Fly Sistah Profile picture
A sistah who travels. Lawyer, wife & stepmom.
BlueGlowAgave 🌻 Profile picture debbie mccloud Profile picture 2 subscribed
Dec 6, 2023 16 tweets 8 min read
@LurieFavors This child has been out of class since August & his grades are trending down because his braided locs allegedly fall below his eyebrows & ear lobes despite the CROWN Act, which became law in Texas in September. A judge already ruled their hair length policy is discriminatory.

@LurieFavors The complaint was amended to assert BHISD selectively enforced its discriminatory hair policy to target Black students & then ramped up enforcement of the hair policy against other students to conceal prior selective enforcement. They left "Black Lives Don't Matter" graffiti up
Sep 8, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Why Are Black Women Massively Leaving Senior Jobs In White Companies?…
Image "The reality is that Black women are disrespected in society, they are constantly undermined, neglected, and overlooked. In meetings in a predominantly white environment, colleagues have literally talked over me time and time again. It’s quite frankly exhausting." Image
Aug 25, 2023 16 tweets 13 min read
This is the mugshot Inmate No. 𝐏01135809 should have had in 1973 but discrimination against Black people wasn't serious enough for prison. Trump laundered money via his casinos in the 1980s while working with mobsters & he offered to wear a wire for the FBI. He was part of a tax

fraud scam with Bulgari but wasn't arrested because he testified. Trump’s been a serial criminal literal for decades and that should have kept a thug like him out of the White House. Trump fooled the media, used the media to fool the banks, used the banks to fool the bondholders

May 8, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
@jduffyrice The same people pointing to Jordan Neely’s arrest record to justify his murder will vote for a twice impeached, indicted on 34 felonies, tax cheat on a crime spree since 1973 & who sexually assaulted 26 women & who seemingly confessed to rape in depositon.… @jduffyrice All of the people, all the time. How Donald Trump fooled the media, used the media to fool the banks, used the banks to fool the bondholders & used the bondholders to pay for the yachts & mansions * mistresses. 1991 investigative article into Trump's fraudulent financial schemes. ImageImageImageImage
May 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@karenhunter What in the world? I have no idea who this person is but how is a Black woman dating a bus driver white supremacy? And why the presumption that they had poor grades? I saw the original drama on Twitter but this has really turned ridiculous. She really just called her own bus driver mom mediocre with poor grades. @karenhunter @rodimusprime Image
Dec 13, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Anti-black racism is present in almost every facet of New York City life per a 2020 City Commission on Human Rights 74 page report featuring accounts from Black New Yorkers who have experienced racism in education, housing, health care, work & interactions with law enforcement. “The substantive findings indicate that while much has changed in the lives of Black New Yorkers over the years, a great deal remains the same,” the report reads. “Anti-Black racism continues to manifest in meaningful ways across major domains of life.”…
Nov 10, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
The Georgia runoff election is on December 6. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock has to be the hardest working member of the Senate. He has already run for this seat THREE times since 2019. This will be his fourth election for this same seat. ImageImageImage Georgia runoff election:
Nov 26-Dec 2: Early In-Person Voting For Some Counties
Nov 28-Dec 2: Early In-Person Voting for All Counties
Dec 6: Official Day of Georgia Runoff Election In-Person Voting at Your Precinct from 7am to 7pm.
Oct 24, 2022 28 tweets 24 min read
Reading about the hot mess of a transition from President Obama to Trump who we already knew was woefully unprepared. However, I had no idea Trump didn't want to fund the transition staff & said Christie was stealing Trump's money aka political donations are his personal money. ImageImageImageImage Chris Christie was fired, by Steve Bannon but it was Jared Kushner, & everything about the transition went to shit immediately. Government staff ready to prepare the Trump transition team cleared desks & parking spaces & NOBODY showed up. 😬 ImageImageImageImage
Aug 27, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
Watching #Aftershock on @hulu about Black women's maternal mortality & just realized my husband knows Omari Maynard from his old block & ran into him recently. You just never know what people are going through. 😪… My husband's cousin just buried a baby this month. No casket should be that small. Mom also nearly died & was in ICU for a week. I'm not sharing too much more now though. #AfterShock
Jul 11, 2022 5 tweets 6 min read
Only President Biden could create 9 million jobs, get unemployment to 3.6%, end a 20 year war in Afghanistan, sign a $1.9T American Rescue Plan, sign a $1.2T infrastructure law, sign the 1st major gun law in 30 years, confirm 69 federal judges & be told he's failing as president. ImageImageImageImage Meanwhile, the last guy got tax cuts for the wealthy, created Space Force, signed First Step Act (didn't fund it & while DOJ was trying to keep people prison), was impeached, twice, & tried to overthrow the government yet Republicans support him for 2024. ImageImageImageImage
Mar 12, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Wells Fargo Rejected 47% of Black Applicants in Mortgage Refinancing Boom. Other lenders approved 71% of Black applicants. The subject of the article is a Black engineer with an 800+ credit score married to a doctor.… This reminded me of Wells Fargo Chief Executive Charles Scharf claiming they just couldn’t find qualified Black people to work for the bank.…
Nov 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Household consumption makes up about 67% of GDP.... But suddenly, Americans can’t spend like they used to. Store shelves are emptying, and it can take months to find a car, refrigerator or sofa. If this continues, we may need to learn to do without —… The average U.S. home was 1,700 sq ft in 1980, by 2015 it was 2,000 sq ft, though average household size shrank. In 1980, 15% of households didn’t have a TV, now only about 3% don’t. In 2015, 40% of households had 3 or more TVs, including 30% of households earning less than $40K Image
Nov 11, 2021 9 tweets 9 min read
@blackwomenviews Vice President Harris was out immediately getting support for the American Rescue Plan in January. Yet the media narrative is she "disappeared" & is invisible. Lies get more clicks. The mainstream press is full of crap & trying to sabotage VP Harris.… @blackwomenviews Vice President Kamala Harris has been all over the country getting support for the bipartisan infrastructure bill & traveling to meet world leaders yet the media is lying & claiming she has all but disappeared & is invisible like we can't see her working.…
Sep 30, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Republicans defunded police yr after yr. Tim Scott is pushing GOP propaganda. @LurieFavors @SXMUrbanView #ldfshow The FBI reported a nearly 30% increase in murders in 2020, the largest single-year jump since the bureau began recording crime statistics six decades ago. ImageImageImageImage Stop & frisk created crime. NYPD Sgt. Edwin Raymond said he ‘I Got Tired of Hunting Black and Hispanic People’… Nearly 90% of young black & Latino men who were stopped were innocent. NYPD were directed to leave white & Asian people alone. #ldfshow ImageImage
Sep 29, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Most white employees in the US see themselves as allies to women of color. Less than half of white employees are educating themselves about the experiences of women of color or consistently giving credit to women of color for their work and ideas.… Women’s representation has increased across the pipeline since 2016. However, women—especially women of color—remain significantly underrepresented in leadership Image
Jul 7, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Moments after listening to the show about white people blocking efforts to level the playing field, I got a butt dial from a white manager who went on for 5 minutes talking about Black people taking jobs from more qualified white men. His boss
@LurieFavors @SXMUrbanView #LDFShow is a Black woman. He said it's advantageous to hire Black people because diversity is tied to bonuses now & is forcing Black people or women to be hired even if a white guy is more qualified. The woman he's talking to said "they're not qualified." I've already told his boss. Image
Jun 27, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
@JoyAnnReid @tarajiphenson The wilful ignorance of white people never fails to astound me. They have schools & public libraries filled with free information they prohibited Black people from accessing for decades yet white people refuse to use hoarded resources to gain an ounce of knowledge of Black people ImageImageImageImage @JoyAnnReid @tarajiphenson It's the commitment to stay uninformed that gets me. Incurious white people become teachers, lawyers, doctors & CEOs & never have to learn about racism. Meanwhile, many Black people learn about racism by age ~8.
Jun 4, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Because US history books are woefully inaccurate (which tends to happen when you let Daughters of the Confederacy write history books) there is a new series about Black American History.
The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Crash Course Black American History #1 Slavery in the American Colonies: Crash Course Black American History #2
Mar 28, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
This book "It was all a lie" is shockingly candid about Republican hypocrisy & how they aligned themselves with Christians solely to gain power. I had no idea so many Republicans are gay including leadership of National Conservative Political Action Committee. "In truth, the modern Republican party is the equivalent of Donald Trump, addicted to debt and selling a false image of success."
Jan 7, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
They waltzed into the US Capitol, seized it, installed a Trump flag in place of the US flag, had members of Congress sheltering in place & VP Pence evacuated....and they just waltz out with NO arrests. If you didn't understand what "white privilege" meant before today, you should understand now. White men stormed the US Capitol, took photos & bragged online & they are just chilling on the lawn after curfew since they know there won't be any punishment.
Nov 7, 2020 28 tweets 16 min read
Like I said 4 years ago, Donald did nothing to help his supporters but keep white people at the top of the racial caste system. Millions are out of work (more than during the Great Depression), many businesses are closed forever (nearly half of Black owned businesses have closed) the economy is in the toilet, and lines at food banks are longer than workers have ever seen due to unparalleled need. Donald is threatening to challenge the election results in multiple states and demand recounts in multiple states although it is Donald who raged against mail-in