Dr Evonne T Curran NursD 💙🇺🇦 Profile picture
"Surgical masks... ...better than nothing" Prof C. Beggs Not willing to surrender without trying
Feb 18 9 tweets 3 min read
I have a patient with SARS and I want to keep my other patients and staff safe.
I look up the NIPCM Scotland and find that the Main (singular) mode of transmission is both Droplet / Airborne

@P_H_S_Official this thread merits "immediate action" Image The Transmission Based Precautions Section tells me there are 3 modes of transmission.

It tells me what the different precautions are aiming to achieve
Of note the definitions of respiratory infections are erroneous Image
Nov 4, 2024 20 tweets 3 min read
I honestly believe IPC as a profession will NOT survive intact if it fails to accept airborne transmission as a significant ubiquitous risk and erroneously considers hand hygiene the single most important measure to prevent infection - it is not.
See below Most important measures to prevent 🫁 non VAP pneumonia - patient positioning, mobility, oral hygiene
Nov 20, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Great. Can we start with the pandemic.
The mental models for transmission have been done by world experts in aerosols (not IPC).

Here is of @trishgreenhalgh 's evidence on the virus being airborne.
Image Here is one by Marr & Tang
Their comment on the <5 >5 IPC paradigm is it defies physics.
Its from 2021 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34415335/

May 24, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
They have withdrawn masks in Scotland's Healthcare system and referred 'concerned staff' to complete a risk assessment. healthyworkinglives.scot/resources/form…

Lets fill out their risk assessment... I am (for the form) a ward manager
Describe the task:

Any patient-to-HCW, HCW-to-HCW, patient-to-patient, or visitor-to-patient or HCW interaction in any close space, e.g. conversation or stethoscope range

or when ventilation poor just being on the ward.
Oct 29, 2022 25 tweets 4 min read
Considering how the 'collective we' made Mode of Transmission Errors - some possibilities

a) we turned doubt in to certainty, the use of qualifiers in original work were turned into fact, eg.

'droplets have traditionally been defined as ...'
'droplets are defined as ' a) More doubt to certainty
Dr X et al showed that viruses can get in to the eyes, nose and mouth

was translated to

Dr X et al showed that all droplets get in via the eyes nose and mouth
Oct 15, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
7 slides showing that neither CDC nor WHO presented evidence for the existence of droplet transmission
You may have seen this from the WHO most pandemic refs refer to it - note lack of evidence (its not in 5), and in the def or aerosols it says 'its not yet clear' This is from the CDC which cites references showing 'outbreak evidence', 'experimental evidence' and 'aerosol dynamics'....
Only relevant outbreak reference is 101 - lets get it...
Oct 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In this preprint I believe there is a call for RPE - which is excellent
The authors states...
"Appropriate PPE and mask use are essential as SARS-CoV-2 is frequently detectable in the air surrounding positive patients."

Importantly.... (see next tweet) Specifically stating:
"We believe our data supports the use of FFP2/3 medical masks for HCWs caring for COVID-19 patients, particularly for those with prolonged contact in line with HSE guidelines 15"

However I believe they may have made an error....
Jul 27, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
The IPC world entered the pandemic with an erroneous paradigm for the transmission of respiratory infections.

What if this was not the only erroneous paradigm? What if we have to go back and review all routes of transmission? Here is the latest MRSA guideline 2021 - the focus is on prevention of transmission - good.
'MRSA is easily spread by multiple routes' - unhelpful which ones?
Jul 26, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Just going to highlight some variations in transmission definitions.
NB when we get the definitions wrong we get the precautions wrong (See COVID for details).

Note - none of these definitions come with references.

Let's start with the @WHO The @WHO as already stated describes inhalation of the virus as FOMITE Transmission.
But if you can inhale the virus from bed linen why can't you inhale from exhaled breath when its in resp secretions?
Specifies skin-to-skin - does this mean the virus invades intact skin ?
Jul 26, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
W. Edwrds Deming - The Quality Improvement guy set down 14 points for Management which are still relevant today.
I am going to adapt them for COVID management.
This is my first attempt - improve them where you think
deming.org/explore/fourte… 1. Create a constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aims
to achieve zero COVID transmission, &
to reduce both the health impact and the financial impact on people, businesses by having people sufficient fit at their work.
Jul 19, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
A useful paper and its sister paper may prove yet more useful. Curran A. COVID-19 outbreak investigation to understand transmission (in progress)

Both lead authors are with the @H_S_E

The problem is that the NHS will have to wait >3years into a pandemic before.... ... @H_S_E recognises from its own data that SARS-CoV-2 is airborne

People are admitted to hospitals with covid (& acquire it there) where inadequate droplet precautions are in place

What is the @H_S_E going to do when they produce their own evidence that covid is airborne?
Jul 18, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
As the pandemic shows no signs of disappearing (despite the politicians efforts at pretending its not here any more), its time to look again at national and international public health pandemic web pages - specifically on transmission & ventilation Image The WHO
Improved. Includes short and long range aerosol transmission.
Includes new guidance doc on ventilation
Evidence of new 'living guidance' in production
Unsure why Respirator recommendation is 'conditional'
Unsure why AGPs strong recommendation - refs needed here. Image
Jul 4, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I offer some reflections:
I'd really rather we waited until the epi curve was flat for a period of time without VOC circulating before 'post pandemic' terminology was used by the IPC community. We're not not post pandemic, it's mid pandemic at best. The most fundamental research needed is retrospective. How did we do? What did we get wrong? How could we have done better? A full High Reliability Assessment. The mode of transmission was and is wrong. The precautions were & are wrong and the obsession with AGP is inexplicable
Feb 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I have been undertaking a review of SAGE minutes and associated papers to find out why HCWs who care for people with SARS-CoV-2 are not afforded FFP3 protection. I am up to June 2020 between Minute 40 and 41 & this is a critical paper. assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl… This EMG report makes this unreferenced & incorrect assumption:
"Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is most strongly associated with close and prolonged contact suggesting that close-range direct person-to-person (droplets) and indirect contact are the most important routes. "
Feb 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
DELVE Report to SAGE: assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl… April 21st 2020
Droplets from infected individuals are a major mode of transmission (WHO)
Ergo surgical masks are adequate protection in most settings (PHE) link not working.
More... "Droplets come from talking and breathing as well as sneezing and coughing. " Ref to a letter nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.105…
Which says: speech generates oral fluid droplets that vary widely in size - 20 - 500um
Small droplets can dehydrate & become droplet nuclei – behave like aerosols
Feb 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
An important early paper.
Evidence of environmental dispersion 14/4/2020 for SAGE

'Although close range exposure is widely thought to be dominated by droplets, laboratory and
modelling studies [17][39] examining exposure (1-2m) to different sized particles suggests that ... '... inhalation exposure to fine aerosols (airborne risk) could be a more significant part of transmission than the direct deposition of droplets onto mucous membranes.'
Feb 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
We are into May 2020 Additional interventions to address nosocomial transmission - stand by
6 areas identified where improvements in IPC could be made. More assumes a failure of process than a failure to follow process. The 6 in order are: 1 Cleaning surfaces as touching objects may be a significant route of transmission
2 Viral load high pre-symptoms, high index of suspicion, Mask usage for all suspected individuals.
Good ventilation in admission and waiting areas 'TO MINIMISE OPPORTUNISTIC AIRBORNE TRANSMISSION'
Jan 21, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
I met important people today. I made several strong arguments in support of covid being airborne. I hope I did sufficient to change minds.

Here are the arguments:🧵 1 It is illogical in the UK guidance to write that SARS-CoV-2 is spread via droplets, and droplet precautions are required, because the definitions used for airborne fits within the definition of droplets!
There is no evidence for droplet only respiratory transmission.
Jan 4, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Today I wrote to the UK's CNOs. I made 9 points in support of the argument that airborne diseases necessitate airborne precautions. The points made were as follows:
1) Droplet precautions applied globally have failed to contain this pandemic and prevent nosocomial infections 2) Droplet transmission has been over defended. The evidence used by the WHO to support their erroneous assumption that SARS-CoV-2 was spread by mainly droplets was and is poor.