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Social distancing before it was cool. Cats, swearing, gardening, & politics. She/her. #KnittinKitten🧶 #GardeningGato🪴 #HedgehogSighting🦔 #BongoUpdate👩🏼‍⚕️
Mar 21, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Dancing mania outbreaks occurred during the Medieval period, including one in 1237 in which a large group of children travelled from Erfurt to Arnstadt (about 12.5 miles), jumping and dancing all the way. Widespread across Europe, those afflicted with dancing mania would dance in large groups, sometimes for weeks at a time. The dancing was sometimes accompanied by stripping, howling, the making of obscene gestures, or even (reportedly) laughing or crying to the point of death.