Paul Biegler, D.A. Profile picture
Presbyterian Husband, Father, and Lawyer, returning to Reinheitsgebot ☧
Jul 16 15 tweets 3 min read
The Logical Case for Trump’s Attempted Assassination Being an Inside Job.

There are really only two questions left, regarding the “deep state’s” level of complicity in the attempted assassination of DJT: (1) extreme negligence, or (2) active participation. In this thread, I will make the case for option #2. My case will be made by examining the evidence and determining the proper burden of proof in this case and cases like it.
Jun 2 15 tweets 2 min read
I love the God who drowned all of the men, women, and children on the Earth (Genesis 7:21–23) I love the God who utterly destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for its rampant and debased homosexuality (Genesis 19:23-25)
Apr 29 5 tweets 1 min read
This one struck me as more tragic than usual because the dinks are just so average-looking. Their entire appearance screams “dad and mom” vibe.

Other dink videos at least attempt to look glamorous.

But you could insert children into this video and they would fit like a glove. “We slept in ‘til 7, but laid in bed until 8.”

You can literally do this, with a child, and it’s the most fun thing ever.
Jun 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I read the full article. Moore makes a horrible case here. 🧵

First, he strawmans his opponents as arguing that Leviticus *mandates* civil penalties for homosexuality, when in fact, they argue that Leviticus *allows* civil penalties for homosexuality.

1/8 Second, he applies intra-church stories and teachings to the civil magistrate. Yes, Paul told us simply to purge homosexuals from the church. No, Paul never told the government to punish them.

But neither did he tell the government *not* to punish them. Why would he?
