Florian Eblenkamp Profile picture
Advocacy for @nuclearban | Previously @kingspol_econ and @uzh_ch | 🇩🇪🇨🇭
Feb 25 11 tweets 2 min read
Three years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, some European leaders—including @_FriedrichMerz the winner of Germany’s elections—are now advocating for a European nuclear weapon. This is a dangerously shortsighted strategy that plays right into Russia’s hands. Here’s why: 👇 Nuclear weapons are designed for one thing: mass civilian slaughter. Normalizing them as a legitimate security tool only strengthens Russia’s nuclear blackmail and makes Europe less secure, not more. They also would consume more resources than any country is willing to provide.
Dec 1, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
The #TPNW2MSP has successfully concluded and demonstrated concrete progress in nuclear disarmament. The TPNW is a beacon at this time when the threat of nuclear war is widely acknowledged to be the highest since the Cold War. Here are some highlights of the final declaration: 🧵 The Treaty is growing!

Several States announced their intention to join the treaty in the near term, which will bring the number of states that have either signed, ratified or acceded to the treaty to more than half of all UN members.
Feb 16, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Der geschätzte Stefan Kornelius schreibt via @SZ über Putins nukleare Drohungen als den "Krieg im Krieg". Er macht den politischen Zwiespalt deutlich und wie schwer politische Entscheidungen in diesem Zusammenhang sind. Was tun? Ein THREAD sueddeutsche.de/politik/ukrain… "Eine nukleare Eskalation mit einer sogenannten kleinen Bombe wäre ein Albtraum für die ganze Welt. Nicht minder verheerend wäre aber die Kapitulation vor der Nukleardrohung. Hätte sie Erfolg, wäre ein Geschäftsmodell für alle Nuklear-Despoten der Welt etabliert. " Ich stimme zu