Fr. Evaristus Bassey Profile picture
Catholic Priest. Creative writer. Author. Former CEO Caritas Nigeria. Development practitioner. Political analyst.
Jan 25, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I watched White Tiger and the narrator referred to Christianity as having 3 Gods! I never understood how Hinduism had millions of gods until I realized that the gods marry and bear children and the children too are gods! But Christianity doesn’t have 3 Gods. It has 3 persons in One God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In Christianity the Son of God is eternally begotten of the Father and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son; three
Jan 9, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
JNI is accusing Bishop Kukah of saying that Islam has a pool of violence to draw from because he said “Christians do not have a pool of violence to draw from.” To be honest there is no logical necessity to draw this conclusion. Kukah was speaking about Christianity, he wasn’t implying that Bhudism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism or Islam for that matter, have a pool of violence to draw from. From this conclusion JNI has gone on to give the impression that Kukah will no more be accommodated and cared for, as if he is a visitor and not a citizen of Nigeria wd
Apr 16, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
That morning his anxiety level went up. He was quite grateful to his mother-in-law for bringing up these issues with him. He thought that being as educated as she was, she would not face such anxiety but apparently, she was just like any other African parent. It was unfortunate that each time a newly-wed couple didn’t have kids yet, eyes were turned towards the woman, as if she was solely responsible for being pregnant or not. He had done his best to not bring the issue of pregnancy at all with his wife and concentrated
Apr 15, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
Yes, David loved to sleep early so he could wake up early, study, and prepare for work. Chinwe loved to sleep late so she could make her work -from-home tally with the time zone in some US cities. The day before, he felt he had to respect his mother-in-law, by spending quality time with her so they went back downstairs and joined her. He had this gift of connecting with people no matter their status in life. With his mother-in-law, he had simply chosen to address her as "Dr Mrs", in a semi casual and friendly manner, as if it was a
Apr 14, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
A SUPERVISOR’S VISIT It so happened that Chinwe's mother visited them. It was a bit odd that she said she would spend two nights with them even when they lived in the same town ? David felt there was a hidden ring to it though he was quite excited that Lolo Dr Mrs Idika would choose their humble home for a break. He soon got to learn that Chief Idika had gone on one of his numerous business trips and his wife had opted out. Since her daughter, her only daughter was self-employed she decided to spend a few days with her. Lolo Dr Mrs Idika, for all
Apr 4, 2020 22 tweets 5 min read
He didn't understand why Chinwe always wanted him to call that he was about leaving the office to head home. And sometimes she'll ask if he was coming alone or with some colleagues or friends. He had gradually disengaged from those friends that always wanted to accompany him home for a meal and drinks. He was married now and had to make his wife his best friend. All the gists and all the gossip, he had to do it with her. It was always amazing the way CHINWE looked when he got home.
Mar 28, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
1. When Dave married his wife, he discovered something strange about her. She would sleep into the morning and wouldn’t wake up for the morning chores like cleaning the house, making breakfast, and packing his lunch. Aside from these, she was good company. She had a way she 2. laughed that dissolved his anxieties and had a way she teased him that rather built his confidence. His mum who had visited for two days shortly after they wedded concluded that Chinwe, Dave’s wife was lazy. The power of suggestion made Dave begin to look at his wife in a
Oct 3, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
1.The first time I saw a cross dresser was when I was still a teenager, on one occasion when we were sent to a village called Nyaje towards the Cameroon border during the long vac to instruct younger ones on the ways of the church. S/he was known by everyone as Mma Lucy. 2.I do not even know whether to call her a cross dresser because s/he never really interchanged dressing; s/he always dressed as a woman; everyone knew he was a man and everyone knew he preferred being thought of as a woman and dressed as one and everyone humoured her as such.
Sep 21, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Years ago in a rural parish where I served as the priest in charge a mother brought her young daughter to me with a strange complaint. The mother’s right eye was swollen and dripping and she accused her daughter of being responsible. I thought the 6-8 year old girl had hit the mum with something but I soon realized it was something supernatural . I asked the mum to leave the girl with me while I interacted with her. I gave her snacks, soda, egg and gained her confidence. ‘So why did you do it ?’ I asked her. Plainly she told me that while other