Farieha Aziz Profile picture
Cricket enthusiast. Journalist. Co-founder @BoloBhi (see: https://t.co/1lPHqj1yl1) Prev Assistant Editor at Newsline. Taught Lit in another life. Swear by Orwell!
Jul 25 13 tweets 4 min read
Firewall 🧵 It is impossible to say anything with certainty because there is little to no information available on it. Why? Because the PTA responds with no comment. The government obfuscates and attributes everything to global disruptions or technical glithces. ISPs/teclos saying nothing.
Feb 24, 2022 42 tweets 14 min read
We must not tell lies, Umbridge. Thread: A fact check
Musharraf introduced PECO in 2007. It lapsed in 2009. The PPP government was going to adopt it as an act of parliament. There was resistance by opposition, industry and civil society. It was called an anti-people law. dawn.com/news/889238/ne…
Feb 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
We remain focused on outcomes - the ones we want - not so much on what is required to get to them. We say the criminal justice system is broken, yet also have high expectations. Rarely is the role of prosecution scrutinised as it should in most VAW cases.
There needs to be accountability for actions. Surprised - tho not really - that many are demanding punishment for everyone should have been the same. The acts were not equal. Deplorable & criminal in degrees, not the same. Besides, what is brought on record & established matters.
Feb 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
اقتدار مین آتے ہی کیسے کایا پلٹتی ہے واہ! ا بھول گےء اپنے الفاظ ن لیگ کے لیے خاص طور پر وظیر کے لیے-
You are being another Anusha Rahman @fawadchaudhry, hiding behind the guise of "protecting women" and their "reputations" to defend the indefensible, while clear evidence exists civil & criminal defamation laws are being used to suppress their disclosures of harassment.
Feb 23, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
This is nothing but an attempt to dial down public criticism & give false assurances to the courts that the government will review its nefarious schemes, which it won't. No one should fall for this, we are here today due to complacency and expediency. When PECA was still a bill, there was resistance to S.20 (then S.18). Assurances were given by then IT Minister to media houses that their content would be exempted - a provisio to this effect was put in S.20. They accepted this relief for themselves & said law not as dangerous.
Feb 20, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
The changes to S.20, especially the definition of "persons," is deliberately crafted to get around courts checking the misapplication of this provision in particular. As per law, an aggrieved person must be the complainant, not some random third party
The definition of "person" does not include institutions unlike how it is applied. Making sure it was a non-cognizable offence was a safeguard legislators at the time put in after much advocacy, though civil society position was to omit (now repeal) S.20 dawn.com/news/1565098/w…
Feb 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
No, PECA is a malicious law enacted with malicious intent. Implementation under it is precisely as intended & worse. Reason there exists no political will to curb abuse/change law across parties is to use it against opponents when in power. Just like NAB.
Hina Jilani on Section 20 of PECA: "ye aisa qanoon hai jo kisi bhi criminal legislation ke standard par utarta he nahin hai." (34:00 mark) facebook.com/HRCP87/videos/…
Aug 10, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
WAF & WLA position paper on anti-rape ordinances put together by activists & lawyers who deal with cases of sexual violence. Bills will be detrimental, not beneficial, if passed in their current form. Must not be passed as they are
Gist of objections to the ordinances which lapse on August 13, 2021, with the attempt to introduce them as Acts. They are lying before the Senate's Law and Justice committee and must be reviewed in light of critique, not approved with haste.
Jun 18, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
Those reporting on the case of KU professor who was convicted under PECA 2016 by a sessions court in Khi, presenting it as an FIA achievement & how they apprehend/punish culprits, please stop relying on FIA PRs & look at case record to construct your reports & news bulletins. It is not because of the FIA or the prosecutor this case progressed to this stage. Rather in spite of them & their efforts to thwart & delay. Sheer grit & determination of the complainant, assisted by private counsels over the last 4 years & 8 months, that case now concluded.
Apr 26, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Today's order brings to an end a witch-hunt masquerading as accountability. There is a pattern in making the immediate issue go away after the harassment and hostility has had its full run. It's what follows after that is of consequence. Not on a case by case basis. But broadly. This is not accountability. Accountability would be across the board. This was not. Selectivity in terms of which references are heard & which are not, which 184(3) petitions are listed & those that are not, speak volumes. J Isa & Sarina Isa made public disclosures. And the rest?
Nov 18, 2020 39 tweets 18 min read
Social media 2.0 now gazetted and in effect. No national coordinator's office, however data localisation clause still there and requirement to set up local office and bring servers eventually. Can still impose penalties in the millions through PTA. moitt.gov.pk/SiteImage/Misc… *social media Rules
Sep 16, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
August 10, 2016: Letter read before several parliamentarians and shared with then speaker NA, the day PECA was tabled on the floor of the National Assembly for passage.
bolobhi.org/wp-content/upl… When a portion of this was read out on the floor of the assembly, then IT Minister Anusha Rahman mocked it and said women were committing suicide and such people did not want any law. Opposition members made gallant, well-informed speeches against PECA just a little too late.