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Jul 18 6 tweets 7 min read
On a scale of FARA & FBAR SUE MI TERRY you done fucked up.
The newly unsealed indictment is forking bananas
Shall We?
(a now) Former Government Official Arrested For Acting As Unregistered Agent Of South Korean Government
“a former CIA and White House employee, subverted foreign agent registration laws in order to provide South Korean intelligence officers with access, information, and advocacy.  Terry allegedly sold out her positions and influence to the South Korean government“… Now most of you will actually overlook the bates heading. Notice how the newly unsealed indictment starts at page 17? Naturally where are pages 1 thru 16 of aforesaid indictment?
“-Appearance as to Sue Mi Terry held on 7/16/2024
-Bond Hearing as to Sue Mi Terry held on 7/16/2024.
-Arraignment as to Sue Mi Terry (1) Count 1,2 held on 7/16/2024. Plea entered by Sue Mi Terry (1) Count 1,2 Not Guilty”
ECF Source:…Image
Jun 21 4 tweets 4 min read
Over a year later and guess what a recent study confirmed?
-pollution from the derailment which was compounded by “controlled burn of several of the train's cars spread over 16 states
-reaching 540,000 square miles
-representing about 14% of our total land mass
-estimated impact: > 110 million resident
-appx 1/3 of America’s total population was/is adversely impacted by toxins within the water table, soil, and aerosol
1 of 2
YES of course wind direction & speed can supercharge: toxins in; water, land and air
And the direct impact is MASSIVE

The report is way worse than some of us thought

👇🏻Its a pity this subthread was largely ignored👇🏻…

Jun 21 6 tweets 4 min read
follow along if interested because by the 3rd tweet you’ll understand just how much shit Friske is in:
There are a few underlying reasons why I tweeted this April 2024 letter
-I am unapologetically petty AF
-Rep Friske trying a sleazy tactic to backdoor evidence that he’s not entitled to. Period
-there no such case law supports turning over “evidence”
Wait your staff published this <4 hours ago?
And it more than insinuates that Friske was “set up”
Source:…Image …rumor has it there’s body cam video of you threatening to kill her …and you know that’s going to be uploaded soon..
Again welcome to Petty University and I am here to express just how petty I can be:
@NeilFriske weird so your reelection website
-FFS MAN get a better digital editor
-your website margins are fucked
-you brandishing a gun (a felony)
-chased the stripper
-your wife daughters & grandkids should be off limits
2nd Source:…Image
Jun 12 5 tweets 2 min read
The long awaited SCOTUS “the fuckening thread” has finally entered the chat…
Hey -do remember that time in 2019 where a certain account was like: hair on “fire all red lights blinking” and that was met with eye rolls.
Yes those were fun unfuckening-times I shit you notImage In the beginning Nov 1 2019) I wasn’t the least bit concerned that my conclusions were not off the mark.
Why? Well partially good old fashioned research, a better than average comprehension of the law, and public policy re oversight
Jun 12 7 tweets 5 min read
“Senate Dems to press forward with Supreme Court ethics legislation, but Republican roadblock guaranteed“
FTR this is an unusual move by Senate Dems see incoming files

April 2023 Effort…… May 2024 letter from Chair & SubCom Chair Senators Durbin & Whitehouse Request Meeting With Chief Justice Roberts, “Urge Roberts To Ensure Justice Alito Recuses Himself In 2020 Election Cases“
Source Letter:
Source Press Release:……Image
Jun 4 6 tweets 5 min read
I have to say @RepDebDingell’s questions today and Dr Fauci’s response —I am VERY thankful for Reps like her. And I’m extremely thankful for the decades of incredible medical research Dr Fauci & his team have done on behalf of the “greater good”
I am genuinely repulsed by @HouseGOP @freedomcaucus disgusting & vile Attacks 1/3 You can watch the full hearing via this CSPAN link
What @RepDebDingell did here was absolutely masterful and he compassionate approach was absolutely incredible. 2/…
Jun 3 17 tweets 14 min read
(Caveat and Disclaimer— this is not intended to discount the incredibly hard-work former addicts have made to live a sober life.)

Rhetorical question: if you’re in the midst of addiction & in all likelihood you were not sober when you checked “NO” on the Federal Firearms Form
-how can you not argue that your judgement was off because you were either high or drunk (or BOTH) when you checked the box on your firearm application?
-couldn’t you use that as an affirmative defense that you were not of sound & clear mind because you were high and/or drunk or both…at the time? “Prospective jurors in Hunter Biden’s firearms case questioned on gun rights, addiction, politics…President Joe Biden's son has pleaded not guilty and has argued he's being unfairly targeted by the Justice Department…”
via AP:…
Jun 1 6 tweets 3 min read
Can we dispense with the latest MAGA bullshart spin/narrative:
-unprecedented & impermissible weaponization of the justice system
-we will lose our democracy & become a 3rd world regime
-the process was rigged
Please follow a long if you want to know which other Democratic Countries that prosecuted former leaders .. March 2021 France. Unless there’s an Earth 2 I’m pretty sure France’s Democracy still stands:

France’s (former president) Sarkozy WAS convicted of corruption, AND sentenced to jail…
May 30 4 tweets 3 min read
Good because Roberts letter is exactly what many of us suspected it would be. I mean seriously read his own words and enjoy the absolute worst Chief Justice of SCOTUS
whispers: that noise you hear? Yup that’s the committee staff quickly changing the subject & scope of said subpoena(s) trust me on thatImage No really read what Roberts wrote —the hostility Chief Justice Roberts has for a co-equal branch of government is audaciously tone deaf

“I must respectfully decline your request for a meeting. As noted in my letter to Chairman Durbin last April, apart from ceremonial events, only on rare occasions in our Nation's history has a sitting Chief Justice met with legislators, even in a public setting…”Image
May 27 8 tweets 8 min read
Follow along if interested because this is PURE insanity

unbelievable WTFING News -Trump;
-believes that the Court should transfer to a “civil” issue on their request to sanction Special Counsel Smith’s motion
-and to hold Smith in civil Contempt AND strike SC Smith’s Motion from the docket.
SDFL ECF Source:…Image I genuinely do not know if Trump’s attorneys have ever read the SDFL Local Rules
even for Trump, this is batshit fucking crazy
SDFL Federal CRIMINAL Rules of Procedure
Trump’s attorneys conflate civil v criminal rules of (local) procedure
May 27, 2024 Filing……Image
May 25 7 tweets 6 min read
Long overdue but Special Counsel Smith is on solid footing here but I’ll bet Judge Cannon denies the motion because she’s literally an incompetent and inexperienced Judge YOWZAH reading the Government’s filing is akin to scorched earth tactics- prosecutors are specifically citing Trump’s “truths” that footnote is forking brutal AF

“..within just the last few hours, Trump has continued to issue false statements smearing and endangering the agents who executed the search. See (“reTruthing” statement claiming that the FBI was authorized to use “‘Lethal Force’ on Trump or anyone at MAL WHILE the FBI/DOJ plants evidence to frame Trump!!!”)…Image
May 24 11 tweets 9 min read
Hey do remember the AI generated RoBo Call that used Biden’s voice
prompting seperate investigations via-a-vis the FCC & NH-AG investigated
FWIW the FCC brought out the Million+ fine but wait
The New Hampshire Attorney General (see embedded Statement/Announcement. Which reads in part:

‘Kramer has been charged with 13 felony counts of voter suppression, contrary to RSA 659:40, III, and 13 misdemeanor counts of impersonation of a candidate, contrary to RSA 666:7-a. The charges are spread across four counties based on the residence of thirteen New Hampshire residents who received the Biden Robocalls: Rockingham County (five counts of violating each statute); Belknap County (three counts); Grafton County (three counts); Merrimack County (two counts).”
NH-AG announcement below
May 18 8 tweets 6 min read
many years ago some of us were screaming about Justices Alito, Thomas & Kavanaugh
Moreover I’ve yet to see/hear any attorney arguing before SCOTUS that XYZ Justice(s) must recuse because that would take serious balls to do and sadly no balls insight
FTR this is how fucked up Chief Justice Roberts is;
-complete rejection of Senators demanding SCOTUS adhere to the same ethical & financial disclosures as ANY OTHER Fed Judge
-SCOTUS’ Employee Handbook FORBIDS SCOTUS Staffers:”employees may not publicly sup a partisan political organization or candidate (this precludes) employees from displaying signed or bumper stickers or stating their personal public positions on any social media platform“
SCOTUS Source:……Image
May 15 7 tweets 6 min read
Oh hells yes @RepRaskin stepped up to the plate and hit it out of the ball field
Jan 2021 -
Sept 2021: “240 carjackings reported so far in Louisville in 2021, police say”

June 2022:
May 2024:
importantly DOJ- BJS data::
—shall I keep going?
(please say yes because I have the files)……………Image
I suppose @RepJamesComer thinks Louisville isn’t part of his (not so) great state of Kentucky (I’m kidding, sort of)
But WHO BOY this report floored me
October 2021
“Data shows a carjacking happens in Louisville every 42 hours ..’…
May 14 16 tweets 8 min read
Who’s ready for a quick: there’s a tweet for everything.
Specifically imma gonna speed tweets Trump’s former tweets as it relates to Michael Cohen
1) please pay close attention to the dates, you‘ll understand as I create this thread
2) loyalty to Trump is a net-zero-sum game because Trump demands loyalty but it’s rarely reciprocated
3) in the spirit of full transparency (because this hellscape is saturated with the full water-hose of intentional disinformation and misinformation
Buckle up and here we go… Again please pay attention to the time/date stamp
in 3 tweets you will understand why
”…received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign …through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement“
May 11 6 tweets 4 min read
Dear Kristi

CONGRATULATIONS SWEETIE —you’re managed to piss off the whole of South Dakota’s Native American Communities.
“Kristi Noem banned from almost all South Dakota reservations after sixth tribe votes”

You should have really thought about this in 2019 even after a Federal Judge said you were wrong & exceeded your authority.
And don’t get me started on your fucked incompetence that caused irreparable injury to Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Presently 90% of all indigenous tribes in South Dakota have PNG’d you —you made a colossal mistake sending in the SD National Guard & SDST these reservations are sovereign & frankly sacred you insufferable…Image Fine please stand by for incoming fact files —let’s start with my 2019 assertion & the overreach by Gov Noem at the sufferance of countless indigenous people of SD
Native American tribe says their sovereignty allows checkpoints in South Dakota…
May 11 7 tweets 7 min read
Yes I’m going to remind you about this particular 2023 indictment because “who funds Steve Bannon” wasn’t a cute hashtag
Today the DC CCOAs wholly REJECTED Bannon’s appeal
AND (this is VERY IMPORTANT) unlike 95% of all Federal Criminal Defendants the District Judge let Bannon run his propaganda shitshow because the Judge deviated and allowed him to be free during the pendency of his appeal
Because this particular passage in today’s majority opinion is DEFINITELY worth reading because the brutality is absolutely delicious

“…a contrary rule would contravene the text of the contempt statute and hamstring Congress’s investigatory authority. Because we have no basis to depart from that binding precedent, and because none of Bannon’s other challenges to his convictions have merit, we affirm.“
I just need a few moments to read the rather short…Image
May 4 5 tweets 3 min read
Silly rabbits and some of you thought I was tweeting in Pig Latin (which is plausible but i digress)

NOPE this was me laying down documents and questions about her stunning lack of ethics. And questioning her judicial temperament and inexperience
👇🏻and HERE WE ARE👇🏻
“Cannon's office told Newsweek that the two trips are likely listed on the U.S government's federal judge disclosure website. The court clerk stated in an email to Newsweek that "there are two trips listed for Judge Cannon. These are likely the trips you are referring to. You can find them here" with a link to the U.S government's website.”

Source:… I’m kind of serious here because unbeknownst to most people —by law Fed Judges are mandated to file ACCURATE, TRUE and CORRECT financial disclosures in a timely fashion
Newsweek’s May 4, 2024 updated article…
Apr 30 7 tweets 3 min read
And yet it’s so weird these “college kids” were/are protesting were ALL MIA as Russia/Putin waged an unprovoked war —of which there‘s ample evidence that Russian, raped and murdered innocent Ukrainians and other atrocious war crimes
Yea standby for a crushing amount of receipts Back in Nov 2023 I was confounded by the lack of factual reporting
Russia raped countless Ukrainian women & girls
Russia/Belarus engaged in pervasive and systematic KIDNAPPING of THOUSANDS of Ukrainians
actually receipts
Apr 29 6 tweets 3 min read
Do do know how this college protest ends, right?
Prediction: 9-12 months from now Congress & DOJ will produce a substantial report showing some (not all but some) of these protest were coordinated with a known foreign adversary.
If you don’t think our enemies (like China & Russia) aren’t astroturfing in College campuses then perhaps you’re paying attention —because this screams of Putin’s 2015-2016 playbook where they specifically targeted BLM college students
and here we go because apparently some of you are pissed at my recent tweets -refresh your memory back to this 2020 Senate Intelligence Committee Report
The obvious coordination is apparent and I genuinely wished someone could grab me a screenshot of the various handouts for the protestors
(I’ll explain why in my 3rd tweet)
Apr 25 6 tweets 5 min read
SCOTUS slow rolling Trump’s ridiculous “absolute immunity“ is literally the most Trumpian of Trumps
a quick review ( below) and you suddenly realize that Barrett got owned, Kavanaugh is still an intellectual midget & Roberts/Thomas are so egregiously arrogant… The 2 hour & 40 minute Oral Arguments can be found below
Based on a cursory read/hearing of both the oral arguments & transcript I literally want to scream
WTFingF of all Dah FaaaQqqk…