Frank J. Ranelli 💪🏋️‍♂️🥁🥋📚 Profile picture
Philosopher, poet, 2x national powerlifting champion, CP Trainer, bibliophile, drummer, car aficionado, widower. LEMS warrior.
Feb 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Ranelli Rant: 🧵

It seems that the “zero covid zealots” and “forever masketeers” are losing what little minds they have left, if any, and cranking up and out the crazy more than ever now on social media. They really do have a disturbing, perverse, deranged pathological obsession and twisted love affair with an endemic pathogen and a desire to live in a dystopian, covidian abject hellscape forever — a bizarre form of Stockholm Syndrome but with a virus. I have seen more logical fallacies and just plain, insane batshittery, such as