Frank Bednarz Profile picture
Lawyer at @HamLincLaw and @CCAF. I object to unfair class action settlements, and you should too! Beer geek, spreadsheet lover. I chronicle @BadCOVID19Takes.
Jan 16 20 tweets 6 min read
The LSAT, Twitter edition. Image LSAC missed other excellent answers for the Twitter LSAT.
Nov 19, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
Crazy, true story: Minnesota offered an expert declaration on AI and “misinformation” to oppose our motion to enjoin their unconstitutional law.

His declaration included fake citations hallucinated by AI!

🧵 1/xImage Minnesota AG @keithellison offered the expert declaration in support of the state’s ban on political “deepfakes,” which we argue infringes core political speech. 2/…
Mar 14, 2020 15 tweets 10 min read
A lot of people using the term "Wuhan virus" pretend like it was the normal thing to call the disease before this week. In fact, right-wingers just settled on the term Monday. /1 I scraped twitter verified users who used "Wuhan virus." As you can see, its usage exploded on Monday. Anyone telling your otherwise is disingenuous. ("Gaslighting," a term I hate, fits pretty well). /2 Image
Sep 5, 2019 40 tweets 23 min read
It's been 52 hours since @BLaw's attack on Leif Olson was posted, and Bloomberg's defense of the story is inexcusable. It remains a disingenuous hatchet job top to bottom. /1 @BLaw Of course the headline is a deliberate misreading of obvious sarcasm mocking loathsome Paul Nehlen supporters, as commentators pointed out within minutes of its posting. /2