Fordy❓️ Profile picture
Mi'gmaq First Nation Indian 🐻 🦅🪶👣🌳🐝💧🔥🇨🇦🇺🇲 Not a Bot 3rd account ✌🥤Fuck Joe Biden 💯✊🏽👊🏽💥💣🌞🌚 🐻The Bear's Den🐻
Waysen Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 17, 2023 13 tweets 17 min read
Sharing for Educational purposes ✔️ 💯
All natural medicine from the Creator❤️‍🔥
We don't need man made drugs 🫣🤫🤐
Wakey Wakey 👀
Bay leaves


Blue berry leaves

Birch Chaga


Gravel Root

Turkey Rhubarb

Wiid Cherry Bark


Dandelion wine





Sweet grass


Ginseng Root

St.John's Wort



Red Sage


Sweet Flag




Poke Root

Lemon Balm

Red Clover


Boswellia serrata


Black birch


Tree lungwort

Apple cider vinegar


Golden Rod




Yellow Dock

Wheat grass

Juniper Berries

Plantain seed

White clover

Indian Gooseberry

Aloe Vera


Lily flower



Sweet potato

Blue Flag

Green tea

Turkey tail mushroom

May 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Let's Educate and Stop the Hate"

Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Canada
This is a hard read, but to understand how bad it really was you need to read this and then open the link and read the entire article. It is shameful how thought out and planned it was.…… 1905: Over one hundred Indian boarding schools are in operation across Canada, two thirds of them run by the Roman Catholic church. Massive European immigration and germ warfare have reduced the indigenous populations in the west to less than five percent of their original……
May 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"let's educate and stop the hate"

This effects all First Nation people right across this great country , we call CANADA...

"THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE AS IT DEALS WITH INDIGENOUS LAND RIGHTS UNDER SECTION 35(1) OF THE CANADIAN CONSTITUTION. THIS…… The rights and freedom contained in the 1763 Royal Proclamation have been enshrined in the Constitution Act, 1982 of Canada that reads as follows:
Aboriginal rights and freedoms not affected by Charter
25. The guarantee in this Charter of certain rights and freedoms……
May 12, 2023 59 tweets 13 min read
@elonmusk I'll be doing a thread on you once again💯
So hopefully you won't suspend this account for the fourth time💯✔️
It's time to bring some truth to life 💯 I'll be tweeting documentations for all to see
It's up to the individuals to make their own conclusions
Wakey Wakey 👀 @elonmusk
Please explain to the people on twitter why your Personal jet landed twelve times on pedeo Island 💯
I'll wait ✋🏼
Wakey Wakey 👀 Image
Oct 11, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Wakey Wakey 👀
Unfortunately most of society today doesn't truly understand that Religion and Spirituality are two different things💯✅️
The EYES are useless when the mind is BLIND✅️💯😵‍💫
You people are perfectly programed and it certainly shows
Just sayin Image Wakey Wakey 👀
"When I criticize the system they think I criticize them and that is of course because they fully accept the system and identity with it" 🤫🤐
The EYES are useless when the mind is BLIND 💯✅️😵‍💫
Just sayin 😉
Oct 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
⚠️⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️ ⚠️
Laughter is the best medicine 💯✅️
Wesgeweyi msit wen
(I am laughing every one)
🚨🚨💣💣💥💥👇👇 Image @HanyaToderoff lmao 🤣
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Part 1 of 2
Most of society forgot or never realized this all started during the Hong Kong freedom riots💯
A virus that looks like it was made in a lab resulting in lockdowns that completely crushed the freedom riots💯
That is way to much coincidence for me 💯
Part 2 in reply👇 The entire world was watching until the virus started to spread then most of you people forgot and let's not forget about when the
Mohawk land defenders in Ontario and Quebec had this country at it's knees when they shutdown the railways and all of sudden along comes
Aug 24, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Please share far and wide

166 documents of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals… @P_HerbMichaels
Aug 23, 2022 50 tweets 7 min read
Until 1999 scientists believed that newborns didn't experience pain 🤔🤦
Scientist also said oxycotin wasn't addictive💯✅👌
Also every single medicine that has been recalled had to be approved by scientists✅
If we can't question science it's not science but a "CULT"👌✌✅💯 Claims like “trust the science” are actually displays of faith rather than confidence in the scientific method👌🙄

The scientific method requires a hypothesis and rigorous testing
Science is not trusted it is tested💯✅️
Just sayin 😉
Aug 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I'll leave this right here for you people ✅️ 💯
Just sayin 😉
Michel de Nostredame
1 of 5 rest in replies 🤔🤔👇🏽👇🏽 Image Image
Aug 19, 2022 23 tweets 6 min read
I'll leave this right here for you people 💯✅️
Just sayin 😉
Pfizer Adverse effects
21 pages more in replies
Aug 15, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
I'll leave this right here for you people ✅️ 💯
Just sayin 😉
First of 8 videos rest in the replies
Aug 12, 2022 28 tweets 6 min read
I'll leave this right here for you people
Research isn't hard Enjoy mine 💯✅️
#Ukraine thread #Canada #USA
Make your own conclusions
More in replies 1 of 28
🤔🤷‍♂️😤🤬👇👇👇👇👇👇 Image Image