Fabiola Cineas Profile picture
Race & policy reporter @Voxdotcom
Dec 9, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
Last month we took a trip to Aotearoa New Zealand where @ranjchak and I spent a few weeks filming the latest episode of Vox’s video series Missing Chapter. Missing Chapter explores important stories left out of history books. For this ep, we look at NZ's landmark cash & land settlements — or reparations program — for Māori iwi (tribes) & the Māori activism of the '70s that moved the crown to acknowledge the harms of its colonialism.
Jan 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I wrote about the Biden administration's early executive orders for racial equity:

-Ending the use of private prisons via DOJ
-Advancing fair housing via HUD
-Respecting tribal sovereignty
-Combatting racism against Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders

vox.com/22249001/biden… I talked to @MauriceWFP who said organizers will continue to set the agenda and create urgency:

"These are a good 1st step but no set of executive orders alone is going to revoke structural oppression."
Jun 11, 2020 37 tweets 9 min read
I guess I’m pleased to see that white editors are rightfully exiting newsrooms after various scandals, but here’s why I’m not totally convinced. What exactly happens to these editors once they head out? Where do they go? Is their power actually cut off or does it sit dormant, waiting for the opportunity to slide right back in? It’s the latter.
Feb 6, 2019 18 tweets 5 min read
Been following the shit show that is Virginia leadership and just realized that the woman accusing Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax is a former political science professor of mine—Dr. Vanessa Tyson. AND WOW. Right now, the Lt. Gov. is denying Professor Tyson’s accusation and some sources are even reporting that the Lt. Gov. recently said, “Fuck that bitch” in a meeting in response to the allegations, though Fairfax denies saying these words.