Ghost 🇩🇪🇺🇦🇪🇺 Profile picture
Freedom Lover. Family Links to🇺🇦. Enthusiast of History&Politics. Monitoring ru war in 🇺🇦since 2014. Lover of 🇺🇦 Culture. Слава Україні! Все буде Україна!
2 subscribers
Feb 6 17 tweets 4 min read
Nachdem Angela Merkel jetzt wieder medial präsent ist und von sich behauptet nichts falsch gemacht zu haben ein kleiner Exkurs zurück ins Jahr 2014. In dem kleinen Thread wird es um ihre Rolle und die Schlacht um Illovaisk gehen. Einer großen Tragödie.🧵 Wie die meisten wissen entsendete ru ab Frühjahr 2014 verdeckt operierende Kräfte in den Donbas um dort eine Art Sezessionsbewegung, heraus aus der Ukraine, zu imitieren. Ein gewisser Igor Girkin spielte dabei eine große Rolle.…
Feb 6, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
🧵There is much speculation about what prompted Putin to launch his genocidal war against 🇺🇦. I'll try to explain this with the help of Timothy Snyder's book "The Road to unfreedom".Putin's mindset is important for this. It's shaped by ru philosophers.
Thread today: Ivan Ilyin One person who is recited by Putin in many speeches and who has great influence on him is the philosopher Ivan Ilyin (1883-1954). His body was transferred to Moscow in 2005 with the support of Putin. Putin also attended his funeral.
Sep 18, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ For my fellow German citizens. I won't let ru fascist Desinformation win. Thats for the truth, which Twitter tries to censor. For which Twitter doesn't want to see that. Meet Alexey Milchakov, the founder of the ru nazi bataillon "Rusich" 2/ Basic Facts:
-Born 1991 in St. Petersburg - Ultra of the football club Zenit St. Petersburg,
Ultras St. Petersburg are famous for their right extremist, racist and homophobic Views
Sep 17, 2022 20 tweets 8 min read
1/ Meet Alexey Milchakov, the founder of the ru nazi bataillon "Rusich" 2/ Basic Facts:
-Born 1991 in St. Petersburg
- Ultra of the football club Zenit St. Petersburg,
Ultras St. Petersburg are famous for their right extremist, racist and homophobic Views
Sep 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ I firstly deleted my account after the yesterday incident, because that actually is not for what I was joining #NAFO . I am German. I was serving my country. And I am not ashamed for it. I disagree with Scholz and his party. I already do that since I am allowed to vote. 2/ I am here now. Because its not for me or for anyone, but for fighting back ru fascists in this information war and trying to debunk their narratives. A little group inside of NAFO seemes to become something like a cult. I will avoid this People. And focus on what matters.