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Ghost Army | By Any Memes Necessary | FAFO | 🐸
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Dec 13, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
Thread 1/5

Purely Speculative spitball post. I think the light just got turned on. 1/5

Norte Dame: "Dark to Light"


The ringing of a bell can be a call to action or to celebrate a victory. When accompanied by light, a call to an awakening.

Elon's famous nightstand post. The Delaware crossing, with our founding documents, the .357 Diamondback replica handgun from Deus X HUMAN REVOLUTION pointing at the Vajra. Symbolizing his capture of Twitter/X, and using it to awaken the the masses.

"In ritual use the vajra is frequently employed in conjunction with the bell, the various gestures , when correctly executed, having considerable metaphysical power. The vajra (symbolizing the male principle, fitness of action) is held in the right hand and the bell (symbolizing the female principle, intelligence) in the left hand, the interaction of the two ultimately leading to enlightenment."

Enlightenment = Awakening

"Wray" (Drop 1172: WRAYs of light) resigns and the FBI involvement in J6 comes out.

Drop 1602:

"If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path only know that we are prepared.
You should know this based on earlier drops re: SA / Nat Guard / MIL Assets activate US soil.
The game is over when the public knows.
The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you.
You will FAIL.
You lost CONTROL.
You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative.
We will DECLAS.
No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this.
Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified.
We stand at the ready.
Light vs Dark Image
Oct 8, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Part 1 of 4

When does the clock stop?

The most DASTING part of all this, is GRASSLEY

We know what he represents. Image
Oct 5, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Today is the anniversary of Trump saying "it's the calm before the storm" and "you'll find out".

He arrives back in Butler, PA today, the site of the first publicly known assassination attempt.

A rally in Butler in 2020 happens to be his Twitter header photo coincidentally, and has been for quite sometime.

When did he make the storm statement? October 5th
When did Q arrive? October 28th

23 days. PAIN

Scavino is going off, even brought up Schiff and his Whistleblower. (FISA)

You have more than you know.

"Don't worry, it won't be BORING forever.

"Lets Fucking Go
Flipcrypt"Image October 6th Delta, FISA/Russiagate, Red October Image
Jul 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
I went down a July 17th history rabbit hole. Ended up here.

"The Kennedys reported the plane missing around 2:15 a.m. on July 17, after they had waited hours for its arrival. The search for the plane began around 7:30 a.m. when the Coast Guard sent out 16 planes, four helicopters, and several cutters to look along the flight route"


Read More: grunge.com/954708/the-tra…Image
Reported missing at 2:15am, Q Drop posted at 2:15pm.

Posted on 04/08 = 48 zero=null
Apr 22, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
"On The Clock"

MOAB = Mother of all bombs

Let me explain some thoughts, follow along, multiple post.

Dan posted the 6 year Delta today for "On The Clock", and has been sharing sonic boom videos. I hypothesize that his sonic booms were for background intel, things moving along. Military/Huber/Sessions secondary DOJ proceedings outside of DC, FISA indictments. A head nod from Dan, that things are going well.Image
The New York Rangers posted their on the clock video at 11:30 am, aka 11.3.

11.3 = Domestic + China

A quick refresher on 11.3.

Domestic + China = 11.3

Feb 10, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Heavy comms started last night regarding [R]enegade. Follow along.

First, the likes on Trump's mugshot were finally allowed to move from 1.7 million to 1.8 million, and then immediately locked again via back end coding.


R= Renegade

Then we get this message from Trump with a missing [R]. For those not familiar you put the missing letter, in brackets, and search the boards for that letter in brackets.Image @DanScavino posted last night "Time to Say Goodbye" with an 11.4 timestamp. Many other comms tied into this post as well but we can focus on the 11.4.

Feb 2, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
Trump Mugshot Tweet: 1.7 million likes back end programmed in

January 6 Capital Chief: Waited 71 minutes for 17 agencies and 1700 troops

Hunter Biden: Facing 17 years, shows up to congress for 17 minutes

The list goes on and on and on and on lolololol

Figure it out normies. @TheInsiderPaper
Jan 18, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
A thread on Elon and Q:

Elon obviously uses his OP influential power to point fingers at things, many of them relevant to the mission of Q. Think Pizza Gate, tonight the Red Cross, and there are many more examples.

He is only pointing a finger and "playing dumb" as if this is new information. Tucker Carlson does the same thing, same face every time he is acting like the info is new and shocking. There is an art to delivery and pulling back the curtain.

When he "purchased" Twitter, (I'll explain quotes later), it's my belief it was more of a coup d'état than a financial transaction. You see Twitter was used to control the narrative, similar to Operation Deep Dream in Jason Bourne, it had a built in back door for the intel agencies. It was built with a purpose, just like Facebook, they were always meant to be nefarious, they were not infiltrated.

Besides the "let that sink in" entrance, I find the bedside table picture to tell a story. The real purpose of this reminiscing once again.

"Nobody is sleeping tonight.

See next post for the bedside table: Elon shares this photo of his nightstand. It's a message.

The first item to discuss, the famous Crossing of the Delaware from the Revolutionary War, accomplished in a Durham boat. John Durham who lead the Russia Gate/FISA investigation, began PUBLICALLY the day of the FIRST Q Drop. John gave his report to congress in the summer of 2023, many were let down, "nothing is happening".

Keep in the mind we were given the "order of the storm", also the three movies. The final movie and final step in the order is FISA arrest. It was treason, we are going to arrest the powerful people involved and charge them. Hence why Trump has been intentionally setting precedents (see pinned tweet)

Q's last post in 2020:


Also on his nightstand, a replica gun, from the video game Deus X: Human Revolution, which used to be his old profile picture. The gun is a .357 Diamondback (we are going to get our diamonds back- Trump)

I grabbed the game, didn't get to far, but the whole story line is a red pill. I am sure there are clues in the game that correlate with the drops. (who is Q?)

"The story explores themes of transhumanism and the growing power of mega corporations and their impact on social class. It also uses the series' cyberpunk setting and conspiracy theory motif."

We are witnessing a global human revolution, that isn't being broadcast take place currently. The WEF is currently sweating, the people are figuring it out. The Great Awakening. The whole theme and plot of the drops happening with every breath. A well orchestrated plan. A plan insinuates timing, "timing is everything".

Also on the nightstand, next to the barrel of the gun, is:

The Vajra (symbolising the properties of a diamond (indestructibility) and a thunderbolt (irresistible force) also (represent firmness of spirit and spiritual power.)

Keyword, THUNDERBOLT. Storm. Tesla, Trump's Uncle's connection to Nikola Tesla. What has Space X been sending up? Do you remember when the George Floyd mural spectacularly got "struck by lighting?

The last thing of note on the nightstand. The 4 coke cans. Notice the rings they left in the rear? George Washington's famous 4 cannons, moving forward, creating a line stacked up behind the the Human Revolution and the Storm. Credit and thanks to @MellyQ81118 for big braining that one.

Famous Q drop:



4 cannons, 4 booms.Image
Jan 10, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Taylor Swift is a Pentagon/NATO Psyop Asset. They paired her ass with Mr. Pfizer and football for effectiveness.

The whole world is an illusion and the sheep fall for it.
Dec 15, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
OK a THREAD. Bring me your weak and I will inject them with cozy-19. This ends well, although there might be more to find

Army Navy game ad. 2 sailors playing a game of chess. A goat/baphomet is watching. Water starts shaking "watch the water"

17 Seconds, DANGER

Ghost Army arrives on the scene. I will include links at the end for those not familiar.

The baphomet imo is much more scared

2 Choices, FLIGHT OR FIGHT, or surrender.
Nov 30, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
Thread time. Speculation. Not a Prophet.

"3 Weeks Notice"

Is Podesta about to be indicted? The famous Q drop #34 that is supposed to signal the beginning of the end. 11.4, announcement of the arrest of Mr. Podesta to the public. Lets look back to late September for some comms Image It was hard being away for this one. Big night. Elon post this. Lots to this, so stay with me
Jun 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
OMG hahaha ImageImage NGL I'm having fun.
Jun 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Apr 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Everybody from the 313, put your mutha fugging hands up and follow me ImageImage
Apr 24, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
The reveal of the Ghost Army Patch on the Navy Ship running the Taiwan Straight in defiance of China was so uplifting. I won't forget it, kind of like the day the Georgia Guide Stones got blown up.

A thread on the Ghost Army and "We Are Everywhere" For anyone missing the links I very much dislike using Wikipedia as a source, but sometimes it's just easier.

Apr 11, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
Alright let's chronological order the Enough is Enough GO communication and operation command.

April 2nd I posted this:

Rigg, extra [g] 1 drop, Enough is Enough [g] [o]= GO Owls=rothschilds Good hunting. ImageImage What is an OWL?

Owl on Epstein Temple, not a gym, underground structure/temple. Remember this Owl and Gold dome were removed after the raid, desecration of the site.

Owl, Worship with human sacrifice.

Washington DC, Owl road design ImageImageImage
Apr 1, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Who wants to feel comfy? Remember, the raid, the tax case, and now this, are all setting precedents for the boomerang. You are watching a movie. Follow along.

4 days prior to the Mar a Lago Raid we got this post/comm. The 45 door. Then, on 8/8/2022 the raid goes down. 0 or ZERO is often=null in code. Trumps text number? 88022 or 8822.
Mar 30, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Beginning of the end. Image 2 days ahead of schedule correlates directly with @OKeefeMedia recent video drop

We were given a map and clock. Always add -2

Trump said April Fools a gazillion times.

I can prove mar a lago was white hat. You truly are watching a movie. Mil intel is directing. Image
Mar 30, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Garden life part 1

Strawberries are thriving. Tomatoes and peppers have been transplanted and topped. 48 lavenders just grabbing ass in some real soil.

Peppers: ghost, habenaro, jalapeno, sweet banana, poblano, red thai chili, green/red.

Got some soil mix supplies for the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… ImageImage Part 2

Went old school, foundational building blocks, zoomers won't know what to do.

The original clone only Chemdog clone from 1991. The great grandma to everyrhing with gas and rank funk. Been holding her since 2009.

Along with Katus Bubba Kush. One of 2 elite clones from… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… ImageImageImage