. Ryan was seemingly given intentionally bad info and desperately ran with it for a W!
Ryan Dawson did 2 entire streams on "honeypotting the groypers" across 10 days bragging about his massive "win".
Although Ryan might claim this is a joke later, it isn't. Ryan is fully convinced! He even detailing his specific problems with said groypers, taking personal digs.
Feb 20, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Randbot has UNHINGED MELTDOWN, brags about working with federal agents!
Ratbot / Ryan Johnson refuses to deny he's been involved with the feds this entire time.
"I will be speaking with an AFP(Australian Federal Police) agent and I will be pressing charges!"
Randbot doubles down, starts impotently screaming at the top of his lungs "YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL RALPH" over & over!
This is after Ratbot claimed Mexico is going to extradite Ralph to Australia over a prank call for "impersonating a police officer".
Feb 17, 2023 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
Graf, pedophile owner of Poast, is moving to Finland, where he was suppose to return with his 🇫🇮 ex.
This simp paid for her citizenship to 🇨🇦. Then she wanted to go back to 🇫🇮, Graf even agreed to that, before she flaked! Cucked & hurt, now Dumb Danny been sperging for days 💔
"My ex has my switch"
LMFAO Graf is actually Anthony Burch. Not only did Graf get cucked, he got robbed and totally screwed.
But keep in mind Graf totally broke up with her though! Ignore that he's moving to her home country for no apparent reason just out of the blue.
Feb 16, 2023 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
The CEO of Influenceable, Cam Rafizadeh has deleted his LinkedIn account.
Cam wishes to cover up his tracks.
Cam & his brother Liam are funded by TPUSA, their previous venture Influencing America created "Today is America" & "Influenceable".
They took down every website they own.
Influencing America? Doesn't exist, covering up their connection with TPUSA.
Today is America? Mysteriously down, making it almost impossible to figure out who's funding it unless you check the archive.
Even if you follow the paper trail Influencing America is down.
Feb 7, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Kinochet is launching yet another coordinated ghey op against Ethan Ralph! This time faking domestic abuse and trying to get Ralph swatted just for kissing his wife.
That's right, Kinochet is such an actual F-slur he tries turning a husband kissing their wife into a 🏳️🌈 op.
Here's the clip, you can clearly see it's Ralph kissing Pantsu. Pantsu clearly has no problem.
Yet Kinochet already has an edited gif ready to go within minutes! Almost like it was yet another coordinated ghey op from his Twitter group / discord full of sex offenders.
Jan 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
They tried:
-Burning the merch
-Destroying the belt
-Sabotaging the equipment
-Arresting Ethan Ralph
-Serving papers (twice)
-Harassing the owner into closing the event
-Spreading fake revenge porn
-Buying tickets
-Every ghey op under the 🌞
Nick Rekieta is already losing his newest trial, starts SPERGING OUT! Montagraph filed for a default judgment, so Rekieta has to beg like a dog to the judge for mercy to begin.
Rekieta complains about how Monty & his lawyers are outplaying him, before the game has even started!
Nick Rekeita starts LASHING OUT at Montagraph's attorneys, trying desperately to discredit them. Mere days ago, Rekieta was calling them "friends" & praising their work.
Rekieta threatens that just going to be "annoying litigation if they play it that way". Yea, for you.
Jan 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
The alogs are finally fully turning against Kinochet after he pushed the coordinated Pantsu Sextape ghey op!
People have began realizing that any benefit Cringeochet may bring is vastly outweighed by the constant plots, attention desperate stunts and frankly, ruining of any fun.
Took Kiwi Farms only 4 hours to realize that literally every twitter alog(VHS, kinochet, xaniberries, KAP, thots & opinions, Harry Morris) were working together to desperately push total BS ghey ops to use them for clout!