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Daffy~ 26/legal idiot/ transman with a 2 year old/ this is my place to vent my disgusting Hankcon fetish kinks. Real fucking depravity/
Apr 5, 2021 291 tweets >60 min read
[Gavin having horribly repressed feelings-and just being horrible in general/ Gavin needs affection dearly/ Gavin is a *serious* asshole/ nsfw/ Reed900 /dominant Nines /*gratuitous* fluff]

I wanted to see Gavin be a flustered baby.

This lacks all logic and reason.

——- —- Nines enjoys wearing Gavin down. He forces him into situations Gavin had spent a lifetime building his defenses against.

It starts small- so small, Gavin chalks it up to his new partner simply going against his abrasive behavior. He’s an asshole, and he knows it.
Nov 13, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Reverse Au Thanksgiving

Amanda wants pictures this year of her sons without Connor sporting a black eye or Conrad wearing his ‘Orgasm Donor’ shirt.

She knows she’s already asking too much, but she has hope she knows she’ll have to sacrifice for the 28th year in a row. The photographer isn’t cheap, making a house call and setting up in Amanda’s not so homey home, so she’s preemptively put the fear of God in all her children that they come as their best.

Conrad shows up first, eager to see mother and prove he’s the favorite
Nov 7, 2020 27 tweets 5 min read
Royal Au with King Henry and Connor as the stableman who works outside the grounds with the horses. The one that Hank hasn’t thought to pay any attention to before.

There are a lot of working parts in the king’s extravagant castle, just on the daily. Cooks, dancers, guardsmen, hunters, royal guests. They all put Connor at the bottom of the list.

Hank only ever becomes aware of his existence when he calls all the hands in his kingdom together for a special announcement.

“My son will be returning to the castle in the spring.”
Oct 15, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Sugar Daddy/ The Bachelor AU where Millionaire Hank is the bachelor looking for love (after a good dose of encouragement from his evil friend, Jeffrey)

He absolutely doesn’t want to be here doing this, but he also thinks he’s some unattractive, washed up hasbeen with little chance to find love elsewhere. And dammit if he’s not lonely. When all else has failed, he supposes he could give this shit a try. What was better than being surrounded by a bunch of hot guys looking for a good time?

He stands outside the beautiful
Oct 13, 2020 41 tweets 7 min read
October 13th
—— — ——-

“You ever carve a pumpkin before?”

Connor looks at it, sitting innocently on top of Hank’s table with a towel underneath.

For all the time he spends outside the house with Markus and the others, he’s never done this before. They weren’t so preoccupied with these sorts of activities. As far as Connor knew, he hadn’t met another android that celebrated the holiday like a human would. Then again, Connor wasn’t the most extroverted guy and didn’t know that many androids.
May 7, 2020 186 tweets 32 min read
My twisted contribution to mermay this year is a thought that’s been plaguing me since last year’s- one I think I will greatly reduce to a few paragraphs for all our sakes

❌Angst, illness, fear

Mer Connor washing up on the shore, desperate to be mated for the first and only time by anyone he can. He must mate after years of fighting the cycle by denying his mother’s chosen consorts for him, and ignoring his natural urges to bear eggs and continue his line. An illness that’s little known among his kind (mostly because they have never
Apr 13, 2020 73 tweets 13 min read
✨Frustrated Connor dealing with a blossoming sexuality

❌Mentions of dysphoria

—- -
The first time Hank has an inkling Connor might be feeling some kind of way for him, he takes a step back from Connor’s curious, questioning gaze- thankfully having caught it before the other knew what these kinds of burgeoning feelings were- and tells him that he should get out and explore a bit. Go find a hobby and meet some more people.

Connor agrees because that’s the next logical step in his deviancy- though, Hank seemed in an odd hurry
Feb 21, 2020 31 tweets 6 min read
I’m writing some of the smut angst for my Hank1700 thread, and I just need a moment to get some of this filth out of me so I can focus.

✨Rimming, Blowjob, Disaster human Connor, *Unhealthy coping mechanisms*, Pampering the stressed baby, *mentions of rough sex*
——- - Hk800 knows Connor loves to overwork himself. It’s like this strange institution he lives by that if he runs himself ragged, he can enjoy a little bit of relaxation at the end of the day. A ‘reward’ system. Only it’s completely unbalanced, and Connor seems to be doing a lot
Feb 14, 2020 493 tweets >60 min read
🖤💖I bring myself angst on Valentine’s Day💖🖤


✨Connor having thoughts of viscous, demeaning sex to escape his crushing loneliness, Fluff, Neediness, Wallowing, Very cliche, Happy ending

💕Bottom Connor While he doesn’t know how it amounted to this, Connor remembers where it started.

There‘s the appeal of Nines’ model- his efficiency and build. The fact that he’s an inch taller and sculpted with a thicker waist. It tapers down, not that Connor’s been looking
Feb 5, 2020 202 tweets >60 min read
Me indulging in Disaster Human Connor

Exhausted, Connor falls asleep at his desk. Hk is annoyed, because he’s been trying to push a line from his list of ‘Detective Stern’s priorities’ that reads ‘Sleep more than 3 hours a night’ to him *every day* for the past 5 weeks. Obviously, the brat hasn’t taken his advice.

GV is annoyed, because now he has to spend more time with Bear-bot, hovering around his handler’s loser for a brother’s desk whenever they go marching over there to check his progress.

Said handler, Richard, is annoyed, because he’s
Jan 13, 2020 140 tweets 25 min read
I have this whole thing I wrote, but I do not like how it turned out at all. So instead, I’m gonna sum it all up, so I can finally get this shit I want out of my head.

✨Very cliche, FLUFF, angst

King Henry kindly awaits Connor, the difficult brat he is, to adjust to living with him in this new place, with his new husband.

Connor only knows a horrible bastardization of what love and commitment are, and has no interest in entertaining either with Hank. Ironically, the point of their marriage was for political purposes, which Connor *refuses* to
Dec 16, 2019 40 tweets 8 min read
A little mini thread on this tweet here, then I’m going right back to my mob boss shit, I swear.

✨ Hank1700, really fast paced and ramble-y

❌I’m sure there’s a warning for a thread like this, but I don’t know what? Proceed with caution. Connor, Nines, and Hank all have a professional relationship. That little smile and big ass hug Hank and Connor shared at the Chicken Feed is the most touchy-feely they’ve had the chance to be with one another, so they’re at a comfortable place in their friendship, but it’s
Dec 15, 2019 223 tweets >60 min read
✨Mob! Boss Hank isn’t in love with Connor.

He’s undoubtedly the best boy he’s ever kept, and he’s sharp as a whip- A nice change to all the one dimensional cock sleeves he’s had in his life, though Jeff would like to remind him he’d have kicked them curbside if any of them were. So, Connor was special, absolutely, but Hank wasn’t in love with him.

He liked the way Connor looked in spun silks and extravagant, heavy jewelry. He liked that when he came sneaking in to Connor’s bedroom to get his rocks off after a stressful
Dec 12, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
✨Imagine Hank so terribly self-conscious about his body and getting naked in front of Connor. Then it finally comes time for them to do the do, and Hank’s just standing there, 5 feet away and looking like he’s stressed to death. Connor doesn’t even need to do a scan, he can see the pulse in his throat jumping. So he keeps his distance, and tries to ease Hank into it.

“Ok, Lieutenant, I’ll let you set the pace :)”

Hank‘s run out was to stall this with and knows at this point and he needs to
Dec 11, 2019 156 tweets 28 min read
@H28217594 @Jumelles15 @mjfss92 @aemkimchen @BabyFrosti

Hopefully this *doesn’t* disappoint. I’ve never wrote Sugar Baby stuff, but I’m a skeeze for this, so I‘m gonna try.✨ Niles waits for Connor to go grab a drink from the bar before he pins Hank under ice blue eyes. He’d been hoping he’d get a chance to do this.

“Connor’s run out of freebies, I hear. He’s finally having to pay for all that sugaring.”
Dec 2, 2019 440 tweets >60 min read
✨💦Squirting, HUMILIATION (seriously Connor can’t catch a break), Connor struggling with his place in the world, lots of poorly handled emotions, not quite ‘human’ genitalia, but most resembling a vagina, Hank is a sweetheart💖✨

—- —— Here we are @Honeyhey1 (and the other person who wanted to be tagged that got deleted and I’m so sorry). The squirting thread.

I wrote and finished this (for ONCE) and kind of made it like a birthday present to myself, so I filled up on *lots* of self-indulging kinks in this.
Nov 26, 2019 41 tweets 6 min read
✨Possibly ❌disturbing smut, grizzled with layers, upon layers of super nsfw, and lots of pining

And soooo cliche

——- -

Connor curious about sex goes looking for a man like Hank. A man that’s all the things Connor loves about him. Big, hairy, tall, strong, a little older, maybe confident and serious, but with a a mouth on him. And, uh, tattoos...

Finding a guy like that turns out to be a little difficult, because Connor is a tall man himself and keeps being overlooked in the way he’d like to be.
Nov 20, 2019 17 tweets 3 min read
✨Domestic fluff plus lazy fingering


Hank and Connor decorating a Christmas tree for the first time. They hang almost all of Cole’s favorite ornaments and lay out the gaudy ass manger scene that’s 80% donkeys and camels around the baby Jesus, because the other figurines got fucking melted in their attic when they lived in California.
Nov 16, 2019 48 tweets 8 min read
Is this whump? I think I have a bad idea of what that word is, but if it means gratuitous hurt and feels for the sake of fluff and comfort later, that’s what this is. Also *extremely* cliche.

💫Hurt/comfort to feed my disgusting, black heart- jumbled, nonsense writing. Hank tells Connor to go experience the world, get those crazy upgrades everyone’s getting. Live on his own a bit, maybe get a pet. What the fuck ever .

Reluctantly, Connor agrees. He doesn’t like how little time they have together to begin with, and this is not helping.
Nov 11, 2019 73 tweets 12 min read
✨Thing with Hank and Connor at Eden Club, only I’ve made it stupidly indulgent
✨Hank finds out he’s got more feelings about his new partner than he’d like to
✨I just wanted to make some protective Hank and this has been sitting in my notes forever
✨Angst and fluff and *trash ❌This could be depressing/upsetting/triggering for some people, because of a take on the android’s at Eden Club. I’m not sure how to word/warn you better, honestly, but there’s Hank thinking about the android’s being victims a whole lot, and then all hell breaking loose.
Nov 5, 2019 98 tweets 15 min read
✨Trashy, smut, where I tapped into my gremlin brain just to see our boys be awkward about Connor getting urges
✨sorry bout that
✨Hank is very understanding🌟

The first time they ever do anything sexual, it isn’t at all how they expected. Well, that is to say, Hank hadn’t given *that* part of their relationship any thought, yet. Maybe that was weird, since they’d been actively dating for a while now, and well into the ‘boyfriends’ stage.