Incoming PGY-2 ID at M Health Fairview UMMC |
PGY-1 @UFHealth | PharmD @KUPharmacy '21 | He/Him
Often found compounding with Vanc or Vermouth
Jun 23, 2022 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
1/ You’re on rounds when a concerned fellow states “They aren’t clearing their bacteremia. It’s day 5 of therapeutic vancomycin and the daily blood cultures are STILL growing MRSA. What agents can we add on or change to clear this bacteremia?” #IDTwitter#NeoTwitter2/ Is knowing they are a neonatology fellow, caring for a <30 wk GA, 2-week-old for a disseminated MRSA infection (+blood cx with MRI-confirmed osteomyelitis and a 10mm non-obstructive mass in the RA) enough information? How different can babies be from adults?