Fission Profile picture
We're building identity #UCAN, data #WNFS, and compute #IPVM solutions for the future of the Internet. Demo: Future of Computing Conf: @causalislands
elty.eth Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 17, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Announcing @TiddlyWiki on Fission:…

We're working with @Jermolene, the creator of TiddlyWiki, to bring TW apps to Fission, as well as integrating the #webnative SDK to be able to save and load content from anywhere with a browser, including on mobile. We've been working out in the open in the TiddlyWiki group on the Fission forum for a couple of weeks, so now it's time to welcome more people to join us…
Sep 9, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Really great to see the release of Microsoft's @FluidFramework

It is a piece of tech and an approach that points in the same direction we're thinking about.

A short thread with some quotes from docs and explanation. @fluidframework "is a collection of client libraries for distributing and synchronizing shared state. These libraries allow multiple clients to simultaneously create and operate on shared data structures using coding patterns similar to those used to work with local data."