How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, capitalism etc is fundamentally a social relation between human beings (and certainly not some autonomous 'intelligence') and it doesn't matter how many layers of woo woo you put on top of that basic fact if you actually were a 'class struggle guy' then you would talk about that instead of incessant snipes at incels, Jordan Peterson, debate bros, anime nazis, stuff that is ultimately quite marginal to the liberation of the proletariat. Dont you have a world to win? idea that Locke would sign on to "we have a right to sex with other people" is so bogus, its such a laughable critique. That such a sentiment is present in embryo is only slightly less goofy and banks on the ignorance of other people not doing the reading he would support the war on terror on the grounds that Muslims are deranged w/berserk death drives while simultaneously disavowing the American religious right even as they conducted it. This was deeply appealing to many but especially our media class at the time by the latter i mean, as Wood says, the *imperatives* of competition + profit-maximization, the *compulsion* to reinvest surplus, a systematic need to improve labor productivity and the forces of production. That wasn't really present in medieval guild labor a wage, they mix their labor with the raw materials (sugar, cream, milk, etc) and the fixed capital they don't own (the machines) of the store/production site to produce commodities (the tasty beverages) which have a use and exchange value seems pretty prole to me guy is the ideal subject for the new 'distributed repression' shit that intel agencies and NGOs began under Trump and are now perfecting: both sadistic and submissive, has delusions of omnipotence, compulsively discloses himself to the world etc. They want thousands of these entirety of the activist left is downstream from a small number of immensely powerful foundations (ford, gates, open society, carnegie, tides, etc). If a rightwing government ever 'took them to task' the culture would change overnight, dont let anyone tell you otherwise has a cushy gig at blazeTV (tweet something like "AUSTRALIA HAS FALLEN!" every now and then, bait about Ilhan Omar's Islamocommiefascism) but he just had to sonnenrad-post i guess"This is not normal" was horrified by 'excesses' on both the left (The Terror, although he supported the revolution) and the right (he opens the philosophy of right with a salvo against the 'irrationalist', 'romantic', 'volkish' right). He advocated a liberal constitutional monarchy