Femme Profile picture
Feminist not misandrist. Using my voice to raise awareness of male DV victims.
Jul 2, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Many people can't see Amber Heard as the abuser she is, because they don't see a problem with a woman hitting, screaming, belittling, monitoring her partners activities, social media, phone and location.
Women's abuse of partners is normalized. Remember when magazines championed Cardi B as surviving an abusive boyfriend, but then her quote was directly stating she abused him and he eventually got fed up and hit back.
That's reactive abuse on his part. Then everyone said "cool, have a Grammy" when she drugged men. Image
Dec 18, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Child Abuse and Gender, published by Jackie Turton in 2008, was an groundbreaking study. It compiled the history of violent male sex offenders and found the majority had a history of CSA perpetrated by their mothers/female family/friend. This was buried-why? Feminist agenda. Image
Correction: Child Abuse, Gender and Society*. It's estimated that between 15-20% of CSA offenders are women. This estimate is old...bc FSO are not studied. Link to a recent study on how FSOs are hidden and the disparity between official and self-report. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…Image
Mar 24, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Explaining the Depp/Heard money issue with donations bc it's complicated and I understand the average person doesn't work w this amount of $. Not complete but here goes:
First- what Amber was 'entitled' to.... In CA wo a pre or post nup, EACH party in divorce is 50/50 of *marital assets*. That means the 15 months they were married are put on the table. In one side, combined earnings. Hers, his, property, cars, everything.
On the other, you have combined debts in marriage. Hers, his.
Dec 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Comments on my opinion on the Steven Tyler lawsuit:
Remember I *was* a street kid.
A lot of us, male or female, felt our youth and attractiveness was the ticket out. And while there were predators there were also good people who genuinely cared and had the best intentions. From her words she wasn't far from being a street kid, and it seems like that was the situation IMO. Drugs and crazy lifestyles are just drugs and crazy lifestyles.
I chose hard labor instead of sex, then a live/work, then military.
I saw many of my peers choose sex and love.
Nov 29, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
As an abuse survivor, Amber Heard's repeated insistence she was abused by Johnny Depp's responses only cement my opinion she was the abuser each and every time she pushes the argument.
Her 'abuse' experienced is textbook abusive rationalizations.
He's 'killing her' for having social time without her with friends and family.
He's 'abusing' her by being late to her birthday.
She's 'responding' with physical violence to him 'abusing' her by staying too long at a friend's then hiding in a bathroom from her tirade.
He's 'abusing' her by struggling w
Nov 29, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Personal story: most know that I'd been planning and plotting to leave but things in my marriage imploded before that happened.
I did go to shelter, for a bit, then my spouse was removed from the home.
What happened was I got angry.
That anger came out with my physical assault of my husband during one of his episodes.
Not just a punch or push- I had no thoughts but anger. I've never been so angry in my life- hope I am never so angry again. An abyss of anger. Tunnel vision anger. Murderous anger. One thought-my kids-stopped me.
Nov 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Again, for my new troll who can't get it: Michele Dauber and her actions are directly tied to Stanford's disciplinary process as they were caught in a whirlwind of bad press, lawsuits, and social media misinformation/backlash. She was reprimanded by the U.
buzzfeednews.com/article/tylerk… Persky filed a lawsuit following his recall and stated Dauber's petition contained misinformation from the start, which was NOT contested. Emily Doe's identity was revealed in direct relation to Dauber's SM campaigning. Dauber essentially yelled FIRE in a theater and the U
Nov 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
As we're talking unfair college regulations, I'm bringing back Jane and John Doe, one of the first cases in which a drunk male student was found guilty of rape when a drunk female student not only participated fully but *came to his room, remembers oral sex, asked for a condom*. Ultimatley, though police refused charges, the college found John Doe to be more liable and responsible for gauging Jane Doe's level of intoxication and therefore at fault. businessinsider.com/occidental-sex…
Nov 20, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I've avoided this out of respect for Johnny Depp.
Authough the audios were public and he knew anyone could hear this, he never spoke about sexual assault.
Every person, every org that signed #OpenLetterToAmber needs to hear what they support.
#UnsignAmbersLetter Heard stans are upset the truth of this audio is coming out. The full audio is out there, someone also said the VA website. She berates his parenting and when he asks him to leave refuses. Thank you.
Nov 20, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
#FalseAllegationsAreAbuse. There were 9 publicized arrests of women who made false reports of abuse to themselves/children in 18 months.
Johnny Depp was falsely accused.
The open letter to Amber ignores this. Falsely accused abuse victims deserve support and due process. After "Dear Colleague" lead to Title IX changes, at least 700 lawsuits regarding false allegations and removal of due process were filed by students who found themselves excluded from their universities on the basis of sometimes anonymous reports. Eventually, Title IX was
Nov 18, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Reminder Women's March has a woman who served time for the kidnapping, brutal mutilation and murder of a man as an esteemed speaker.
Investigators found the scene so harrowing they couldn't place his time of death.
#NotMyFeminism Roberta Kaplan started Times Up Legal Fund, which matched complaints with attorneys and recieved millions in donations. While noise was made over high salaries and perks with little actual aid given, it was her outing aiding Cumo that broke the fund.
Jul 8, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
'Kamilla' threading lies, debunked: Johnny Depp never 'promised to buy Wounded Knee and return it.
He stated he would like to, wanted to, and questioned why the government didn't do it.
A quote taken out of context. Image Roman Polanski was never accused of 'multiple' SA of minors. There was one case, and Polanski stated he assumed the girl was of age.
Why? BC he met her at an adult party and bc she was dropped off to the house, late, for a photo shoot alone. Tragic occurrence, but the girl's
Apr 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
There is a moment on the tapes I've struggled with posting about. I can't be sure. I fast forwarded in discomfort. It sounds like completed SA, by Heard to Depp. Starts with him asking-Really? You really want to do this now? After, she begins insulting him, his parenting. One of the most disturbing things is that it's right after he tells her to leave. This is a recurring thing noted on the tapes: when Depp is asking Heard to leave, she becomes aggressive, sexually.
1/6 men are victims if SA/SH.
They're unrecognized for so many reasons.
Apr 23, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
As social media has been proving Amber Heard's lies told in Elaine's opening statement (TY Milani) bringing this back and hopeful it gets where it needs to go. Screenshots of the September/October 2003 issue of ElleGirl magazine, still available on Google books<magazines<Ellegirl. Also, promo shots of follow up model search events.
Apr 22, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
The audio played yesterday was, imo, audio of Johnny Depp at a depressed low. AH convinced him to break TRO to record, again, secretly. She begged him to cuddle in bed after telling the world she feared for her life.
So, male victims of emotional abuse+ suicide risk: a thread. First, Depp faced and allowed the general public to hear that audio, which was brave. He doesn't have to be here. He didn't have to sue AH, esp with knowledge this would be public, that he would be eviscerated on stand. He has done this to clear his name. #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent