Fiorella Isabel Profile picture
Journalist, geo-political analyst, News at @RT_com, Host at Fiorella In Moscow & TCC, Fiorella Isabel Substack, Opinions My Own, insta:FiorellaInMoscow
otaria123 Profile picture ACAB - Mee Myselfani 🇵🇸 free Palestine! Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture Luis F (Punching Up ✊)🎗🇵🇷 - Free 🇵🇸 Profile picture 🐾Александра Опалић 🇷🇸❤️‍🔥🇷🇺 Profile picture 8 subscribed
Mar 1 11 tweets 8 min read
BREAKING RT Holds audio of a CALL on February 19 2024 between high-ranking German military officials INTERCEPTED BY RUSSIA which shows a plan to bomb the Crimean Bridge.

Audio has not been released yet. I’ve saved the translation of the transcript that RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan wrote on VK, here for you to read but I’ll break it down below. 🧵…Image The crux that was said in an almost 40 minute dialogue is here:

“I came to the conclusion that there are two interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depots above. The bridge in the east is hard to reach, it's a rather small target, but the Taurus can do it, the ammunition depots can also be hit…If we consider the bridge, I don't think Taurus is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work, and for that we need satellite data. I don't know if we can train the Ukrainians for such a task in a short time, and we are talking about a month.”

Nov 3, 2023 21 tweets 3 min read
🇱🇧 Nasrallah: What is happening in Gaza is revealing the stupidity of the Zionist regime, which only kills civilians and destroys mosques, churches, hospitals and schools…Any small army or air force can simply bomb civilians, is this the most superior army in the Middle East? “The West tries to tell us that we have a 'democratic state' as a neighbour, but the truth has been revealed, and their lies have been exposed…the true nature of the so-called international laws…we just realize today that America is completely responsible for the covert war in Gaza…Israel is just a tool…America is preventing a ceasefire…America is proving itself once again as the great satan…it is the primary party responsible…it must be held accountable…”
Jun 24, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
What is known thus far about the attempted mutiny by Yevgeny Prigozhin:

One, I say mutiny because there was no attempt to go to the Kremlin in Moscow but only a reported attempt to go to the military command center in Rostov.

Not much has verified and what many are reporting…… From Russian government officials and Russian state media:

✅ On Friday, footage and audio coming from Wagner troops and Prigozhin surfaced online alleging that a "missile attack" had been launched at a Wagner camp, and that the strike was "delivered from the rear, that is by……
Feb 21, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
Putin’s speech to Federal Assembly

✅ Ukraine with its western allie’s used peace deals to strengthen military

✅West played same game when It destroyed Libya, Iraq & Syria &

✅ Russia was open to dialogue with the west, but a different scenario happened behind their backs ✅The planet is “studded” with US military bases

✅ “It was them (west) who unleashed this war and we just used the force and we are using this…to stop this war..”

✅Western nations seeking to use conflict to strengthen their own power
Feb 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING Russia Foreign
Minister Sergey Lavrov In Interview with Sputnik on the current international agenda, focused on the Ukraine conflict. Tweet 🧵on his statements:

✅ The more weapons & more push form Ukraine, the further Russia will have to push back. ✅“Ukraine aid” began with helmets, now it’s fighter jets

✅ MAIN REASON for Russian conflict with Kiev is US Exceptionalism

✅ U.S Looking for soluten to Russian question, “isn’t this racist?”
Feb 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Except Russia has never imposed on Ukraine’s sovereignty so why put them in the same caliber as NATO & the US? The US took control of Ukraine‘s government since at least 2014, where was the talk of “sovereignty” then? People of Donbass have had no sovereignty from Ukraine & NATO. This is why I came to Moscow & why I also went & want to continue going to Donbass. It’s the ignorant western view that NATO & the hegemonic US are equal to Russia in their assault of Ukraine. Provide evidence where Russia went after Ukraine’s sovereignty, 2022 wasn’t it.
Feb 1, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
#TheDonetskRecords It’s Ukraine Bombing Hospitals with NATO Weapons:

One of the biggest lies from western media is: “Russians attack Ukrainians & Ukraine never attacks Russian civilians.” The U.S. & co win at PROJECTION. Testimony on a HOSPITAL that came under Ukrainian fire. This is an indisputable fact proven by the locations at schools, markets, & apartments in the center of Donetsk. Here is more evidence presented recently at the UN Security Council. So far Ukrainian forces have killed 154 children among the 4586 civilians since February 2022.
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Thanks for posting my video @snarwani more people need to see this. Be nice if she have credit though since I’m shadowbanned for doing my job and this is my video and others don’t get to see it.
Jan 21, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
The Donetsk Records: Civilian Targets

On Monday, January 16, 2023 Ukraine fired US-supplied HIMARS into an apartment building, pharmacy & market in the center of Donetsk, on Ilyich Avenue in the Kalininsky District, killing 2 & injuring at least 4. Below is the aftermath. Image We arrived on Wednesday & were informed by locals of what had transpired Monday morning at 8:30 AM. In the video below you’ll see some residents rummaging through the debris looking for any salvageable belongings. We were told a girl had waited for her mother who never came.
Jan 9, 2023 36 tweets 10 min read
The US right is backing an attempt at a color revolution in Brazil, & while the government isn’t fully endorsing it, the questioning of Brazil’s elections came from former gov officials & the west first not Brazil, which points to US Intel at play underneath the facade🧵 Bolsonaristas have stormed congress in Brasilia, in what many say resembles the January 6th riot in the US capitol-a faulty comparison as underneath the superficiality of these sectors being right-wing, is the reality of organized government psy ops & two different countries.
Dec 9, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING I just got more info about the coup against Castillo. Not only were the charges he’s slapped with false, but he never committed a crime & shouldn’t be in prison. There is also evidence that the military, the police, & even his own chauffeur all got bought off… by congress members. Everyone turned on him because they knew they’d be receiving money also. They truly have nothing on him. This is an absolute travesty.
Dec 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Notice how #TheTwitterFiles “blacklist” only includes conservative voices. They’re suggesting only the right have been marked but I know for a fact that nonpartisan, anti imperialists, state-affiliated, actual non lib left, Pro Palestinian accounts DO get shadow-banned & censored Waiting to see Zionist Bari Weiss expose how much pro-Palestinian content is censored & shadowbanned, or to see revelations of how little engagement state-affiliated accounts get, even blue checks. For example here’s how many views a regular RT video gets
Dec 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
While Ryan Grim runs PR for SCAB AOC for “access,” this idea she HAD to vote yes to pass the 7 day sp for rail workers is false. The union’s ONLY shot was to use leverage of a strike threat to get sick pay as a concession from the company. The squat destroyed that possibility. At this pt any journalists not adversarial to those like the squat who are clear useful assets to the exploitative government apparatus are more interested in career advancement than in truth. Not that I expect much from The Intercept but since we’re talking transparency here.
Dec 8, 2022 59 tweets 11 min read
Why Pedro Castillo’s removal from the Presidency was INDEED A COUP & how it’s historically tied to neoliberal, far right western-backed influence in the country. Quick history LESSON on Peruvian politics from me: I was there for his election & am Peruvian American. 🇵🇪 A thread🧵 Pedro Castillo of Peru Libre won his election held on June 6, 2021 clinching 50.12% of the vote against pro multi-national corporation & pro Western, right-wing (neoliberal) candidate for Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori, daughter of former President & dictator Alberto Fujimori.
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Will @elonmusk address the fact that US elections aren’t only manipulated via propaganda, censorship & tweets but via the entire electoral process that gaslights people who question the worst, most easily hacked & fraudulent election system in the world as conspiracy theorists? Will @elonmusk address the clear shadow ban on “State-affiliated” media accounts and remove them? Even if the label remained, perhaps make it so US affiliated accounts get that same label, EU/NATO? He’s been asked multiple times?
Nov 2, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
You shouldn’t even have mail in ballots to begin with. Most countries don’t use them bc of a lack of chain of custody. US is the only country where you have almost a month to vote in many places, ballot harvesting, vote by mail & no ID requirement. You don’t have fair elections. People can argue with me all day long. But I’ve been to too many countries & compared their voting system to ours. If developing nations can get IDs to people in rural areas & can have a more transparent & clear process, it means they’re weaponizing bs excuses to not do it here.
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING A key meeting took place between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro & Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Tuesday in Caracas. Colombia is a NATO PARTNER to the US & Venezuela is an ally to Russia & Iran. This looks like a step in multipolarity & away from the west. They issued a joint statement & gave a press conference, stating their aim to expand diplomatic & economic relations, border security, the fight against drug trafficking, energy, trade & economic relations, & strengthening the Community of Latin American Caribbean State (CELAC).
Nov 2, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING Confirmed Nicolai Arcadie, the Michigan co-founder of popular decentralized finance (DeFi) stablecoin issuer “MakerDAO,”was found dead on a beach in Condado, Puerto Rico. The last tweet he posted on his account accused the CIA & Mossad of running a sex trafficking ring. According to local Puerto Rican media, he was found drowned on the beach behind Ashford Hospital in Condado, PR. The police report says they were alerted at 9:15 AM & it looks like he was “pulled by the currents”. This beach is known for having dangerous & strong currents.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
UPDATE 🚨 Last night President Putin described the damage done to the two Nord Stream pipelines as “an obvious act of terrorism,”& said accusations from the West that Russia itself might’ve been behind the blasts were “nonsense. This comes as Gazprom investigators were finally allowed to inspect the site. Sweden previously refused to involve Russia in the investigation, citing that the information was “subject to confidentiality directly linked to national security”.
Nov 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Putin on pushing back against Ukraine’s attacks with latest strikes: “…we have the capability to do more.” Comment from @EvaKBartlett: 🧵⤵️

So, Ukrainians are now getting a taste of what Ukraine has subjected Donbass residents to over the past 8 years: darkness (no electricity), no water...
Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING 🧵According to the Ministry of Defense, at 4:20 AM & under the supervisor of British specialists, the Kiev regime carried out a terrorist attack against the ships of the Black Sea Fleet & civilian ships that were on the outer & inner roadsteads of the Sevastopol base. The attack involved 9 unmanned aerial vehicles & 7 autonomous maritime drones. In particular the ships of the Black Sea Fleet are tasked with ensuring the security of the grain corridor as part of the international initiative to export agricultural products from Ukrainian ports.