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Unit DHJ9471 - 18+ only, 40-ish. Horny stories, hypno content, TF and such. (She/They) Banner by @solientart icon by @Brushie_Art Queer, disabled, 🏳️‍⚧️
Nov 1, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
Well. I said I’d take a shot at this year’s #HypNovember, didn’t I? Image Day 15: Cult

CWs: Discussions of cults and their behavior. Family shit. Transphobia.
Feb 11, 2019 21 tweets 3 min read

“Second nanite fleet administered. Ready to proceed.”

Now the arms begin to deposit the medium from the top down, merging the layers around and into the headset. As the medium reaches your eyes, your Controller holds them open so the warm, sticky material can flow into your sinuses and tear ducts.

You mouth opens and layers of warm, sticky goo flow into your throat.

You can’t see.

You can’t breathe.

You realize you don’t need to.
Feb 11, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read

There’s a strange sensation as the fluids are absorbed back into the medium, and as the sculpting tools slide back and forth across your hips and waist you can feel yourself melting into your new flesh.

Shrinking. Shaping. Repurposing. “Good girl,” Ada purrs, and you feel yourself get wet for the first time, producing lubricant that drips down your folds before she takes control again and commands your body to seal itself up for now.

“I promise - there will be time for that later.”
Feb 11, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read

The table begins to angle upwards, while the headrest swings down and away.

Ada keeps your head still, and you can feel something cold and metallic sliding up to rest against the base of your skull.

“Initiating sequence in 5...4...3...2...1...0!” There’s a pinch at the side of your neck and you taste something like coconut. If coconuts were coated in salt and aluminum foil, anyway.

“First nanite fleet deployed.”

It’s a weird feeling to have something actively swimming through your arteries, but you kinda like it.
Feb 11, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read

You’d always thought of the units you’d seen as faceless, but as the different head selections appear you realize that isn’t true at all.

Yes, they shared common characteristics, but so do humans. Some were broader and had subtly angular shapes in their chins and sides. Others a bit taller and more sloped, a bit like the styling of a race car. A few that remind you of motorcycle helmets or hockey masks.
Feb 11, 2019 19 tweets 3 min read

There’s a low humming sound that you realize is coming from the headset, followed by a sensation like a thousand tiny teeth lightly gripping your scalp as the band latches itself to your head. A wave of panic rises in your chest, but before it can crash over you Ada’s voice banished it with soothing, encouraging tones.

“This is normal, and part of the process. You are safe here.”

You close your eyes and focus on her words as the pressure in your chest eases.
Feb 11, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read

The sound of a voice after so much silence is shocking, and it takes a moment for you to remember you’re supposed to respond.

“Oh! Hi! Sorry...”

A soft giggle washes away your embarrassment, like it was a joke between old friends. “It’s alright. You’re far from the first to be surprised.”

The voice pauses a moment to let that sink in before she continues.

“My name is Ada. I’ll be guiding you through the process. If it helps, please feel free to use female pronouns for me.”
Feb 11, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read

It took a little time to work up the courage to go.

You had a few friends that you trusted with the news, once you made your decision.

Mostly the same ones who knew who you really were, and not who you had to pretend to be. The closest center wasn’t far from your office, but you were afraid of getting recognized by coworkers.

(Would you have to go back to work? Would you even need money anymore?)

You decided to visit a center a couple of hours away, just to be safe.
Feb 11, 2019 13 tweets 2 min read

CW: Dronification (is that a word? I guess it is now), mind alteration, mind control, physical alteration, TF, D/S undertones. I.

The centers started showing up a few months ago. Vacant lots suddenly filled with shining new structures overnight. Derelict buildings repurposed and refurbished.
Jan 3, 2019 110 tweets 14 min read
Ok. Let’s try this out:


TF, NSFW, 18+

(TW for description of medical issues) There’s an old song on the radio that gets you every time you hear it, from the very first line.

“My body is a cage”, it sings, and if that isn’t a fucking mood.