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Chadukwa Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 27 12 tweets 1 min read
In 2025, the Zambian Government seeks to grow the economy by 6.6% of GDP, bring inflation from above 15% to 6-8%, raise revenue of 21.3% of GDP & reduce budget deficit from the current 6.4% to 3.1%. #NationalBudget2025 Government has no intention of abandoning the Farmer input support program, the intention of Govt is to improve its performance and ensure only eligible farmers benefit #NationalBudget2025
Nov 26, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Zambian banks aren’t innovative. They’ve failed to design products to suit our economic context of high informality & limited formal jobs. They keep lending to the rich. Another reason poverty won’t end #nodignityinpoverty To end poverty we need access to financial resources. To be able to send our children to school, to build homes and save for the future. Banks exist in every economy as financiers of such dreams, of course at a cost but not as expensive as it is in Zambia #nodignityinpoverty
Aug 17, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Good day to my 34k followers in Zambia & surrounding areas. Thank you! Let’s continue interacting respectfully and with love. Cut on sensationalism & seek objectivity especially on political and economic issues affecting us. Preaching unity in diversity even when we disagree Regarding national development, I personally believe that social-capitalism remains the closest model to delivering economic benefits to all Zambians. It requires bringing together the far left and far right political ideologies to work as one.
Jul 12, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
In football terms, Zambia's recent reclassification from lower middle to low income country is like being relegated to a lower league from the premier. It's less competitive there, but not exciting & no growth. There's nothing to celebrate, we just went back to handouts. #Zambia To many who follow these things though, the reclassification isn't a surprise going by sustained weakening of our macroeconomic policies in recent years, thanks to unsustainable debt levels, the energy crisis of 2015 & eventually COVID-19 recently as some of the reasons. #Zambia
Apr 8, 2022 15 tweets 2 min read
A summary of the Finance Minister's State of the Economy address for your reading pleasure. #HappyFriday Firstly, let's understand that we live in an intertwined global spider web which exposes us to colds and flus whenever a significant member of the global community sneezes.
Apr 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#SundayTwitter #SundayRecommendation

Regarding life partner decisions, I'm reminded of a story shared by the erudite historian @ssishuwa during our UNZA days before he became a political commentator . He's likely forgotten. While in Chiengi trying to cross Lake Mweru, locals informed him that the usual speed boat used to cross the lake had broken down and convinced him to instead pay a fare to cross by canoe, which he reluctantly accepted.
Dec 25, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read

You asked for it, here is the advice

A thread The wedding will be nice, people will dance and eat your food then go home leaving the 2 of you. If you borrowed to do the the wedding the debt is for you 2 to face. I hope you didn't because it is a bad way to start.
Nov 28, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Men, you should help build your partner’s financial security. Your woman’s financial security empowers her to make independent decisions, including against you. She can move out if she wants w/o worrying about survival. It’s a good thing or else she becomes your economic slave. Being socially secure in my opinion is ability to enjoy own company w/o relying on your spouse. You’re still happy in their absence. Them being away doesn’t destabilize your emotions. You respect each other’s space. You’re not clingy.
Nov 28, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
I think the first marital problems for many young couples start with our failure to reconcile some of the unrealistic expectations we had about marriage in general & our partners in particular with the realities that follow post wedding. The new discoveries can lead to breakups But the biggest problem starts with our society which expected men and women to marry at a certain age. Those unmarried, especially women experience some level of stigma from family & friends. In short no one is expected to opt out of getting married. I don’t think this is right.
Sep 18, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
We live in a society that insists men must be leaders, including in marriages. And this doesn't put into account the caliber of some men to shoulder the responsibilities of leadership at family or societal level. What a privilege we've as men! Qualified w/out a test. As a man myself there are times I've thought perhaps some expectations are too much. For instance, I'm expected to not fear snakes jut because I'm a man. I actually fear snakes... but I must man up and face one if it comes in the house and I'm the only man around. This is bad
Jul 22, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
CDC made a presentation on the outlook of the COVID-19 in Zambia. The presentation shows that things will get worse before they can improve.

The GOOD NEWS is that CDC offers feasible options to save lives in Zambia.

Here is a summary

A Thread! Please Read! True that so far, total confirmed COVID-19 deaths in Africa exceed China, and Zambia may be approaching China levels if control measures are not put in place. Positivity (number of +ve people per given tests) is also rising indicating high transmission
Jun 25, 2020 17 tweets 2 min read
There are many parts to the equation of escaping poverty. One of them is BLACK TAX, defined as income black professionals give to their extended families to support them. Below are some questions on how you deal or intend to deal with BT. Quote or reply #NoDignityInPoverty Black tax, a reality or an imaginary excuse by selfish elites?