Claire Blackshaw Profile picture
Creative Programmer and VR junkie. Personal Account & Views. Adobe Substance Modeller. ex Mm / Sony / Climax among others
Feb 17, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Let's do a little experiment with #midjourney and #ChatGPT
Man's gonna be running on CP time 'cause my boss requested man's presence for longer hours and man's in need of P's, innit. Oi, guv'nor! I ain't able to be on time, see. The bloomin' boss 'e asked me to put in extra hours, 'n I can't say no 'cause I'm in a right bad way for coin.
Oct 3, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Not going to finish #LDJAM this weekend. I spent approx 4 hours on the idea not goign to have any more time but I want to do a thread about my idea and why I still think #LDJAM is valuable even if you don't submit. Unstable was the theme and immediately I knew physics games would play a big part in the submissions. Honestly quick actions driven by physics or tactile inputs are often solid gameplay... but this is a jam so we aim to experiment not tread proven ground so I thought about puzzle