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Jul 13 12 tweets 4 min read
Despite eating right & exercising, there are still a few sneaky things that could be harming your body.

Here are 10 everyday habits that are secretly ruining your health:

(the last one will surprise you) 1. Mouth breathing

Mouth breathing can lead to dry mouth, bad breath, dental issues, sleep apnea & reduced oxygen intake, impacting overall health.

Fix this by practicing nasal breathing or taping the mouth.

Thread on mouth breathing:
Jul 11 10 tweets 4 min read
There are thousands of TED talks on health, most of which suck.

These don't.

Here are 7 TED Talks in 7 days that will optimize your body + mind: Day 1:

The Brain Changing Effects of Exercise
by Wendy Suzuki

Jul 9 14 tweets 3 min read
80% of weight loss come from your nutrition.

But most people don’t know there are simple ways to hack your eating to get better results.

Here are 21 eating hacks that will lead to greater fat loss: 1. Avoid drinking alcohol. It's negative calories, ruins sleep, and makes you hungrier while lowering your energy and focus the next day.
Jul 6 9 tweets 4 min read
The 5 best ways to speed up your metabolism: What is a metabolism?

It's a term for your biological processes.

Many factors influence it like genetics, age, diet, sex, body size & health.

BMR defines your basal metabolism rate, which is calories burned.

To speed up your metabolism, you want to increase BMR.

Here's how: Image
Jul 2 15 tweets 3 min read
23 Regrets in Life From a 44-Year Old Man: 1. Not taking care of my body sooner. I started getting in shape near my mid 20's. If I started sooner I could have taken advantage of my hormones & built healthy habits earlier.

2. Giving too many fucks about other people's opinions and thoughts. Life's too short for that shit.
Jun 30 12 tweets 2 min read
Self-reflection helps us become better versions of ourselves.

Here are 10 questions to make you rethink your life: 1. What am I optimizing for?

This cuts the bullshit and points your focus on the thing that matters most.
Jun 29 12 tweets 2 min read
20 Fitness Rules for Men & Women Over 40: 1. Your focus in the gym is injury prevention first, results second.

2. Using proper form is more important than the weight you're lifting.
Jun 26 6 tweets 2 min read
The top 12 ways to use progressive overload to build muscle.

Bookmark this list & use it to make gains next time you're in the gym:

1) Lift more weight.

2) Lift more volume.

3) Do the same weight with increased range of motion. 4) Lift the same weight and volume with less rest time between sets.

5) Lift the same weight with more speed and acceleration while maintaining good form.

6) Lift the same weight with better form, more control, and less effort.
Jun 25 9 tweets 3 min read
This is Erling Haaland.

He's one of the best football players on the planet and he does some weird things with his health to stay at the top of his game.

Here are 5 things he uses to hack his body into peak performance: Image 1. Bluelight blockers

Blue light blockers are vital for sleep as they reduce blue light exposure.

This helps maintain natural sleep-wake cycles.

3 hours prior to going to bed Erling puts them on to train to improve his body's ability to go to sleep.
Jun 22 12 tweets 2 min read
Nutrition cheat codes I know at 44 I wish I knew at 24: 1. Severely limit alcohol consumption. It's empty calories, bad for your health, increases stress & anxiety, and uplevels your appetite making you want to eat more.

2. Stop eating at least 3-5 hours before sleeping to improve the quality of your sleep and aid in digestion.
Jun 21 13 tweets 3 min read
When a plane is off course by 1 degree it misses its target by 60 miles.

This is called the 1 in 60 rule & here's why you need to use it to achieve any goal: Image In 1979 a plane crashed into a mountain in Antarctica killing everyone onboard.

After investigation they found that the plane was 2 degrees off course causing them to crash into a mountain instead of flying over a lake.

The 1 in 60 rule is both a law in aviation as well as life Image
Jun 19 10 tweets 4 min read
5 exercises I do every morning to supercharge my energy & loosen up the body: Doing movement first thing in the morning is one of the best habits I do for my body.

It helps release any tension or pain from the night before & increases blood flow so my brain can work better.

It doesn't need to be long either.

This sequence takes 5 minutes:
Jun 18 12 tweets 3 min read
10 one-minute fitness habits that will change your life:

1. Drink water before coffee in the morning

Your body has gone 8-10 hours without liquids going into its body. Before injecting caffeine in hydrate yourself by drinking some water. 2. Count down instead of up with your reps

Your mind craves completion.

When you count down instead of up you force it to complete the number of reps you want instead of quitting when it gets hard.
Jun 15 7 tweets 3 min read
Do this test to see if you'll live longer.

It's called the Sit and Raise test: Image Here's how to do it:

You stand up, cross your legs back, and go into a seated position.

Then, you get yourself back up to a seated position from that position:

Jun 11 22 tweets 4 min read
I'm 44.

If you're still in your 20's, read this: 1. When you turn 40 you'll see a divide between those who took care of their bodies & those who didn't.

2. Getting 8 hours of sleep & taking walks outside will help you more than any health guru on the planet.
Jun 8 16 tweets 5 min read
For the past 2 years I've been taping my mouth before going to sleep.

Here are 10 things I've learned: Image Disclaimer: I am not a doctor & this is not medical advice.

There are limited studies around mouth taping & people who have sinus issues, severe cases of sleep apnea, or the morbidly obese should not try this.

Lastly, this worked for me but your mileage may vary.
Jun 7 10 tweets 4 min read
The easiest way to master your stress is through your breath.

Here are 7 powerful breathing techniques to nervous system: Image 1. Square Breathing

Use this to reduce stress & calm the nervous system.

1. Breathe through nose for 4 seconds.
2. Hold breath for 4 seconds.
3. Exhale through mouth for 4 seconds.
4. Hold breath for 4 seconds.

Repeat for 8 rounds or until you feel calm & back in control. Image
Jun 4 14 tweets 3 min read
Harsh weight loss truths I know at 44 that I wish I knew at 24:

1. If you're gaining weight you're eating too many calories. It's that simple. 2. Hyper processed foods are packed with calories while leaving you unsatisfied after eating them.

3. You don't want weight loss. You want fat loss.
Jun 2 11 tweets 3 min read
Too busy to hit the gym? Do a microworkout.

Microworkouts are short sessions that improve your fitness while boosting your metabolism.

Here are 16 microworkouts you can do anywhere: 1. Soleus desk raises

When sitting at a desk do seated calf raises until failure.

2. Walking meetings

Instead of sitting during your zoom meetings take a walk to get some extra steps in.
May 30 13 tweets 4 min read
If you want to create a strong lower back, read this: Image The key to building a stronger low back is by addressing the 4 pillars:

1) Hip mobility
2) Glute strength
3) Core stability
4) Movement
5) Mindset

Here are 8 effective exercises to build a stronger low back:
May 28 9 tweets 3 min read
One of the biggest excuses for working out is not having enough time.

Most people don't know that you can still get a great workout in only 10 minutes.

Here are 6 ten-minute workouts almost anyone can do: 1. EMOM (every minute on the minute)

Choose one exercise (ie. 10 KB swings) & a set amount of time (ie. 10 minutes).

Do target reps for that one exercise within the minute.

Once a minute is over go back & do the desired number of reps.

Keep doing this until time is up.