Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt Profile picture
Int'l Lawyer | Scholar | Former UN Official | Sen.Adviser @ARDD @ar_renaissance Do not let one day go without doing something meaningful for humanity.
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Jan 9 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Independence and honesty are powerful tools against injustice.
@UN_SPExperts serve pro bono at the request of the @UN_HRC, documenting/reporting on human rights violations, often at great personal cost. We act based on knowledge of int'l law and profound belief that applying the Law equally, without double standards, can make the world a better place. Here are some examples of my colleagues' outstanding contributions on the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory in these most critical times: @MichaelFakhri, SR Food, at the HRC 2024 (his clips are generally for the ages):…
Apr 2, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
1. Anatomy of a genocide sketched out.… 2. "Israel's executive and military leadership and soldiers have intentionally distorted foundational rules of international humanitarian law - distinction, proportionality and precaution - in an attempt to legitimise genocidal violence against the Palestinian people."
Nov 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 Breve parentesi dai massacri a Gaza x rispondere a diffamazioni da parte di chi,nn potendo argomentare sui contenuti, cerca di screditarmi a partire da fonti notoriamente dileggiatorie mai verificate e congetture. I miei legali si occuperanno della tutela della mia funzione.
Image 2/4 Mio marito, non è stato MAI assunto e MAI pagato dall'Autorità palestinese. Nel 2011 fu consulente UNDP a sostegno del rafforzamento delle capacità del Ministero dell'Economia palestinese (5 mesi). Ma poi che siamo nel medioevo che la moglie risponde di ciò che fa il marito?
Nov 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
ON ISRAEL's #SelfDefense

1/Under Int'l Law Israel's actions in Gaza cannot qualify as self-defense
(see thread 👇)

I commend legal scholars as @ArdiImseis, who powerfully challenge "Israel's self-defense" narrative (watch video): 2/ In int'l law, #SelfDefense is a term of art, with a narrower meaning than in common language.

Under Art51 of #UNCharter, self-defense means :
(1) legitimate use of force
(2) by a state to protect itself against an attack
(3) from another state.
Mar 23, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
1/Due to the inability to enter the oPt, I turned my planned field visit into a 75day long series of consultations, including individual & town-hall meetings. I also conducted "virtual tours" with Palestinian & Israeli NGOs. My main observations: are here:… 2/Draconian regulations & law enforcement operations in the oPt often lead to arbitrary arrest&detention, violations of fair trial & ill-treatment.While most of these violations can be attributed to Israeli authorities, Palestinian authorities also bear significant responsibility
Jan 30, 2023 13 tweets 20 min read
At a moment of acute tensions in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) and a growing need for international protection, it is very concerning that @EU_Commission does not address the magnitude of evidence substantiating the existence of a regime of Apartheid in the oPt 🧵 1/13 @EU_Commission Instead, @EU_Commission hides behind a dogmatic position “it is not appropriate to use the term apartheid in connection with the State of Israel”. It said so in answers by EU High Rep @JosepBorrellF to questions in the European Parliament /2
Dec 29, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1/I am still waiting for an official response from the Israeli authorities regarding my entry into occupied Palestine in 2022. I have been waiting for a month now since my support team was told I would be granted entry. 2/Anticipating delay, I started meeting with authorities & NGOs in Amman. Not all could come. The journey from West Bank/Jerusalem can be long, uncertain & onerous. People from Gaza didn't even consider to afford it, through Egypt into Jordan.

No SR shoul be so inaccessible.
Dec 28, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Giorni fa @repubblica mi ha intervistata per l'edizione online. Intervista fiume, di ampio respiro, riprodotta interamente da Frammenti Vocali MO.

Selezionati/sintetizzati, a seguire, alcuni nodi critici.… É fondamentale che l'ebraismo nel mondo nn sia associato alle politiche dei governi di Israele,o indicato come corresponsabile di esse.Trovo preoccupante che forze politiche israeliane provino ad accrescere i propri consensi con politiche/retoriche di stampo etnonazionalistico.
Dec 8, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
My belated thanks @kschnurbein. While I warmly welcome your embrace of “human rights for all”, I don't see steps so far by @EU_Commission to counter the misuse of the IHRA definition of antisemitism (WDA), which “must be prevented” as you said before🧵1/5

@kschnurbein @EU_Commission Given IHRA's focus on Israel, Palestinians should also be treated as being concerned. I invite you to carefully consider the growing list of incidents showing how the IHRA WDA is used to chill free speech and activism in defence of Palestinian rights 👇🏼/2

Nov 16, 2022 23 tweets 13 min read
Thank you for your response, dear @kschnurbein. I took a few days to carefully consider it, please find my answers below. I’m happy to discuss further in person.

@kschnurbein I agree that evidence based policy making is essential. For evidence justifying the EU’s support for the IHRA working definition of antisemitism (WDA), you refer to the 2018 FRA survey. However, in general, policy making based on one piece and sort of evidence risks being flawed.
Nov 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I deplore the senseless loss of life that continues to plague the region: in 2022 alone so far, 190 Pal. & 24 Isr. were killed. Heartfelt condolences to the affected families.

To western states, who seem incapable to read & name what is happening in the region: please, wake up🧵 The current reality is the result of the toxic combination of protracted illegality & impunity: of tolerance of & acquiescence to Israel's domination of the occupied population,on lands usurped through force,discriminatory/abusive policies & pillaging of resources(yes, apartheid)