Francesco Nicoli 🎓🇪🇺 Profile picture
Political economy & EU integration . All things Europe, in all things European. Assistant Professor at Polito & UGent, visiting fellow UVA Economics & Bruegel
Jan 17, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
1. Y2025 scares me. A lot.
A thread.

Let's us for a moment think like a revisionist dictator. Your economy struggles, but you have a dream: destroy the world order that keeps you at bay, conquer your neighbours, become a regional or a global hegemon, destroy your arch-enemies. 2. If you are Russia your eyes are on the Baltics and on finishing the job in Ukraine to rebuild the soviet union. If you are North Korea you want to conquer the south. If you are China, Taiwan and the south china sea are your dream. If you are Iran you want to obliterate Israel.
Oct 1, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
If you don't understand that the battle survival of the western order, the Ukrainian democracy and our European Union is the single most important battle since WW2, I can't help you. This battle is played, since the mid 2000s in multiple fields. Democracy is under constant attack in Africa. Rampant disinformation destroys the fabric of western societies. And imperial powers are attempting to bring back war as an instrument of conquest.
Dec 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Never forget: Ukrainians are dying because they expressed the wish to join the European Union. And this was unacceptable to a rival empire, which sees (rightly) the EU as its contender for local dominance. This is the first genuine geopolitical challenge for the Union, since its formation: are we or are we not able to act as a state-like actor? The answer couldn't be clearer: we can't, yet.
Aug 17, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
1. Inspired by this very interesting thread by @AmandaMurdie I decided to share a few thoughts on peer review, as someone who does (I think) a lot of it.
2. Since I entered my tenure-track in November 2019 I have taken peer-review service seriously and done - I believe-a lot of it. @Publons indicates I am in the 96th percentile for this year, and 94th overall. Perhaps not everyone uses Publons, but this should give a ballpark idea
Feb 4, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read

Many buy the story that Putin's problem is NATO & Russia security.
Rather. his problem is primarily the EU and its offer of peace, prosperity and democracy, which appeals to Russians and threatens his grip on the country. 1/7 Let's not forget:
Putin invaded Ukraine after Maidan, where EU flags where all over the place, and whose original aim was to defend close economic ties with EU via association agreement. 2/7
Jan 28, 2022 14 tweets 8 min read
‼️‼️it's publications time!‼️‼️
In this work - co-authored with Roel Beetsma (EU Fiscal Board), Frank Vandenbrouke (Belgian Gov), @anniekderuijter and Brian Burgoon (both UvA), we ask a *key* question: which type of Fiscal Capacity do Europeans want?
⬇️⬇️… Image In particular, we use an experiment to causally infer the effect of alternative policy designs on public preferences.
We use a randomized conjoint experiment in 5 key EU countries - NL, FR, ES, IT, DE - to assess hundreds of alternative EU fiscal capacity designs.