ETHAN VAN SCIVER Profile picture
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Nov 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Sure, here's the ESG scam:

Democrats created legislation which permits employers to invest 401Ks in companies based on factors other than profitability, specifically Wokeness on social issues and the Climate.

These companies are now incentivized to promote Left wing causes. The next part:

Investors all watch these companies and their Social Credit Scores as signals to where EVERYONE who is participating is going to invest their money.

This causes an especially Woke company's stock to rise, pleasing their shareholders.
Nov 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Comics Breadtubers evidently don't understand that the Comics Code wasn't some dark night of fascism under Wertham, it was the comic book industry saying, "Point taken, Congress. Some of this shit is rough. We'll monitor our own content, though. You stay out." The entire point of the Comics Code Authority was to reassure retailers and the newsstand that this comic book was okay to sell... children!

Little kids were the audience back then.

It wasn't enforced. You could still make fucked up shit, but that logo meant more sales.
Nov 14, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Once more:

The US Department of Labor used to enforce regulations that employers and their investment managers chose their employees' investment plans based on financial factors. They'd need to choose mutual funds or ETFs that looked profitable for their employees 401K plans.. That was great, but what about Climate Change and other radical Left wing bottomless pit causes?

A scheme was devised.
Nov 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Marvel and DC Comics employ radical Left wing activists to produce social justice propaganda disguised as superhero comics, that they emotionally blackmail their audience into purchasing and supporting.

These activists viciously attack their critics. These formerly great comic book publishers are now owned by enormously indebted corporations, DISNEY and AT&T, who do not respect our creative medium, and are using it to cynically project Woke values in order to qualify for ESG funds and investors.…
Oct 12, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
This represents another disturbing SJW trope.

Superman fought Doomsday to the death. This one single superpowered monster defeated the entire DCU and forced a final performance of selflessness and sacrifice from the Man of Steel that left readers weeping. SJW creators are quick to cheapen stories like this.

"What? Superman couldn't defeat a single Doomsday without dying, but my cheap-o, knock-off Kroger brand DIVERSE Superfolks can EASILY defeat a whole army of them without breaking a sweat! See? Told you they were awesome!"
Oct 12, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Was there a deliberate effort made to make Kal-El's descendants resemble the 3 Kryptonian villains from SUPERMAN 2?

Why are they so sullen and terrifying?

Wearing the "S" and being of Superman's lineage should come with his optimism, charm, and charisma or it means nothing. So much of who Superman is and has always been is how we relate to him. We're HAPPY to see him. When he arrives, everything is going to be okay. We trust him.

The Snyder movies failed artistically because they failed to capture the almost Christlike purity of Reeves portrayal.
May 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
ComicsGate is a rebellion of fans & professionals against Radical Leftism, or "Social Justice" taking precedence in comic books over and instead of good stories and characters.

Leftists feign concern for "marginalized people" to take control of platforms and businesses. They pretend to cater to "under represented people" so as to cast their critics as "bigots" who are clearly "racist, sexist, homophobic" etc. It's a repressive tactic, and it comes along with Cancel Culture, which SJWs further utilize to create fear in anyone who resists them.
Aug 31, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
So let's discuss the next phase of ALL CAPS COMICS.

Let's talk about the idea of a monthly CYBERFROG and a monthly JAWBREAKERS series, offered only via subscription. Written by me and Zack, drawn by a couple of consistent and fast artists (like Kirkman found Charlie Adlard.) This has been something I've been thinking about for a year, because subscriptions have always been Direct to Consumer. It's entirely makes sense.

ALL CAPS would have a sudden growth spurt. I'd hire an editor, we'd use a regular printer each time...
Aug 23, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Glad you asked!

SJWs are worthless Leftist activists for activism's sake, dedicated to rooting out behavior they deem problematic in other people. They identify others by sex, race, or sexual orientation, and these factors come with a hierarchy of intrinsic morality. SJWs demand their stupid opinions be enshrined as the customs, rule or law of any organization they invade. They believe in the inevitability of "progress", which is only Socialism. They repeat slogans and buzzwords which make them sound like robots.
Aug 21, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
SJWs do nothing but chatter and gossip, working hard to gatekeep undesirables and fix social problems within the Comic Book Industry, giving not one shit about how to make it more profitable and sustainable for the creators who depend on it.… 2020 still has these manic, worthless clowns pointing fingers over “harassment,” investigations into workplace practices of DC and BOOM, unions and “pledges” and The Patriarchy, the awesome Twitter disses of dysfunctional dangerhairs, and #ComicsGate while the Direct Market dies.
Aug 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Prediction Thread:

DC's publishing future lays along the lines of YA novels and things that can easily, directly and inexpensively be adapted into streaming shows for teenagers. Which actually is the smartest path for AT&T. In a way, it's the ultimate victory for SJWs, because they've shrunk DC Comics down to an entirely controllable size for them, producing books in which SJW content merges fairly easily with superhero properties.

In other words, GOTHAM HIGH is the future of DC Comics.
Aug 12, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Yes, let me explain this to SJWs. (THREAD)

You've heard of POCs? Meet POBs.

People of Business.

AT&T is made up POBs who don't give a fuck about the less than 100,000 customers who still buy comics. Amazingly, POBs care even less about comics customers than SJWs do! AT&T is a soulless, debt ridden company run by individuals whose annual salaries are equivalent to how much the ENTIRE COMICS INDUSTRY earns in a good year.

These POB SOBs look at the billions of dollars earned by box office receipts and streaming, and have drawn conclusions:
Aug 3, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Bad news:

Your world is shrinking. You felt it in 2016, and you'll feel it again in a few months.

The world in which shrill voices emotionally blackmail corporations into destroying themselves is dying.

Respect for the customer is the future. 🤷‍♂️🌈🐸… No company can survive employing people with Amy's attitude, nor can it survive hoping that she will support it with her hard earned money.

Hell, respect for the hypnotism that must have been involved in making Marvel market to the people even THEY wouldn't pay a living wage to.
Jul 26, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read

SJWs use "Diversity" as an excuse to employ Cancel Culture and ruin the lives of people who oppose...Cancel Culture.

So if you oppose their goals (invading platforms and using them to serve extreme Leftism) and their methods (Cancel Culture), watch out, "bigot!" There are TWO types of people working in the comic book industry:

1. Those who serve the purpose of the industry itself, i.e. making fun comics that make money

2. Those who fight for control of how the industry itself functions.

If you are #1, you will eventually kneel to #2.
Jul 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Ha, I thought so.

You're focused on a tiny symptom of the problem of SJWs infesting the comic book industry.

It's like you're mad at having irregular moles, and want regular moles again.

#ComicsGate should be, and IS addressing the cancer itself and it's fatal diagnosis. So ComicsGate, for you, can be entirely focused on Stan Lee's creations being altered, disrespected and destroyed by SJW idiots for their culture war agenda.

And that's valid. But I don't think you're going to win that fight, because they've already declared you're "bigots."
Jul 18, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
SJWs in comics are aghast that #ComicsGate still exists, and are trying everything they can to prove that you're "racist, homophobic, sexist BIGOTS!"


Because you oppose their social agenda to convert comic books into leftist agitprop!

They want you to be afraid. But we're NOT afraid.

They use YOUR skin color, YOUR gender, YOUR sexual identity as their shield and their weapon.

We use TRUTH and FREEDOM as ours.

Everyone is welcome in comics, no matter who you are, no matter who you vote for, no matter how gay or straight.

It's yours.
Oct 21, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
I logged out of Twitter just to read the twitter timeline of an ex-ComicsGater I just watched be interviewed on YouTube.

Literally 95% of his tweets are about me, and how to depose me as "leader of ComicsGate" etc etc.

The mental illness of these people is profound. Last summer, after CYBERFROG BLOODHONEY was an enormous success, strange voices started suggesting that I was selfish by not allowing other indie creators access to my platform. Why couldn't I "help" people? Surely I owed it to the community.
Sep 13, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
2017 saw some voices of varying importance rise up on YouTube to criticize the Comics Industry.

Douglas Ernst, Diversity & Comics and Captain Frugal offered insight and ideas that were adopted by many, and built upon. Ernst and D&C went on to realize that publishing... ...was the inevitable solution to the problems they wrote and talked about, and they did that. (Still waiting on Frugal to invent a comic!)

Jon Malin and I joined the cause because we were forced to by these realities. We began to crowdfund new comics that weren't SJW.
Sep 13, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Refamous is lying, @arttavana . #ComicsGate began when Cultural Marxists began successfully demanding that the exaggeration of female form be stricken from the art of comic books (see victims Milo Manara and Frank Cho) and then began using this new influence to impose more... ...unwanted change on classic comic books and characters. Cherished superheroes were replaced with flat and uninteresting new alternate versions solely because they were deemed "non diverse" white males, and complaints were met with accusations of "bigotry and harassment."