Fiona H. Panther Profile picture
99% background, 1% astrophysical. @ForrestResearch Fellow at The University of Western Australia. Not likelihood free
Jan 11, 2021 24 tweets 5 min read
I was gonna make a tiktok to narrate this but I figured I'd put it here too:

RATING PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES BASED OFF MY TWITTER OBSERVATIONS OF THEIR USERBASE: python: attracts mansplainers who cannot tell when a woman is making a joke and who have taken 1 code academy course. Go back to software carpentry, Jerry.

Dec 23, 2018 83 tweets 10 min read
I have so many spicy astronomy takes that I could probably do an entire thread.

For every like this tweet gets, I will add a spicy astronomy take™️ 1. Your subgrid model needs to be motivated by the underlying physics first, and tuned to observations second