Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer Profile picture
MD PhD, Assistant Professor at Bandim Health Project @SyddanskUni. Vaccine trials & epi. Father of 2, polyglot. WhatsApp (+45) 42702170 ✉️
Κασσάνδρα Παρί پری Profile picture The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz Profile picture Francesco 🍊🍊🍊 Profile picture Uffe Jonas Profile picture 4 subscribed
Dec 11, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
@IgumRasmussen, hovedargumentet for at vaccinere børnene i slut 2021 & start 22 var at bremse smittespredningen til andre grupper af samfundet, fordi man på daværende tidspunkt *stadig* ikke have anerkendt/forstået, at vaccination ikke forhindrede smitte.…

Image I starten af 2022 var jeg i Tv2news () og sige, at vi ikke skulle lukke skolerne på grund af lav 👦👧 vaccinationsdækning.

Flere argumenterede for, at 💉ville kunne stoppe smittespredningen i samfundet - inkl SSI m Tyra i front på pressemøde i slut 2021.
Jul 27, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
We work with non-specific effects of vaccines, studying effects on overall health in terms of all-cause morbidity and all-cause mortality.
A good chunk of the research field and practically all of my contribution has been reg. the tuberculosis 💉 Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Across 3 randomized trials (compared to no BCG vaccination), we uncovered that BCG-at-birth halves the risk of neonatal sepsis:

Furthermore, being born to a BCG-vaccinated mother appears to reduce sepsis risk substantially:
Apr 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Et par eksempler på uheldig kommunikation fra @mikebarnkob ⤵️
1) Angriber og beklikker vaccineforsker (uden at tagge pågældende):
Total polemik i kommentarfeltet, zerocovidklientellets kommentarer får lov til at stå, snesevis af negativ feedback gemt væk 2) Skriver hånende, ukollegial tråd om at BCG ikke beskytter mod COVID:
"Aldrig-publiceret trial" (🇩🇰 trial submitted)
"BCG vac har været poster child for hypotesen om at nogle vacciner har positive uspecifikke effekter" --> Der forskes i BCG over hele 🌎
Apr 2, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Just in

From the great 🇩🇰 registries - among the best in the World - pandemic total mortality *from* COVID-19, by age group, provided by @SSI_dk to @brianweichardt following a FOIA request.

The official number of 🇩🇰 COVID-19 deaths is 8385; deaths FROM COVID-19: 3861 (46%)

🧵 To put these numbers into context by population at risk, through a full 3 pandemic years there were 450 deaths for Danes <70, the mortality risk being 0.01% (450/3627881)

For 20-29 year olds it was <1/100,000 (0.0009%) vs >1/25 (4.2%) for 90+ year olds, a 4688-fold difference!
Oct 31, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
@StabellBenn and I in today's @berlingske:
🇩🇰 COVID-19 policy has been dominated by excessive caution, sometimes taken to extremes.

The prime minister's mantra from one of the first pressers that every COVID-19 death is a tragedy disseminated everywhere.… Already clear in 🇩🇰 data from May '20, the average age (82 yr)+risk factors for COVID vs other infectious deaths was very similar (…), but at times extreme cautiousness was nevertheless practised: COVID-19 moved to list A with ebola, smallpox and the plague.
Sep 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The below data, hidden away on p. 34 of the appendix, indicates that by the end of 2021, when omicron was rampant, Danish authorities had adequate data available to conclude that vaccinating/boosting previously infected individuals did *not* reduce transmission in the household. Nevertheless, C19-passport was in place to Feb 1, with exemption length reduced for prev 🦠 shortly before:
A large group of convalescent individuals were therefore driven to get a booster which the authorities knew, or should've realized, was unnecessary
Sep 18, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
On this day two years ago, @StabellBenn and I had a piece in Danish @Altingetdk, written before the approval of the COVID vaccines, with considerations about their use and the likely limitations of 💉 against a 🦠 with several variants.…

Key points ⤵️ - A 💉 against a coronavirus had never been developed; it is unknown whether an effective vaccine is feasible
- If we get a vaccine it is unknown how many doses is necessary to give protection and it is far from certain that such a 💉 would be capable of inducing herd immunity
Aug 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Nice Symposia yesterday at @Rigshospitalet.
Plenty of talk about antibody levels, how they go up after💉, natural 🦠..
What was lacking for me was a critical discussion about whether you become more healthy if a biomarker such as antibody levels increases. Public health in general & prophylactic interventions such as 💉 in particular *is* about improving overall health, not biomarkers.
It was discussed whether the new bivalent 💉 will increase antibody levels further in the context of 3x 💉+🦠

I have little doubt that they will,
Jul 17, 2022 27 tweets 11 min read
There is currently a rather fierce debate in 🇩🇰 where all-cause mortality trends are compared to sociodemographically and culturally similar 🇸🇪, which had substantially fewer restrictions/"lockdown" than 🇩🇰
The debate was kicked off by two professors ⤵️

🧶 As a disclaimer I will say that I was initially FOR restrictions and AGAINST the Swedish approach. I was not that much in the public eye at the time, so my criticism of Sweden's open society was mostly confined among Danish doctor colleagues.
Accumulating data changed my mind.
Jul 9, 2022 19 tweets 9 min read
I @berlingske kronik fremføres det at der ikke er nævneværdig forskel i overdødelighed mellem den frække "storebror" 🇸🇪, som på trods af voldsomt internationalt pres holdt fast i traditionelle folkesundhedsdyder og IKKE lukkede landet ned, og lillebror 🇩🇰 Det pres der blev lagt var bestemt ikke ubetydeligt:
Sverige var praktisk talt det eneste land i verden, som aldrig lukkede ned. Skolerne forblev åbne.
Og vi har kun set toppen af isbjerget ift. betydningen af skolelukninger:
Jul 4, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
@K_G_Andersen kaldte februars 🇩🇰 oplukning for "endemic delusion" (); det viste sig at være helt forkert; oplukning var på alle måder det rigtige at gøre.

Nu agiteres der for en COVID fem-årsplan på trods af at IFR ~ influenza.

Det har vi *IKKE* brug for 🇩🇰 har brug for:
- Tiårsplanen for psykiatrien (stærkt forsinket allerede)
- Styrket pandemiberedskab (& at man så følger planerne, der er baseret på etablerede metoder indenfor folkesundhed, isf dyre lockdowns)
- Løsning på den svære sygeplejerskemangel i det 🇩🇰 sundhedsvæsen
Jun 23, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Danish @ProfJLundgren has a goal of 90% coverage with flu 💉 in toddlers: we risk new 🇩🇰 lockdown when winter waves of corona & flu hits, unless 2-6 year olds are flu-vaccinated.

But this winter, coverages were only ~30% (flu) & ~40% (corona), so how is this ever going to work? Those poor 💉coverages, below Afghanistan's for most childhood 💉(), must be perceived in a context of:
💉 Very high public trust in health authorities
💉 Strong societal pressure
💉 treats of school closures+other restrictions ()
Jun 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
FYI if you live in a country that just approved obselete SARS-CoV-2 vaccines to 0.5-4 year olds ⤵️

Director of the Danish Health Authority @SSTbrostrom: vaccinating children (5-15 year olds) in fall was a *mistake*, would not have made the decision today… Denmark is one of the countries in the world that hash the highest trust in public institutions, yet only ~40% of parents accepted the offer.

This is lower than the coverage for 9 of 10 vaccines in Afghanistan's vaccination program...
Jun 22, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
It is quite a problem that those studying CFR from COVID, long covid and so on, often have a rather unbalanced view of the disease, to say the least.

Take this tweet by a long covid postdoc as an example; misrepresenting what the study actually showed ⤵️
In reality, the preprint data has a host of possible sources of bias, & the study just shows reinfections are not good for high risk patients w comorbidities. There are also rather marked imbalances between the groups, including more immunocomprimised
May 7, 2022 20 tweets 8 min read
The public health messaging regarding risks associated with COVID 🦠 vs COVID 💉has been nagging me for quite some time.

The way mild and severe outcomes are described for these two exposures are completely unbalanced, which adds confusion and polarization to the field. Image It has been clear for almost a year that mRNA vaccines in rare cases can cause the nasty side-effect heart inflammation. This is especially true in young males, where practically all of the cases lie.

In the overall population, the risk of COVID-induced myocarditis is higher.
May 5, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
I read through a new preprint today which is potentially important:…

Based on randomized data, the study examines to which extent the vaccinated (Moderna) and unvaccinated develops anti-nucleocapsid antibodies after a subsequent SARS-CoV-2 infection.

🧵 While our Covid vaccines exclusively target the spike protein, we are some that have argued that infection would induce broader and longer-lasting (natural) immunity than vaccination, because immunity is induced against greater parts of the virus, not just the spike proteins. Image
Apr 7, 2022 22 tweets 7 min read
Our group has examined 💉s for their effects on all-cause outcomes and a clear pattern has emerged:
Live 💉have beneficial non-specific effects on all-cause mortality
The non-live 💉we have examined have had negative effects.

Many therefore asked us about COVID vaccines
🧵 Our current system for testing and approving vaccines does not take effects on all-cause outcomes, and thus non-specific effects, into account.

Vaccines are simply tested for their specific protective effects + short-term adverse events and thats it.…
Mar 9, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Health authorities in 🇩🇰 decided to strongly recommend COVID-19 vaccination to 5-11 year olds just a day after Comirnaty was approved by EMA in that age group, w. main argument herd immunity and protection of elderly/vulnerable citizens that were themselves already vaccinated.
🧵 This abrupt decision was & still is against what was decided in most other European countries.

It was taken when Delta was circulating and we had known for long that severe COVID was very rare in this age group. One particular issue was that Delta was known to cause MIS-C.
Feb 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Vigtige pointer fra @informeren

"Forældre, som har søgt oplysning om vaccinerne og argumenterne for dem på Sundhedsstyrelsens hjemmeside i januar og begyndelsen af februar,
er blevet mødt med så gamle informationer, at de reelt er blevet misinformeret."… "Tilbage står et forløb, hvor SST alt for længe har holdt fast i en utroværdig anbefaling. Det store spm er, hvad forløbet kommer t at betyde for tilliden t myndighedernes anbefalinger af 💉& andre sundhedstiltag fremover – & der er grund til at frygte, at det får konsekvenser."
Jan 25, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Vaccinate your children, they said.

It will help contain the virus and save elderly lives, they said.

~41% of 🇩🇰 parents bought into this idea

Weekly SARS-CoV-2 incidence per capita, 🇩🇰 6-11 year olds, @SSI_dk data
⬛️(dark blue): 2 doses
🟦 Unvaccinated
@KT_Baek: SARS-CoV-2 incidence per 100.000 and in absolute numbers, stratified by age and vaccination status.

Overall picture is no difference in incidence between:
🟠No vaccination
🔵2 doses
🟢3 doses
Jan 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Den frivillige deltagelse i børnevaccinationsprogrammet i 🇩🇰 bygger på tillid og videnskab og er generelt meget høj (>95%).

Vi forældre til 5-11 årige har haft >1 måned til at reagere på invitation om COVID-19 💉og 1. stik er stagneret på ~40% mens 2. stik ser aftagende ud. Enten er 3 af 5 forældre blevet antivaxere over night, eller også synes de ligesom jeg at det er unødvendigt at trække børnene igennem, fordi mange har været smittet og grundet effektens snarlige udløbsdato, hvilket også for tidl. varianter var myndighederne bekendt i november.