Dhimas Afihandarin Profile picture
I like Radar,3D modelings and basically beautiful female chara. -May often post Japanese anime related things inc Hentai- -Commission is open for 3D modeling-
Oct 15, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
There are many forms of Radar Range Equation. Including one that you can use to calculate the amount of targets your radar can track.

The equation below show the relationship between Power aperture product/PAG and "radar resources" like - Image The update time (basically your beam dwell time if your radar is a fulltime tracking) and the monopulse slope constant, a design dependent but usually taken as 1.2-1.6.

The equation favors High frequency radar, once frequency is selected tho.
Oct 8, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Schematics of Virupaksha radar for Indian "Super Sukhoi" Program. Including the TRM's. 30% less than what i estimated back then assuming Uttam's Frequency are used but still massive 2208 TRM's. Assuming Bars sized (1 m diameter or 0.78 sqm area) The 2208 element counts and as seen Triangular lattice topology in element placements, assuming 120 degrees scan angle (+-60) will put the frequency in 9196 MHz. Close to Bars and my estimates on J-16 Radar.
Jan 22, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Well, some historical account. I am sure everyone that like stealth aircraft already know about "Hopeless Diamond"

I guess imma making one too for "Historical archive" This shape is perhaps the "Ideal" stealth shape. Not a practical flying machine tho.
The story of the hopeless diamond and well the reference image i use can be read here :

It was the first known use of "faceting" method to greatly reduce RCS.f117sfa.org/f117-developme…
Jul 23, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
So what if i take the canard away from a J-20 ? Will the RCS got smaller somehow ?
A simple comparison, between both model is done. They're mostly PEC and having same treatment. The purpose is to see what kind of RCS "reduction" coming from removing the canard.
Jun 21, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This equation is your friend and will fight for your sanity. Image This version of breguet range equation however assume constant L/D, Velocity and Isp. means it's good for a constant altitude and speed scenario.
Jun 20, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
I have two aircraft models.. One is Rafale in "BVR murder machine" mode with wing full of Meteors. The other is a J-20 which our South China Sea neighbor have. Which obviously tempting for me to start making something out of those two. ImageImage Both types also had undergo some estimates. This is the meteor armed Rafale interact with radar wave.
Jun 19, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Whenever i see people call "Pulse doppler" to differentiate mechanically scanned or a radar that use antenna other than active array.

I feel sad. Well Pulse doppler is an Operating mode/regime of a radar. While AESA/Active array is a type of Antenna. They cannot really be used to differentiate each other.
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Storm Shadow but now in 360 degrees hemispherical view. Well this is for people that wants to nitpick on "why you only do front"

Given the more amount of data points the simulation naturally take more time. Unfortunately i only have 1 PC. and this one PC also serve for my general use so i dont think i can make it a full RCS prediction machine. The following is the "flattened version" of that hemispherical presentation. now one can see the angle and value of the RCS of that particular angle.
Jun 13, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
Prediction time. This time i will visit the Anglo-French Storm Shadow/Scalp-EG. The estimates are finished. The model is as depicted below : ImageImageImage As i previously said. The model have fully formed air intake system and TRI-60 engine modeled. The infra red seeker window is exposed. As it should be in flight prior to entering target area. ImageImage
Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Storm Shadow/Scalp EG WIP. The missile is in shape as well as the engine. The TRI-60 have its compressors, turbines and the burner. All needed for RCS Estimates. ImageImageImage One thing that puzzling me is whether the nose cap which protects the IR seeker will fully open like this, revealing the entire seeker body. Image
May 30, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I really wish more people use the Radar coverage tool courtesy of @CambridgePixel

As i got a feeling people think Air defense and Radar coverage is a perfect circle which simply not true. Here is an example of real world coverage of a Pantsyr guarding Moscow Image The colors indicate the target altitude. the legend is in lower right corner of the screen. The green color shows coverage of a target moving at altitude of 30 meters. Not a perfect circle right ?
May 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Welcome new followers. I never have any milestone for follower numbers but. 2900 looks good. For those who stayed. Thank you. For new followers, what content you would see here ?
1.Aviation related, fighter jets etc
2.Animes, Manga, pop cultures that i follow
3.My ramblings.
4.Radar Cross Section estimates of aircraft and missiles.
May 29, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
One Iranian ingenuity that catch my attention. The Fateh-110 Ballistic missile. It looks simple, practical and appears to be good enough Tactical ballistic missile. Image let's cut to the chase, the estimates are done in 13 frequencies from VHF down to X-band, i would love doing 35 frequencies as usual but i just dont want to wait 8 hours for it to complete. The missile is usual PEC as it's a metalic airframe.
May 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
So there was that bit tweets about fresh grad malding over someone with experience got accepted into a company, despite that he was graduated from reputable university. Experience and more importantly professional certification matters. Which kinda make me thinking :x or maye worried as i have none.
Feb 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
So.. i look again at the 9M318 missile for Belarus's Buk-MB3K. Especially after watching video by Belarus TV OTN.. Then rewatching vid of Russian Buk M2's. Notice the position of the wings and overall shape of the missile. The overall size however appears to be similar 5.5 m in length and total diameter of 40 cm. 9M318 tho is noticeably have shorter G&C (Guidance and Control) section and longer rocket motor compared to 9M317. The following are my rough approximate of the differences.
Feb 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Reconnaissance balloon eh. Aside from claims that it cannot be intercepted with currently available means.

It reminds me of Soviet era (and apparently still continued) Airborne laser program the A-60 and now "Sokol Echelon"

militaryrussia.ru/blog/topic-680… The Soviets even think of dedicated "Dreif" aircraft based on Il-76.

a Dedicated "Balloon Hunter"
Jan 3, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
One interesting shot from RuMOD video on Pantsyr operation : The interface depicted is from Radar/Early Warning Operator. I tried interpreting them here :
Jan 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Apparently tracked verstion of the "KN-25" MLRS of North Korea. It looks impressive but sometime i wonder why it has to be gigantic. 450-600 mm diameter and looks to me like 7-8 meters long. for the missile. The design for me is a legit SRBM's. range figure of 380 Km is realistic. as credited by Missilethreat.

Dec 31, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
an offshoot of my "Larissa" Hybrid IFV... a Self propelled Howitzer "Kimberlly".

210mm 40 Cal. made in respect to Gerard V Bull's legacy. ImageImage Her gun is well 210mm. Capable of firing HE shell there are 2 kind.. 136 Kg and 120 Kg. I havent modeled the shell but i do follow simple guide in Rheimentall Handbook. Max elevation is 45-60 degrees, but limited traverse 60-90 deg of arc. ImageImage
Sep 20, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
So Russians using something like Shahed-136, which confirmed few days ago. There might be some other types of drones from Iran but might look it later or maybe if i can have a proper commission for them.

But right now Shaheed or Geran-2 comes first.

#Geran-2 The model are based on available photos and dimension of the drone. Well would be nice if it can be carbon-copy accurate but perspective view just dont give me the option.
Sep 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Well good grief.. i didnt take the suspicious Job offer from "extraverse.io" What is too good to be true.. is indeed too good to be true. So. back in april i received a weird email address from some sort of "headhunter" I replied and this is what they said. They "found me" through artstation... which serves as the first RED FLAG.