Fedor Linnik 🐼 ⛓️ Profile picture
Marketing Lead @0xhoneyjar I @miberamaker333 I @henlo Created @NeuralPepe I @paintozero I @dontdrinkkool I @SpaceKimICO Past @Tokenville_TV I @ChangeNOW_io
Jun 20, 2022 33 tweets 14 min read
There is one detail from @ryder_ripps investigation which made it to the @thirdeyeoftruth doc that I found dubious — the claim that apes 1488 and 6969 were put in their places on purpose. I doubted as I thought BAYC had a proper random reveal.

It turns out, they didn't /THREAD Image In order to show how the reveal worked in the BAYC case and why there wasn't a proper randomness procedure I'll need to explain some technical details first.

Feb 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Another unbelievable coincidence. Gargramel (Greg Solano) wrote his thesis about 2666, by Roberto Bolaño. The book's protagonist is Hans Reiter, nazi physician and war criminal Another Bolaño book called Nazi Literature in the Americas is featuring a story of a fiction Cuban author Ernesto Pérez Masón encrypting Nazi propaganda in his writing

Jan 6, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
You still have doubts @BoredApeYC was created by 4chan trolls?

Nicknames of all 4 BAYC creators are hidden references for the /pol audience @CryptoGarga

Gargamel is a name of "The Smurfs" villain. Gargamel has been criticized for being a stereotypical depiction of Jews.

It's also a pol/ meme
Jan 5, 2022 139 tweets 140 min read
BAYC is of the most intricate hidden trolling campaigns in history created by very intelligent 4chan-related trolls who have hidden lots of nazi and alt-right innuendoes across the collection I've gathered enough proof to confirm it.

Ultimate extensive thread 🧵 I'm going to write this thread as my investigation story so you can see how I obtained all the proof and what my thought and reasoning was throughout the process. This way it want look like just a wall of dry facts and will be simply more interesting to read
Dec 8, 2021 32 tweets 12 min read
I believe it's a just a coincidence. It looks BAYC creators are just big military history fans.

Here is a thread about controversial military elements in @BoredApeYC and why it's not a problem🧵/ Exhibit I: Prussian Helmet

On one hand Pickelhaube it's a symbol of German colonialism and WWI aggression. On the other, it inspired similar helmet designs of other nations and some are being used up to date and they're devoid of any negative connotation

Aug 10, 2021 68 tweets 68 min read
I'm the person who started all the fuss @FameLadySquad and @queenship_ project. I have enough proof to state that FLS was created by 3 males who are also behind a whole bunch of abandoned NFT projects.

And their "signature" convinces me Queenship is also their product. Thread/ @FameLadySquad @queenship_ The story begins from April this year when we launched our meme NFT project @NeuralPepe.

A couple of days after our launch we were invited into an NFT chat with other Russian-speaking devs creating NFT projects. The guys who created FLS were there.