Sylvia Fogel MD Profile picture
Psychiatrist, autism provider. Cornell/Columbia, now @MassGenBrigham. No medical advice. Personal opinions only, not opinions of employer/affiliation.
Sep 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Important considerations that deserve open discussion & should discourage simplistic policy recommendations & mandates. Appropriate risk/benefit analysis demands information about downstream & non-specific immune effects. Hope to see more research along these lines. Here we see the suggestion that repeat doses lead to antibody production typically associated w/ immune tolerance, rather than an effective immune response leading to elimination (pro-inflammatory, phagocytic).…
Apr 19, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
If there were robust data that community masking reduced viral transmission, your questions would be valid. There is not. We cannot mandate the behaviors necessary for proper use of masks. And the data reflect that reality. “Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”…
Aug 22, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
Multiple studies show that those previously infected have robust, durable immunity w/ extremely low rates of re-infection. Trust in media & public health institutions is being undermined. We cannot "reach people" w/ lies. Vaccination provides immunity w/o the risk of illness but that immunity is not "better". Partial list of relevant studies below. I am not an immunologist but these data are not vague, unclear or difficult to understand. Previously infected have immunity, including to variants.
Aug 21, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
This tweet doesn’t acknowledge the enormous public health benefits of education or the public health trade-offs of losing access to education. Some of which I, along w/esteemed colleagues, highlight in this op-ed. We must consider #totalharms.… Education improves health and is associated with lower mortality. Education is crucial for low-income and communities of color to mitigate disparities related to racism and socioeconomic disadvantage.