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Dilettante, rootless cosmopolitan. Views expressed are rarely my own, but often passed off as though they were.
Jan 26, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
Last year on #HolocaustMemorialDay, I posted this photo of my great-grandmother's brother, Yitzhak, plus his wife and some of their 10 children, all of whom were killed in the Holocaust.

Since then I've done some research on what happened to them and the Jews of Lida.

THREAD Yitzhak was one of 3 siblings: his sister Russel (or Rachel - my great-grandma) and brother Israel both moved to the UK in the early 20th C and started families.

Yitzhak and his wife Resha Lea stayed in Lida. They had 10 children.

I only know the name of one, their son Moshe.