Fred Wellman Profile picture
Democracy advocate. Army combat veteran. Host of @OnDemocracyPod on @MeidasTouch and Substack. National Chairman Forgotten Democrats. Didn’t pay Elmo.
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Jul 18 4 tweets 1 min read
A lot of people ask my why I have steadfastly stood in support of President Biden and VP Harris in the midst of all of this. Aside from their record of astounding success and stability...I live in the real world. I hear from regular voters all the time. This isn't the West Wing or Fantasy Sports. I am also clearly a target based on the last year of fun things that have happened. I don't have the luxury to fantasize about woulda, coulda, shoulda. I am here now. Just like when I flew a scout helicopter designed in 1958 with no weapons into the first modern tank mechanized war in 1991...this is the team and tools I have and I am going to fly the shit out of it and win. We did. I firmly believe we have the message and moment to win this election if our side doesn't throw it away.
Jul 16 4 tweets 2 min read
The RNC is rolling and everyone is talking Biden instead of Trump/Vance. Meanwhile across the country Dem candidates are plugging away to flip the House and stop the spread of MAGA and Project 2025. They need our help. I'm proud to be national chairman of Forgotten Democrats. (1/ ) It's a simple set up. No staff. No ads. An FEC earmark that allows us to fund nominees who need funds the most...first. A bathtub model that raises everyone up from the bottom. This is our first cycle and we are eager to help as many Dems as we can. (2/4 )
May 31 4 tweets 2 min read
We aren’t just electing a President. We are electing an Administration. Only one Biden cabinet secretary has turned over. By every measure our government is being run with little drama or scandals and great efficiency. How can you forget the insanity of Trump’s clown show? 🧵 He had 92% turnover just inside his own executive offices with lunatics like Bannon, Omarosa, and Gorka. He fired his NSA for lying in the first month. The entire concept of a “Scaramucci” as a measure of time was part of the parade of dumb spokespeople.…
May 17 4 tweets 2 min read
Been a while since my last update on the lawsuit against me by disgraced former Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn. We filed all of our motions required by the federal court five weeks ago and haven't heard a response to date. Unfortunately it's time for more help. (1/4) You may recall that Flynn's lawyers wanted a stay of the case while they appealed the state court ruling against them in their suit against @TheRickWilson. We opposed that motion and asked for accelerated process under Florida's anti-SLAPP statute. (2/4)…
May 7 17 tweets 4 min read
A big thread on supporting Democrats. You may have seen my new series of videos called 'In the Hot Seat' on @meidastouch. So far I've interviewed 14 Dem candidates for House, Senate, and Governor across the country from Colin Allred in TX to Callie Barr in MI and more... (1/12) From Andy Kim in NJ to Caroline Gleich in UT. They're incredible candidates in it for the right reasons. The biggest difference I see is usually funding. Some are functioning with sophisticated well funded campaigns. Many are trying to scrape by. (2/12)
Apr 17 7 tweets 3 min read
The Speaker of the Missouri House @deanplocher decided he was above the law and Ethics Committee. His lawyers and allies intimidated witnesses, ignored investigators, and then voted down draft report. Now he wants to be Secretary of State! This is what a GOP super majority gets. @Kacen Every single story is worse than the last. Unbelievable cover up actions. Direct intimidation of witnesses. Complete disregard for the citizens who pay his salary. The @MOHouseGOP is only interested in preserving their power. @KurtEricksonPD…
Mar 25 10 tweets 3 min read
Update on the ongoing lawsuit against me by ex-Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn. His attempt to sue @TheRickWilson in state court for almost same accusations was dismissed by the court and he decided to appeal that decision. While doing so he wants to stay our case until it's resolved. (1) Essentially they're arguing the cases are similar so they want to let it play out in state appeals court and put me on hold. Wilson's case was dismissed Jan. 30th. Our next deadline is this Weds, Mar. 27th. They waited 2 months. Here is their filing: (2)…
Nov 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Some personal news and an ask for help. As part of MAGA’s efforts to silence those who challenge them, Trump’s former NSA Mike Flynn, who pled guilty to a felony count of “willfully and knowingly” making false statements to the FBI, has filed a defamation lawsuit against me. (1) This ludicrous pursuit asks for hundreds of millions of dollars over 3 tweets sent over a year and a half ago. This lawsuit is just one of many MAGA has been filing to silence those protecting American Democracy. I have built an incredible legal team to fight back pro bono. (2)
Oct 6, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I am attending the @TheDemocrats Fall Meeting in St. Louis as @VP speaks to the Women's Caucus meeting which happens to be in a huge room with all of the attendees and media from St. Louis here. I have to play media so my seat Image Since it is the actual DNC Women's Caucus meeting that just happens to have the entire DNC attending they have to take care of some business first. Updated rules are approved and DNC Convention Chairman Minyon Moore introduced.
Jul 23, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
Have I got a story for you. It starts with a simple tip that someone has done a FOIA request for all 7 million voter signature cards in Georgia. I was able to get a screenshot of the request. It's much more insane than I could have possibly thought and people need to know.
The requester is a guy named Vince Espi who claims to be a "reporter for the Peach Tree Times." More on him later but look at what he wants and think about the implications of a malicious actor getting the info he asks for in signature cards a year from a Presidential election.
Apr 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
We don’t have kings in this country. How do we allow this unelected group to act with complete lifetime impunity to basic rules of ethics? “A code of conduct for federal judges below the Supreme Court requires them to avoid even the “appearance of impropriety.” Members of the high court, Chief Justice Roberts has written, “consult” that code for guidance. The Supreme Court is left almost entirely to police itself.”
Apr 1, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Tonight I'm excited to launch the 'On Democracy with FPWellman' Substack Community as a larger community tying together my work including my podcast, former newsletter, and the issues of the day. (1/6) I launched my Revue newsletter, FPWellman Unfiltered, 2 years ago as a place to tell some stories that have shaped my life from war in Iraq to the battles for our nation here. Elon killed Revue. But, those stories will be my 'Sunday Reads' on the Substack like Bassam's. (2/6)
Dec 1, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
If you've followed me for a while you know about my first wife Jenn who was killed in a car accident when she was 7 1/2 months pregnant in September, 1994. You may also know she was obsessed with Christmas and holiday music. She would play it starting October I swear. Jenn wanted to be a mother for years. Her favorite Christmas song was from Amy's first Christmas album, Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song). It's a mother's song. Jenn played it constantly. When she died I had them play it at her memorial service. It was her song.
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I’m thrilled to join the Veterans Community Project STL Capital Campaign Committee to raise the funds to build out @vcp_stlouis providing transitional housing and supportive services to homeless veterans in the STL region. They have dramatically improved the lives of veterans. Image I’ve been a fan for years.
When @JasonKander & @KellynSloan joined the team in 2019 to lead their national expansion I promised to help. After moving home to STL 2 yrs later I’m proud to fulfill that promise finally. Support their mission & learn more at
Nov 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The thing about Musk saying he’ll restore banned accounts is atleast 2 or more that I reported were dedicated to doxxing and attacking me and my family including my kids and their places of employment. They terrorized my family off of Twitter. This isn’t about free speech. Even if I quit this platform these anonymous monsters can use it to harm my family in the real world because they don’t like my politics or opinions. This isn’t a joke. He will never suffer at all. He just has to unleash the beasts and it’s up to us to protect our families.
Jul 31, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Look, they are just full of shit. This is about political payback against the Democrats and preventing a win. Their plan was to pull this game and deploy their lies and propagandists like usual but they miscalculated them fury of veterans groups. For the last 6 years they’ve been able do whatever they wanted against our community. Trump would say he doesn’t like people who were captured and then hump the flag and all was forgotten. The Veterans Service Orgs would quietly eat it because they didn’t want to lose access.
Jun 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The AR-15 is not a hunting rifle. It obliterates the meat and shatters bones. Whatever it hits suffers. She is an idiot. Once again she isn’t in Georgia. Too busy being a troll to visit her district. Image Here’s what they don’t want to talk about.…
Jun 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Washington U. in St. Louis is the top school in the state with one of the best medical schools in the country. Why would an OB/GYN, fertility specialist or many others want to practice, learn, or teach in a state that will throw you in jail for doing your duty as a physician? I was an operations and planning officer in the Army for most of my career. I lived and breathed envisioning the second and third order effects of decisions we made in combat. I don’t believe for a moment that after all these years of assault on women’s health any of them..
Jun 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
My group @BeerHallProject did a video with Edward Norton using news footage of January 6th and historic video of the Beer Hall Putsch and Twitter has slapped a "sensitive content" filter on it in spite of repeated appeals that it's public news video. 1/ Eric Greitens straight up puts out a video demonstrating how he and his militia buddies are going to kill political opponents and so far it's just a big yawn from @Twitter and the other social platforms. The heads of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are in jail for violence. 2/
Jun 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I raised 4 kids and taught all of them how to drive cars. My refrain was always the same. It's a deadly weapon. I know this because I lost my first wife and child in a car accident. I made sure they were trained, licensed, and insured to manage this machine that can kill. But anyone can literally just go buy an actual deadly weapon and all that's needed to slaughter dozens at a time with no training, no license, no insurance, and not even a record of the purchase. How does that make any sense at all? We have entire systems to deal with driving.
May 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is terrorism. Would you send your kids to school that has been placed on a target list by an anonymous right wing group after Uvalde and Buffalo? They want to terrorize our kids. Do you use the Graves Garrett law firm in Kansas City? You are supporting their terrorist threats against our kids schools? Are you proud of that? They are the registered agents and support for dark money Liberty Alliance. Domestic terrorists.