Vaxatious Litigant 💉⚖️👨‍⚖️ Profile picture
Delving into pseudolaw, sovereign citizens, vexatious litigants, far right extremists & conspiracy theorists. Plus general legal matters of public interest
David Profile picture Caro Lena ⚫🟡🔴🇵🇸 Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jun 17 13 tweets 4 min read
1. The Excess Mortality Senate Inquiry is now underway & Ralph Babet has wasted no time pumping out ridiculous & misleading propaganda portraying himself as the hero of the show 🙄

Let’s take a look at what REALLY happened! 2. Babet thinks he’s tricked the representative from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, but is left with egg on his face after the ABS explains to him why his interpretation of the data is wrong
Jun 8 5 tweets 2 min read
Remember how Craig Kelly said he was going to sue academics over a paper they published titled "Politicians Spreading Misinformation on Social Media:An Exploratory Study of Craig Kelly MP on Twitter"?

Craig sent the academics a concerns notice requiring that the paper be (cont) Image retracted in full, for the academics to apologise, and to agree to undergo an education program on the efficacy of Ivermectin based treatments

Unsurprisingly, the academics (cont) Image
May 31 4 tweets 2 min read
Conspiracy theorist Dave Oneegs trying to convince ppl to join his alkaline water pyramid scheme

"There's 2 ways to get started", he says. "A 'Quad', 4 products or a 'trifecta' w/ the 3 products”

A quad = $16,400 & a trifecta is $10,600 (UP FRONT)

What Dave (cont) conveniently neglects to mention is there's another, much cheaper way to join his pyramid scheme:

the SINGLE! One product for $5,900.

(The other option is obviously, not to join at all...!)

Dave makes more money if he sells Quads or Trifectas so of course he doesn't (cont)
May 26 17 tweets 6 min read
1. “Of course, no pseudolaw submissions would be complete w/o a reference to either the Magna Carta or the Bill of Rights”

Pseudolaw adherent who committed domestic violence against his spouse appeals the protection order & unsurprisingly, is UNSUCCESSFUL Image 2. The appellant was in a domestic relationship w/ the 2nd respondent. A police officer made an application for a Protection Order, pursuant to the Domestic & Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) (‘DFVPA’), against the appellant
Apr 30 18 tweets 3 min read
So I went & observed part of Monica Smit's hearing today at the Magistrates Court 🧵 Today was closing submissions

Both sides had filed written submissions that morning & today's hearing was an opportunity for both Consumer Affairs Victoria & Monica Smit's lawyer Gareth to present their submissions to the Court
Mar 13 61 tweets 23 min read
1. Promises of great wealth, being your own boss, financial freedom, $60k monthly commissions, retiring at 30 whilst helping people cure their health problems by drinking alkaline water!

Inside the world of multi level marketing scheme Kangen Water Image 2. What is Kangen Water?
Kangen Water is the brand name for alkaline water owned by Enagic Corporation, a Japanese company which operates as a multi level marketing (MLM) company. It sells overpriced water ionising machines through a network of “distributors” Image
Mar 7 6 tweets 3 min read
1. Anti lockdown activist Monica Smith has been busy buying up hundreds of election-related domain names!
In preparation for her latest campaign: to get as many freedom fighter candidates elected to parliament & local councils as possible Image 2. These domain names will all redirect to her new website, Fair Dinkum Candidates. She will identify & support “fair dinkum candidates” and connect voters to these candidates
Feb 27 18 tweets 6 min read
1. Contrary to reports by some Freedom Movement influencers, the QLD Supreme Court did NOT rule today that COVID mandates infringed human rights

Read on for my summary of the court’s decision Image 2. Yes the court declared QPS Vaccine Directive unlawful under s 58 of the Human Rights Act.

BUT… Image
Jan 28 18 tweets 7 min read
1. This time last year disendorsed OneNation candidate Rebecca Lloyd raised $24,000 towards her class action against Director ID laws

The class action never went ahead

Let’s take a look at what happened to the money Bec raised… Image 2. Quick re-cap! To “get around Fair Trading”, Bec made ppl buy vouchers (cheapest $50).

Vouchers were redeemable towards Bec’s marketing services

Jan 21 4 tweets 3 min read
Pseudolaw adherent Glen Short will face Wollongong Magistrates Court this Tuesday!

He says this is an important case where the validity of the courts & the presiding judge will be tested!

He'll also force the Govt to prove that they are NOT (cont) a corporation. The purpose of this argument is to convince the court that b/c the Govt is a corporation, it means his arrest was invalid.

Glen is self represented but will be using the techniques of psuedolaw guru Mark-Kishon Christopher.

Mark is a self proclaimed (cont)
Jan 18 10 tweets 3 min read
1. Oh boy! Lawyers behind several failed COVID vax challenges are getting ready to file ANOTHER! A class action for the COVID vaccine injured!

They claim to have already raised $1.43 MILLION DOLLARS & just need $1.07 MILLION more!

h/t @sunnysandeel Image 2. Note: this is a second COVID vax injury class action. It’s separate to this one:

Jan 11 14 tweets 7 min read
1. Avi Yemini, the guy who LOVES to sue everyone, is having a big ol’ sook about being sued!

In just 3 years, Avi has sued (or threatened to sue) at least 6 different people/organisations (that we know of).

Let’s take a look at Avi’s litigation history… Image 2. In Feb 2020, Avi sued Comedy Central & comedian Jim Jefferies for defamation and “intentional infliction of emotional distress” for airing a “deceptively edited video” of him.

Avi sought $25 MILLION in damages!
Dec 24, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵🧵As we approach the Boxing Day sales, it's important to know your rights if you buy or are given a faulty product! Image DID YOU KNOW

"No refund" or "No refund on sale items" are illegal!

That's bc they imply you can't get a refund under any circumstances - even if the item is faulty.

Under the Australian Consumer Law, if there's a major major problem w/ something you've bought, stores (cont)
Dec 22, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
1. Well, the courts are now CLOSED for 2023!
2024 is looking to be a big year in the courts for the Freedom Movement. We're expecting a few judgments/decisions and a number of cases to progress. Here is a list of freedom movement & other cases of interest: 2. Anti-lockdown activist mentioned the other day that one of her priorities for 2024 is court cases - "both offensive & defensive" !!

On the defensive side, she's being prosecuted by Consumer Affairs Victoria for alleged unlawful fundraising.
Dec 17, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1. Flood relief fundraisers Hayley Birtles-Eades & Adam Whittington are fighting over who is the bigger scammer!

Adam has allegedly been telling Hayley’s business partners about Hayley’s unlawful fundraising charges & calling her a liar & a fraud Image 2. Now Hayley has fired back, accusing Adam of dodgy flood fundraising himself.

“Why was Adam raising money for the floods, mmm?”, Hayley asks.

(H/t @28Cooker for the video)
Dec 16, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
1. “Mumbo jumbo”

Psuedolaw guru Mike Palmer has lost his appeal against “No Respondent” on grounds it was totally without merit with no basis in law or reality!
2. In 2022, Mike was ordered to pay $2.2m in tax liabilities (having not paid tax for many years). I tweeted about that case here:
Dec 14, 2023 35 tweets 14 min read
1. Disendorsed by OneNation. Failed Senate candidate. Unsuccessful Freedom Movement “influencer” and pseudolaw guru. Small business owner. Meet Rebecca Lloyd. Image 2. In her own words, Bec “plopped” onto the scene in 2021. She’s the founder of Fair Business Australia, an anti-mandate small business support group. She gave “legal advice” to small businesses on how to fight back against COVID mandates.

Bec isn't a lawyer
Dec 6, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1. Just in! Suspended anti-vax COVID lawyer Nathan Buckley has LOST his application to dismiss the Law Society’s disciplinary proceedings against him!

Nathan was self represented Image 2. NSW Law Society commenced proceedings against Nathan in NCAT for disciplinary findings & orders. The LS alleged the following conduct amounted to unsatisfactory professional conduct & professional misconduct

Nov 27, 2023 37 tweets 6 min read
1. WOW. Just WOW!

Lawyer for anti-lockdown group Reignite Democracy has been hit with a personal costs order for his conduct in an unfair dismissal case.

The Commissioner's decision is SCATHING! Image 2. "The submissions were, in simple terms, woefully incompetent"

"The submissions filed were so deficient & misconceived that, if the matter proceeded further, the Commission was very much open to a personal costs order against [Mr. Rogers]"
Nov 25, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read

1. Pseudolaw guru Derek Balogh is not happy.

He’s been called out by the freedom movement for being a scammer, charging ppl money for legal & financial advice. Derek is not a lawyer nor a financial advisor 2. “Why are you attacking ME?”, Derek cries. “Why don’t you talk about my former business partners, they’re the scammers! Not me! Why don’t you talk about Reignite Democracy?”
Nov 23, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
1. As 2023 draws to a close, it's time for another thread on the Freedom Movement's court cases! 2. In an EMBARASSING backflip, Avi Yemini withdrew his defamation lawsuit against RMIT. He had claimed they defamed him when they fact-checked him.

The lawsuit was withdrawn in August, yet Avi's fundraiser is still up...🤨