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Free Thinker | Won't hold my tongue | Spotify workout playlist owner | Links to 12 playlists on 4 different platforms in my linktree link below.
Aug 5, 2023 35 tweets 6 min read
1. From the last pages of the "American National Biology" chapter from the book "War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race":

Davenport, "and which we should know...in hastening his further evolution." He disputed the value of... 2. improved conditions for those considered genetically inferior. He readily admitted that with schooling, training and social benefits, "a person born in the slums can be made a useful man." But that usefulness was limited in the evolutionary scheme of things. No amount of...
Jun 30, 2023 63 tweets 10 min read
1. From the book "War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race":

Galton himself dismissed the whole notion of human breeding a socially impossible-with or without the elusive data he craved. "We can't mate men and women as we please, like... 2. cocks and hens," Galton quipped to Bateson in 1904. At the time, Galton was defending his recently published Index to Achievements of Near Kinfolk, which detailed how talent and skill run in the same celebrated families. Wary of being viewed as an advocate of...
Jun 14, 2023 56 tweets 9 min read
1.) Bilderberg Objectives chapter from the book "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group:"

The Bilderbergers are searching for the age of post-nationalism when we won't have countries, but rather regions up Earth surrounded by Universal values. That is to say, a global economy,.. 2.) One World Government (selected rather than elected) and Universal religion. To assure themselves of reaching these objectives, the Bilderbergers focus on a "greater technical approach unless Awareness on behalf of the General Public". ~William Shannon

The Bilderberg Group...
Jun 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
86,000-year-old human bone found in Laos cave hints at 'failed population' from prehistory:

livescience.com/archaeology/86… @AiG: Exposing the Absurd Lack of Scientific Evidence for Evolution:

Jun 12, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
1. While globalist media outlets state that the so-called wildfires in Canada have been due to climate change, they've been ignoring the fact of arsonists being arrested just like when there were fires in US in 20, 21 & 22...


lifesitenews.com/news/media-bla… ImageImage 2. As well the Australian brush "wildfires" back in 2020, even Australia Press made a fake complaint against The Australian for speaking out about arsonists being arrested...




theaustralian.com.au/nation/bushfir… ImageImageImageImage
Jun 11, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
1. While the so-called "#Unabomber" Theodore Kaczynski, died. Let's shed the light on what actually caused him to break.

While he was in Harvard college, he was a participant in experiments for 3 years by psychologist Henry Murray, who was a psychologist at the college, but... 2. before that Henry Murray worked at the (OSS) aka Office of Strategic Services during World War II which was the predecessor to the (CIA) aka Central Intelligence Agency.

While Kaczynski was being experimented on, he would meet with someone every week for 3 years total to...
Jun 5, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
1. From the book "War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race":

The surgeon's blade cut widely. Sometimes the victims were simply tru- ants, petty thieves, or just unattended boys captured by the sheriffs before they could escape. Marauding... 2. county welfare officials, backed by deputies, would take the youngsters into custody, and before long the boys would be shipped to a home for the feebleminded. Many were forced into virtual slave labor, sometimes being paid as little as a quarter for a full week of...
May 20, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
1. Chapter 28: The WEF's Vision of the Future Authoritarian Regimes and Digital Central Bank Currencies from the book "World Economic Forum: The Global Shadow Elite":

The fact that China has played a decisive role for the WEF for decades is not, as many believe, because the... 2. country has set new standards due to its extraordinary economic growth. Rather, it is because, despite the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, China has retained the centralist structures from the Maoist era and that the Chinese government can therefore...
May 20, 2023 41 tweets 7 min read
1. Chapter 25: "2018-2019 The Financial System is Finished, What Now?" which goes along with chapter 28: "The WEF's Vision of the Future: Authoritarian Regimes and Digital Central Bank Currencies" From the book "World Economic Forum: The Global Shadow Elite":

At its 48th annual 2. meeting in Davos, the WEF set a new record. Under the motto "Creating a common future in a divided world", 3,000 participants gathered, including 70 heads of state and government and 38 leaders of international organizations. Just how torn the world was evident from...