Ethan Elkind Profile picture
Climate Program Director @BerkeleyLawCLEE, author of Railtown (LA Metro Rail history from @ucpress), & host of @cityvisionsKALW Mondays 6pm PT
Sep 17, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Depressing @Cal_Plan interview with major LA transit advocate @DennyZane @MoveLATransit, who opposes @Scott_Wiener #SB50 (allowing apartments near major transit). His arguments are incorrect & self-defeating:… 1/8 First, he argues that requiring density near transit would sink transit ballot measures, as NIMBY suburbs would oppose them. But why should taxpayers pay for transit to low-density areas with weak ridership results? That's what happened in LA, with $$ wasted on weak lines. 2/8