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1: arrange in order for preservation and reference file letters 2a: to place among official records 2b: a collection of papers 2c1:a collection of records
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Feb 17 4 tweets 2 min read
Oh goody gumdrops I actually have a few fresh receipts for Rep Tenney and let me tell you —her blocking me made me laugh like uncontrollably snort laughing
shall we? I wasn’t bluffing nor are my questions random because I don’t ask a question that I already don’t have an answer for/to
1 of 3 because it’s gloves off for this insider trading swamp ratfucker
Feb 13 5 tweets 3 min read
In today’s episode of
because if you don’t think farmers are going to be body slammed by this shitty administration then you haven’t been paying attention
For Example: one of the 1st things trump did was doing a double shot to the Inflation Reduction Act Investments now on ice, indefinitely… If you think I’m exaggerating -I’m not farmers are literally facing catastrophic financial ruin because of trump’s insane public policies:
“Farmers on the hook for millions after Trump freezes USDA funds…The White House had repeatedly said the funding freeze would not affect benefits that go directly to individuals.”
FTR this isn’t the first time trump has targeted farmers. He doesn’t give a flying fuck that (during his first term) farmers suicide rates skyrocketed and that was only slightly eclipsed by farmers bankruptcy. Do you really want my 2019 to present receipts? Because I have a ton of receipts
Feb 8 8 tweets 8 min read
Dear @DNC @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems this is Attorney General Tong.
AG Tong filed suit against @DOGE for their unlawful actions (nearly24 State AGs have filed lawsuit)
-exfiltrating Americans PII
-shutting down the State Dept USAID
-unlawfully offering buyouts
.-illegal removal of 17 OiGs, FEC, USPS, DOD, DOJ, FBI, UST databases.
-illegal removal of 17 OiGs, FEC, USPS, DOD, DOJ, FBI, UST databases… an ever-changing kaleidoscope of federal financial assistance that has been suspended, an ever-changing ka…leidoscope of federal financial assistance that has been suspended, has been suspended,
“ ever-changing kaleidoscope of federal financial assistance that has been suspended, deleted, in transit, under review, and more since entry of the Order. “Image
Again back in Nov I plainly stated that State AGs have multiple legal framework arguments not the least of which APA, FVRA,
“coalition today further seeks to preliminarily enjoin the Trump Administration’s actions to impose a funding freeze, emphasizing the widespread and irreparable harm to states, which rely on billions of dollars of critical federal assistance for public services to ensure access to education, clean air and water, and health care, and to support essential infrastructure projects.”Image
Jan 15 8 tweets 8 min read
The report is largely reiterative of what’s been publicly known (especially considering the various docket entries
Notwithstanding I’ve previously suggested that you bookmark Special Counsel Smith’s main DOJ landing page (embedded below)
Jan 14 2025 formal notice to AG Garland:…
Jan 14 2025 Final Report Volume I… Again the report doesn’t have a shocking amount of new information
Below is an abbreviated list of a few new tidbits I found noteworthy.
For example :
-Smiths fully explained the election interference case and specifically describing it “ the national interest in ensuring legitimate presidential elections and peaceful transitions of power”
-Smith was very specific & noted aforesaid edicts issued by Trump were “command protection from Mr. Trump’s criminal design to subvert them…”
-Smith specifically brought charges a year in advance as to not infringe on the DOJ’s longstanding SAMs particularly those regarding prosecution of current lawmakers
-the footnotes are incredibly important, I’d strongly recommend you read those carefully
Jan 13 9 tweets 8 min read
Color me actually surprised because the Oral Arguments at least 6 Justices seemed rather skeptical and unconvinced with TikTok & their creators arguments
SCOTUS Oral Arguments…
SCOTUS (unofficial) transcript…
shall we?… What’s interesting is both Chief Justice Roberts & Justice Kavanaugh literally called BS on TikTok’s arguments with respect to Congress’ intent in the language and authority
“about what the foreign adversary is doing.”
I believe the precise moment TikTok lost Kavanaugh
” Does Congress have to go all or nothing on that? ”
Source (unofficial) transcript…Image
Jan 7 8 tweets 8 min read
Things that make me Spicy curious to read an entire docket because there are some incredibly juicy nuggets in the various declarations

IRS Obtains Court Order Authorizing “John Doe” Summonses For Records Relating To U.S. Taxpayers Who May Have Used Network Of Offshore Service Providers To Hide Assets And Evade Taxes…Image
On Dec 17, 2024 the Government filed a Memorandum of Law (in support of said petition)
Corp Target: Trident Trust Group as elucidated in the Govt’s Memo
-the IRS identified multiple tax payers utilizing Trident services to evade taxes but this definitely raised my spicy meter
“U.S. taxpayers who, at any time during the years ended December 31, 2014, through December 31, 2023, used the services of the Trident Trust Group (“TT-Group”) to establish, maintain, operate, or control: any foreign financial account or other foreign asset; any foreign corporation, company, trust, foundation, or other legal entity; or any foreign or domestic financial account or other asset in the name of such foreign entity”
Source Doc No 3:…Image
Jan 6 5 tweets 6 min read
Well it’s almost like someone said (about a month ago) that the TikTok Creators would likely have to file their own brief because TikTok opted to use these creators as a proxy for why SCOTUS shouldn’t uphold the lower courts rulings. But they lost me ENTIRELY with this paragraph

“First, it does not matter that TikTok has a foreign
owner. American creators have a First Amendment
right to speak to other Americans in the United States
with the assistance of a foreign publisher or other
The fact that these creators conveniently omitted that each of them make significant revenue that TikTok pays them. That should NOT be overlooked, at all
Source: supremecourt.govImage
What I really find objectionable is the TikTok creator’s brief absurdity of cherry picking Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927) and drawing a collary of their 1st Amendment Rights

“The Court found that the Act violated neither the Due Process nor the Equal Protection Clauses, and that freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment was not an absolute right.”
I mean FFS perhaps you can pull this kind of judicial dishonesty at a district court level but SCOTUS?
Nope they will literally take your misleading argument to the woodshed and then to the wood chipper. Come on this brief is drowning in truncated & cherry picked judicial findings.
Conclusory arguments are also not typically well received either but I digress
Jan 6 4 tweets 3 min read
As someone who lives part time at the Ocean, I did not have this on my President Biden bingo card. And when I say this is a very BFD it is:
so ICYMI the ENTIRE East Coast of America from Maine to Florida
“FACT SHEET: President Biden Protects Atlantic and Pacific Coasts from Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling “
Not yo belabor the significance of today‘s actions
-Biden has always been consistent about Climate Change
-the ENTIRE East Coast (ME to FL)
-the West Coast CA, OR & WA
-and the remaining portions of the Bering Sea
Dec 23, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read
Son of a biscuit muncher. So here we can observe @mattgaetz pressuring his supplier on when his “care package” would arrive the care package are drugs, illegal drugs and it’s not pot it’s likely coke, crack or hash. This is just beyond
Can someone please explain to me WHY @TheJusticeDept didn’t indict a CHILD RAPIST, drug user, drug trafficker, sex trafficker who broke federal law making under aged sex a fucking felony? or how about the fact he used drugs WHILE IN CONGRESS?
Hey have ANY of you gotten to the DHS exhibit because WTF.
that acronym means: Treasury Enforcement Communications System, Note the disclosure because I’m SHOCKED the MSM has‘t talked about this
TECS was specifically set up (by Treasury) to blunt CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING like WTF MSM. The Bahama trip is where a witness testified that the luxury trip & 5 star hotel was payment to have sex with him while he was high as a fucking kite on ecstasy after snorting coke laced with ecstasy…Image
Dec 23, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Again don’t @ me I repeatedly said (in 2019) Gaetz had statutorily raped a child (yes 17 is still a minor & i
Look the Committees website is going intermittently tango down. But those of us in DC know to check the House Doc Repository See full committee report (and now I haven’t read it because I’m trying to get into a wetsuit)
The excerpt of the deposition transcripts make it unambiguous @mattgaetz is a child rapist…
See you much later tonight we’re going night fishing after kite surfingImage There’s nothing new, per say but the details are jaw dropping like Joel Greenberg Jaw Dropping
Mini Thread 2019 to present AND I said in 2019 Gaetz had violated campaign finance laws (because thats why I created numerous threads circa 2019 to present
Dec 18, 2024 7 tweets 8 min read
Holy fuckballs on FIRE

Ranking Member @RepRaskin came out SWINGING with a 72 page letter. The footnotes are absolutely INCREDIBLE

“It is time for America to break the spell of propaganda, conspiracy theory, and disinformation in our politics, whether it is concocted at home or manufactured abroad or some combination thereof.”
Honestly it’s super late (<6 hours before we leave) so I have NOT read the entire document. It’s incredibly detailed and voluminous footnotes. See pages 5-7 because this is what going HAM with receipts like
“…Smirnov pled guilty to working with Russian intelligence agencies to promote false bribery allegations in an effort to smear President Biden.  Mr. Smirnov’s phony accusations were recorded in the FBI’s FD-1023 tipsheet repeatedly cited by Congressional Republicans throughout their failed impeachment campaign against President Joe Biden:”Image
Dec 17, 2024 6 tweets 7 min read
GOOD LORD it’s official the DOJ found
“The AZ DCS engaged in a pattern of discrimination against parents and children with disabilities..”
-DCS failed to communicate effectively with parents and children with hearing disabilities, including by not providing interpreter“
the letter is interesting.. shall we?
OPA:… I think the most egregious part is AZ DCS was both unwilling and unrepentant in essentially ignoring Federal Law
specifically violating the ADA which was meant to make accommodations (cough like 508 compliance) and this directly linked to Students in AZ DCS “care” and those children CLEARLY had disabilities which often required an IEP (also covered by Federal Law)
Dec 14, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Controversial Opinion/ Theory: what if these are NOT drones, at all but actually beta testing for flying cars?
Hear me out: Intellectual Property competition for “flying cars” is far more competitive then most think
Is it possible some of these “drones” are actually companies test flying their flying cars? Hence the secretive nature & only night time flying (you want the cover of night to test fly so your competitors don’t steal your IP.

In fact the US Patent & Trademark has approved over 80 separate applications
You need not take my word for it. Just run a search…
I can for SURE tell you this industry is notoriously secretive because IP isn’t something you pour billions in to research & development For Example in 2019 (again that’s a quasi vetted working theory)
Circa 2019 EXCLUSIVE: Company Seeks to Test Flying Cars Along Jersey City’s Waterfront | Jersey Digs via…
Dec 14, 2024 6 tweets 6 min read
STFU you are a fucking liar.
You spent years lying to MAGA
You alone have radicalized tens of thousands of Americans and turned them into Domestic Terrorist
The recently released & various DOJ-OIG reports
“Confidential Human Sources and Intelligence Collection Efforts in the Lead Up to the January 6, 2021 Electoral Certification..”…Image
If you don’t want to read the 80+ page report allow me to summarize said report:
-Trump & House/Senate GOP spent years LYING
-There was no “set up”, no “entrapment“
-Trump continued gaslighting is dangerous
Facts (not fiction)…Image
Dec 12, 2024 4 tweets 5 min read
The @GOPoversight @RepJamesComer clowns KNEW their star whistleblower was full of shit and yet they championed him as some truth teller
You have to wonder why Special Counsel Weiss initially believed his lies
Plea and Tax Implications wait for the exhibit because the statement of facts is SUPER CLEAR…Image
See that? Thats not exactly a downward. I’d argue that he’s actually getting off light but man >$675K in restitution is deeply satisfying
The MAGA House clowns literally owe the American people a public apology and I’d add perhaps we need to know exactly how much tax payer money @SpeakerJohnson @HouseGOP fleeced American tax payers for their bullshit investigation…Image
Dec 11, 2024 6 tweets 6 min read
HOLY CRAP the Government Pre-Detention Memorandum —BEJESUS
“… for approximately two decades, the Alexander Brothers have sexually assaulted, trafficked, and forcibly raped dozens of women.”
Notice: “the investigation is ongoing“ I surmise the Govt has a TON of evidence…Image
Again I’m mindful some of my followers are sexual assault survivors. Here’s you obligatory trigger warning because the facts elucidated in the Govt 12 page PreTrial Detention Memorandum
IT IS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING so please stop reading now because I don’t want to unintentionally trigger folks
Dec 11, 2024 6 tweets 7 min read
For background:
“Alexander brothers arrested in Miami
Disgraced top brokers were subject of federal interest after rape allegations..”
Source:…… What you might not know is in June of 2024 Angelica Parker filed a civil complaint in the NYS Courts and shortly thereafter the Alexander Bros (through their attorney) stated they would likely face a criminal indictment
Dec 10, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Oh stop we ALL know Dejoy’s algorithm (how the fuck do you think he got that rich) he bought troubled assets and then broken them into tiny pieces and that’s why he doesn’t give a flying fuck about the USPS
For Dejoy isn’t NEVER been about providing better service with minimal cost
It‘s always been about the privatization of our USPS that he can chop up and make his cronies a fuck ton of many
A thread of me just not giving a flying fuck because facts matter
Dec 9, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
DOJ finds Civil Rights Violations by the Worcester Police Department and City of Worcester, Massachusetts
“-WPD uses excessive force, including unjustified uses of tasers, police dogs and strikes to the head. Officers rapidly escalated minor incidents by using more force than necessary, including during encounters with people who have behavioral health disabilities or are in crisis. WPD’s use of excessive force violates the Fourth Amendment.
-WPD has allowed certain officers at times to engage in outrageous government conduct and violate the constitutional rights of women suspected of being involved in the commercial sex trade by engaging in sexual contact while undercover as part of official investigations. This violates the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause.”… BEJESUS this report is so bad and the WPD dirty & unconstitutional conduct is now laid utterly bare for all to see
“…serious concerns about some credible reports that officers have sexually assaulted women under threat of arrest and engaged in other sexual misconduct; and concerns that WPD lacks adequate policies and practices to respond to and investigate sexual assaults by officers and others”
Nov 24, 2024 7 tweets 6 min read
ICYMI on Thursday the DOJ released their long awaited years long investigation into the Trenton NJ PD and let me tell you the 45 page report is WAY WORSE than most of us assumed it would be
Please follow along if curious
“For too long, the residents of Trenton have felt afraid of the police, rather than protected by them.”
JFC the residents of Trenton NJ were absolutely correct their PD displayed a pervasive pattern & practice of engaging in UNCONSTITUTIONAL behavior
“[P]olice officers in Trenton routinely failed to respect the Fourth Amendment rights of those who call Trenton home. Trenton police stop and search pedestrians and motorists without a legal basis, make illegal arrests and use excessive force without basis.”
Nov 18, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
You don’t continue to pay someone if they’re a liar. You pay them so they keep their lips zipped. The audacity & offensiveness here is exactly why Pete’s nomination should be DOA via the Senate’s Constitutional role pursuant to Article 2 Section 2 Clause 2
and you know how Trump will short circuit the Senate, right? Recess Appointments We’ve (extensively talked about Trump & the FVRA)
see here:…
Or this long ass sourced thread:…
Or here because it’s not like I didn’t come in like a wrecking ball dropping facts and shit…